Nearshore Software Development Services

Outsourcing is constantly evolving and adapting to meet the changing requirements of businesses worldwide. Want to take advantage of this model without time zone delays? Try nearshoring!

What is your challenge?

    Why nearshoring?

    Nearshoring retains a process similar to outsourcing, delegating software development to a specialized firm. The only difference is location. Unlike offshoring, nearshoring involves assigning a project to a nearshore software development services provider that is geographically closer to the customer.


    We offer nearshoring here at ProCoders, and our partners find it easier to connect with programmers with similar business ethics and are ready to work alongside their in-house personnel.

    Such services allow you to optimize software development, because employees are not scattered across different time zones. More joint hours of work means more efficiency and productivity for all team members.

    The benefits of hiring nearshore include:

    Outstaffing Model illustration

    Staff Augmentation

    The staff augmentation model is great for teams missing a puzzle piece to consolidate their staffing resources. Our main goal is to help you find the missing link quickly and efficiently. Within a few days of the interview, we will match you with an experienced and talented developer who fits the bill perfectly.

    Don’t waste time and money searching, recruiting, training, and onboarding a freelancer or a new staff member – by working with ProCoders, you will get the maximum result with the minimum drain on resources.

    Expand your in-house personnel with the right specialist, and you will feel the difference we have made to your business!

    Our rock-stars are hands-on with 50 more Ruby, PHP and JavaScript – based tools and libraries. What stack do you use?

    Internet of Things Illustration

    What’s a Self-Managed Dedicated Team (SMDT) You Can Hire Through Nearshoring?

    An SMDT or Team as a Service works as a self-sufficient unit of several programmers who work under your control, with all operational tasks managed by the team’s own Project Manager. With ProCoders, you will get flexible software engineers with skills tailored to your specific needs that will work with you from the start to the end of the project and deliver tangible results. From front-end to back-end, from a simple architecture to AI integration, from UI/UX to QA, any tech stack you need – we got it!

    The SMDT model works best after the Discovery Phase that we offer our clients to do. After a thorough analysis we can assemble the perfect team based on your specific requirements.

    Create your own dream team in almost no time and dominate the industry!

    Our nearshore software development services:

    How ProCoders differ?

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    Top IT outstaffing company by Leading Online Media & B2B Research platforms.
    We are on Clutch

    Where can you find us?

    Thanks to a wide network of offices and spaces, we’re able to cover almost all of Europe. From Portugal to Croatia and Albania, ProCoders programmers are ready to start delivering results for clients worldwide!

    What our clients say about us

    Over the years, we have been a software development partner to many companies in different industries and helped them realize their business goals. You can see the top-notch quality of our services by reading their reviews!

    Brian Herbert, CTO at AxisPoint

    ProCoders offers project management experience but we chose to handle this in-house. The members of the team we have now do not require a ton of hand-holding and are very proactive in solving problems.

    Brian Herbert
    CTO, Manufacturer & Distribution Software Provider
    Security and Compliance Built-in - Frontegg

    Nearshore Software Development for Frontegg

    One of the most successful cases of nearshoring that we would like to share is software development for our clients – Israel-based SaaS company Frontegg. Frontegg’s local team was very small and could not quickly and efficiently implement the unique idea that the CEO and CTO had developed, and the recruitment rules in Israel seemed too complicated and expensive due to taxes.

    At ProCoders we were able to assemble a small nearshoring development team of English-speaking coders in mere two weeks.

    frontegg icon


    • Build and release FrontEgg’s core product features 25 percent faster.
    • Reduce human resources costs by 38 percent.
    • Develop an ongoing team to work with FrontEgg long-term, providing a permanent outstaffed solution for the company for its ongoing needs, as well as being able to handle any surge in capacity staff that the company needs.
    • Make development sprints shorter while increasing project turnaround efficiencies by up to 30 percent.

    Do you want to learn more how to build remote team with ProCoders?


    How does nearshore software development differ from offshore and onshore development?

    Nearshore software development differs primarily in terms of geographic proximity and time zone alignment. While offshore outsourcing involves collaborating with teams in distant countries, often with significant time zone differences, nearshore outsourcing partners are closer geographically, resulting in more convenient communication and collaboration. Onshore development, on the other hand, involves working with local teams within the same country. Nearshore offers a middle ground, providing cost savings similar to offshore with the added benefits of easier coordination and fewer cultural barriers.

    How do I choose the right nearshore software development partner?

    Selecting the right nearshore partner involves evaluating their technical expertise, experience in your industry, and past project success. Assessing their communication skills, project management processes, and cultural compatibility is important. Reviewing client testimonials and case studies can provide insights into their reliability and performance. Establishing clear expectations and effective communication channels is crucial for a successful partnership.

    Is nearshore software development cost-effective?

    While it may not be as inexpensive as offshore development, it typically offers substantial savings compared to onshore development. The reduced costs stem from lower labor rates in nearby countries while still maintaining high-quality standards. The improved communication and collaboration efficiency due to similar time zones can also lead to faster project completion, further enhancing cost-effectiveness.

    What are the potential challenges of nearshore software development?

    Potential challenges include cultural differences, although these are generally less pronounced than with offshore outsourcing. There may also be legal and regulatory differences that need to be navigated. Ensuring that both parties have aligned expectations, clear communication, and effective project management practices can mitigate these challenges. Regular check-ins and the use of collaboration tools can help bridge any gaps and ensure smooth project execution.

    How does nearshore software development impact project timelines?

    Nearshore software development can positively impact project timelines due to the ease of communication and collaboration. Similar time zones enable real-time interactions, quicker feedback loops, and more efficient problem-solving. This can lead to faster development cycles and timely project completion compared to offshore development, where time zone differences can cause delays.

    What industries benefit most from nearshore software development?

    Industries that require frequent and detailed communication, rapid iteration, and high levels of customization can particularly benefit from nearshore software development. This includes sectors such as finance, healthcare, technology, and retail. The proximity allows for better alignment with business needs and regulatory requirements, making nearshore development an ideal choice for industries with complex or evolving demands.

    How do I manage a nearshore software development team effectively?

    Effective management of a nearshore software development team involves establishing clear communication channels, setting precise project goals and milestones, and using collaboration tools to facilitate real-time interaction. Regular video conferences, progress updates, and culturally sensitive communication practices can enhance collaboration. Building a strong relationship based on trust and mutual understanding is key to overcoming any potential challenges and ensuring project success.

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