Home Page Blog Guide To Hire The Best Go Developers to Create Valuable Product Guide To Hire The Best Go Developers to Create Valuable Product Recrutment Last Updated: 8/01/2025 Share on Social Media: 2,160 12 min. You are here to find out how to hire Golang developers to create a valuable product, well, this article is going to explain step by step how you can find the top Golang developers out there! So without further ado, let me enlighten you! What is Go, Who Develops it, What do they do? If you are reading this article, it is safe to assume that you know what Golang is and you are here because you want to know how you could hire a Golang web developer that’s why there won’t be an in-depth analysis of Go but just a brief explanation. It is an open-source language that Google developed! They claim that it is fast, simple, reliable and efficient and to be honest with you, many people share that opinion! Even those who do not work for Google would tell you that it is one hell of a programming language. Developers who work with Go usually work with other languages such as Python, Java or C++. They usually also know their way around database-related tech like SQL, AWS, etc How to Identify Top Golang Developers? If you don’t have the tech skills, you can’t know which developer is more competent than the other. So if you want to hire Golang web developers by yourself, you need technical knowledge. Let me help you out a little here, by telling you about some must-have skills: Golang knowledge 😂 like working with Goroutines, Godoc commenting, etc; Knowledge of other languages like Python, C++, etc. (already mentioned before but it is important); Good understanding of working with databases; Git-friendly developer; Soft skills: Communication, Time Management, Teamwork and similar stuff required to work remotely. It is always a good idea to make them do a test task, to check if they can do what they claim to do! Imagine if someone claims to have worked for Google and after the test task you understand that they have worked for GobbleGobble instead. Saves a lot of time and resources, in my opinion. On the other hand, you can always go for a reputable outsourcing company like the ProCoders, with such companies you can be sure that the developer in question has already been through a load of tests and they would not put an incompetent person on a project because their reputation is on the line. That is because they have a dedicated team in the Human resources department which is always looking for the best Golang developers! Hiring Golang Developers of Different Seniority You have decided that you need something developed, and you want it to be in Golang and you want to hire Go engineers, but have you thought about the level of experience these developers would have? You might have or haven’t, but we will just compare some of the pros and cons when working with different levels of developers: Senior Pros They know everything about the programming language (well, almost). They are pretty much the best Golang coders out there! Easily deal with obstacles. Don’t sit around for someone to give them tasks, tend to know what to do. Experienced in working with teams and functioning as a unit. Would be able to work as a teamlead and help less experienced developers. Will always have worked in one of major industries like healthcare, consumer services, etc. Cons Expensive. Not easy to find. There is a real shortage of them! if you start looking for one, you will find out that there are people out there who are offering them things like paid trips, signing bonuses, etc. Making it hella hard to find them and get them to work for you! Check Go developers availability Get a checklist Check Go developers availability experience Please choose the experience level: Intermediate Senior duration Please choose the duration: 3-6 months 6+ months Details When to start: in a week in 2-3 weeks in a month Finish Enter your e-mail and we will be in touch shortly.* I'm just checking the prices/options and don't have a need right now. Please don't try to reach out. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Prev Next Middle Pros Relatively easy to find. They are not as experienced as Seniors but they do understand the job. Cons Might want the senior salary as some would think that they are experienced enough. Can come across problems they can’t solve and would need someone’s help. Junior Pros Affordable. Readily available. Willing to work and learn from their mistakes. Cons Inexperienced. Will run into problems and won’t be able to solve them independently. Can take days to finish a simple task that a middle or senior would do in just an hours Need to be micro-managed. Hire JavaScript Developers Check availibility Let’s Check which Developer Fits You! technologies Which technologies do you use? Angular Laravel React Symfony Node.js Vue.js Ruby on Rails React Native Ionic .NET Python Web3 Solidity Or just type your tech stack here: expertiese Please choose the experience level: Intermediate Senior Finish Enter your email and check how fast our responses are;)* I'm just checking the prices/options and don't have a need right now. Please don't try to reach out. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Previous Next Ways To Find a Go Developer for Hire This is what you have been waiting for! So grab some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the ride. Where do we find the best Go developers, everybody has been wondering. Well, there are a couple of ways to find experts, let’s find out which suits you best. Freelance Platforms: To hire Go developers you can use one of the numerous platforms for freelancing — UpWork, Fiverr, etc. There are hundreds of developers to choose from, there is sufficient talent out there but, you have to be sure what kind of a professional you are looking for, though. All you gotta do is either put up a job offer with your requirements or find freelancers who suit your preferred skill set and send them a message. But, with freelancers, you can’t be sure about them meeting the deadlines, you can’t possibly know about their Golang experience and the only guarantee of their quality of work is their reviews, they work by themselves and if they hit an obstacle or come across a problem which they can’t solve, you are going to find someone who will help with that so you have to be very careful when hiring Go engineers. On top of that, sometimes they do not tend to write clean code, which can lead to refactoring the whole project. We at ProСoders have come across such situations before, and sometimes rewriting a piece of code from scratch turns out to be a more economical solution than redoing an existing one. So why pay twice? This method might suit those who have a one-time Golang task and don’t want a long-term cooperation with the developer, and also, if someone wants to hire the Golang developers for cheap. Hiring Agencies: There are loads of hiring agencies out there which will help you find the best candidate who would be an expert in Golang technology. You won’t have to worry about how to find a Go developer for your project — just reach out to them and they will take it from there. Seems pretty easy, but it can be more expensive than other options. There are several things that you need to consider when you use their services. They will have a pool of candidates and quickly find and hire Golang language developers for you, and they will take a commission like any outsourcing/outstaffing company. Their main disadvantage is that only managers and recruiters work in such agencies, and they lack the technical experience required. So they cannot be responsible for those Golang language developers who they hire, because they cannot assess how competent their developers are. In addition, after the developer is hired on the project, the agency is no longer associated with him in any way. The developer is your employee now and they might not be used to the methods that you want to use, for example, if they don’t work with CI CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment) they will have to get used to your methods, which can be quite time-consuming. In-house Go Developers: Let me ask you this, do you have an office, space, and equipment using which 10-15 people can work simultaneously? If yes, then you can always hire the Go developers on a full-time basis, but the question is, do you have the time needed to wait for the CVs to come in, filter them, have interviews with every single potential employee, and give them test tasks, check them, then filter the candidates again. To be honest, it can take months and the whole process involved is not even mentioned here. But if you have the technical skills and infinite time on your hands, these developers would be working exclusively for you and you can manage, hire, fire or make them do whatever you want. There is another issue when you have hired a Golang development team in-house. What will you do when the project is over? Keep paying them? Let them Go? See, all these things can turn into a headache that you don’t really want. Hiring in-house would suit those who have someone with a technical background on their team, can manage the developers, have enough time to find the best Golang programmers according to their needs and can pay them even if they are not working on a project. ProCoders Hiring Service: So let me start by telling you what can we do for you! Imagine you have a project where you need to hire four Golang developers for now but you only have two, we can lend you two developers who can help you out for the time being and when your project is developed and you only need the two developers you had to maintain, you can just return them to us! It is as easy as 1-2-3! Another way we work is when you just have an idea that you approach us with, we make sure to set everything up for you, put a team together and get your project up and running, and then decrease the number of people in the team according to the needs! Interested in Hiring GO Developers? Contact us! Contact us! Let’s get started Why us? Let me start by telling you that instead of having a one-time fling with the client, we believe in a long-term partnership, working together over the years, and to tell you the truth we have got clients who can tell you personally about us and would be even ready to meet you. These are just people that we worked with/for and they are not paid by us! They loved working with us so much that they would happily share their experience! On a serious note, we have a proper process in place when hiring developers and working with a client. Each participant in our business relationship is protected and understands their rights and obligations. We have extensive geographical knowledge of developers with an excellent balance of price and quality. We have conducted in detail analyses of different developer markets, and we know where to hire professionals with the best expertise. Challenges of Go Developers Hiring Process Go has been around for a short time compared to other popular programming languages and it might be difficult to find a Go developer because the stats say that there are only around 1.2 million Go developers in the world at the moment. Yes! Even though there are more than a million of them out there, companies are finding it hard to hire the right candidate. Even if you find a potential Golang web developer who you could hire, you then have to understand their skill level and the quality of work they will produce, so people often tend to hire junior devs because more experienced developers are quite difficult to find and end up with a half-functioning product which they then have to get fixed by more experienced devs. Hourly rates or fixed pay for Go Developers? A lot of people have this issue when it comes to software development. They prefer paying a fixed price, and they do not like to pay hourly cause they believe that when paying hourly, developers tend to take longer to complete a project compared to when getting a fixed price. On the other hand, the best Go developers that you hire tend to finish the tasks as soon as possible, cause they do not have time to waste as a lot of people are looking to hire them! Still, you as a client don’t have control over the process of development when paying hourly and would usually overspend. Fix price is the only way to be in control and pay exactly what you have in mind. No hidden costs and overpayment. Hourly contracts have their advantages too though. You pay only for a sufficient time. You can be more flexible with tasks and pay only for a job that is completed and you don’t have to pay massive amounts to anyone up front. Average Golang Programmers Salary Overview What would you be paying for when you hire a Golang development team for your project depends usually on two things. The first is the experience, and the second factor is where the developer is located. A senior developer located in Central Europe would cost you less than one who is located in the US. If you want an extensive look into the salaries that the developers are earning, reading Go programmers salaries is suggested, this will give you in-depth knowledge of what the developers are paid for their work. Here is some basic information to give you a rough idea. CountryJunior (Annual)Mid-Level (Annual)Senior (Annual)Average HourlyUSA$79,267$107,254$130,705$54.76Estonia$45,323$75,352$98,703$38.59UK$72,658$105,322$121,039$53.33Germany$56,995$81,195$100,774$41.04Hungary$40,062$69,697$91,937$35.35Poland$46,131$77,004$100,449$38.18India$16,260$24,200$39,677$12.27 Check our Go developer’s rates Get report Check our developer’s rates experience Please choose the experience level: Intermediate Senior duration Please choose the duration: 3-6 months 6+ months Details When to start: in a week in 2-3 weeks in a month Finish Enter your e-mail and we will be in touch shortly.* I'm just checking the prices/options and don't have a need right now. Please don't try to reach out. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Prev Next Steps To Hire Qualified Golang Developers With ProCoders So you have decided to get the best out of your money and time and get a high-quality project by considering us at ProCoders to help you hire Golang language developers. Smart choice! We will not only find you a qualified developer, but we will also help you hire a Golang development team so you can get the desired results, let me tell you how exactly we will be doing it though. NDA We start by signing an NDA so your business idea is safe, then we will ask you to share the details of your business plan with us and ask you some questions about the idea. Research After hearing your ideas and needs plus desires, we will use our years of experience to find the most competent professionals that are required to deliver results. We consider these Go engineers based on their portfolios and experience. If we have these developers already in the pool and waiting for a project such as yours to come by, then you can be sure that we have carried out all the required steps already and they can start working on your project within the next 3-4 days! On the contrary, if we do not have suitable specialists in our arsenal then we start the hunt! We believe in quality hiring. That is why we are always happy to have competent developers on our team! Pre-Screen/English Check After that when we think that we have a potential Golang developer to hire, we tend to know them a little better, we carry out a couple of general interviews to evaluate them psychologically and check their level of English. Here we also try to ask them if there is anything that they specialize in, for example, are they good with UI UX? Test The developer is then given a test task that they have to complete. This then tells us more about their technical skills, basic knowledge, and basic hard skills. During this step, all the people without sufficient knowledge and/or quality of work are filtered out. Technical Interview After passing the test they have an interview with our technical leaders who then assess the competency of the Go engineer that would be hired. Our technical leaders are experienced and practising developers who are aware of what skills are required to be a good developer Interview with the client In the final step, the client then gets a chance to interview the developers that will be working on their project and they can ask absolutely anything they want. The client can skip this step if they trust our judgment, or if they do not have the time for an interview. F. A. Q. Where can I find Go Developers? You can find Go developers through a couple of ways, there are freelance platforms, hiring agencies, job boards where you can put up your job ad and hire in-house and ProCoders where you can hire competent developers for your project to achieve desired results. How can I be sure that the same developers that I have approved would work on my project? It is as simple, as you can take part in the management of the development team, be a part of all the meetings, see how they are working and talk to them if you want to. You will be involved in every process if you want to, and we will make sure that you are satisfied with the work being done. How to avoid exhausting communications with the remote development team? We make sure that the developers are competent and responsible enough to function on their own, you can also have managers managing the whole project and can sit back, relax and get all the necessary details from the managers if you want to. Conclusion Hiring Golang language developers can be rather tricky because there is a huge demand for them and not enough talents available, finding a competent professional is turning out to be quite a challenge, especially for smaller scale businesses, but it is not an impossible task! If research is done and all the proper steps are taken throughout the process. It can be a rather simple process. If hiring in-house developers, make sure that you or someone on your team has the technical knowledge to understand the level of the Golang developer who you want to hire, if using the services of a Hiring Agency, make sure that they have enough knowledge to set you up with a competent professional! Let’s Discuss your Needs! Contact Us! We’re ready to start! Let’s get started Recrutment 2,160 Posted: 21/10/2022 Last Updated: 8/01/2025 Previous postHow to Hire Ruby on Rails Developer? Next postHow to Find and Hire Svelte JS Developers to Boost Your App Launch Write a Reply or Comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.Post