Hire a JavaScript Developer

ProCoders can provide JS developers that guide our partners toward their milestones and beyond. With a team of 120+ experienced programmers, we’ve augmented over 150 teams, showcasing our expertise in JavaScript through action instead of words.

Looking to hire a JavaScript developer with rich experience?


    Our JavaScript Developers can provide the following services

    We at ProCoders use JS and its frameworks widely as it’s ideal both for front-end and back-end development. With skilled JavaScript developers for hire, you can build goal-achieving interactive websites, mobile apps, and server-side applications. Here are the most in-demand services companies come to ProCoders with:

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    Web Application Development

    Choosing the right tech stack and building feature-rich, interactive web apps with top-tier UX.

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    Front-End Development

    Crafting dynamic and responsive UI with ReactJS, Angular, Vue.js, and other frontend JS frameworks. Our experts are fluent in over 50 technologies and platforms!

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    Back-End Development

    Creating a strong backbone with scalable server-side development using Node.js to accommodate business growth.

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    Mobile App Development

    Accommodating with mobile-first approach with time-, money-, and effort-efficient cross-platform applications with React Native or Ionic.

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    Single-Page Application (SPA) Development

    Developing high-performance SPAs with React or Angular with dynamic content loading.

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    Custom Plugin and API Development

    Extending platform functionality and building integrations with external systems, from contact forms to an AI assistant like OmniMind.

    Why Hire JS Developers from ProCoders

    Illustration of a web page

    How experienced are JS Developers from ProCoders?

    We only hire JavaScript programmers after they successfully pass a 4-stage interview and testing algorithm. We’ve been fine-tuning this proprietary hiring process for almost 10 years, which allows us to proudly present our devs to you now and build solid, scalable solutions for the partners we already collaborate with.

    Only Hire JavaScript Experts Who Have Something to Bring to Your Project.

    ProCoders Working Models

    We have 2 main working models:

    What ProCoders’ Partners Say as They Hire JS Developers from Us

    A black and white photo of Todd Pritts wearing a hat.
    Todd, Roth River
    ReactJS, JavaScript, Node.js

    Their speed, ability to get the concepts and translate into working code was super impressive. They are always open to talk through your ideas, even if they are very early in development.

    Eldad, frontegg
    ReactJS, JavaScript, Node.js

    We never got a no from them, they said they can do anything, and they really do.; While we are a new young start-up who try to deliver new features very fast, ProCoders helped us build a full of features platform in a short time of a year. They are very dynamic according to our needs and very quick in what they do.

    photo of Nathaniel Jewell
    Nathaniel, Dryft
    Angular, JavaScript, Ionic

    ProCoders has been the best development firm I’ve worked with. Their team’s overall responsiveness has been fantastic, including at night and on weekends. Despite there being a time zone difference, they’re able to deal with urgent issues. If we notice there’s a bug, someone on their team is always available to provide a solution. They’re excellent.

    Listen to Our Clients’ Feedback Directly

    Henry Lynch
    Co-Founder & CTO @ Vsimple
    “It’s not been the traditional contractor-company relationship, I feel like everybody in our team genuinely cares about our product and our customers.“
    Jens Larsson
    Co-founder and CPO @ Avanto Care
    “We’re impressed with their ability to understand our needs and match us with the right developer. The developer is skilled and fits our culture and way of working.”
    Shai Alani
    VP Marketing @ Aporia
    “The company’s ability to consistently deliver cutting-edge technological solutions and their dedication to innovation set them apart in the industry.”
    Roni Berri
    Co-founder and CRO @ PayEat
    “After presenting our application in an exhibition in Sweden we received only positive feedback on the smoothness & quality of the application and landed multiple clients that day.”

    The ProCoders approach

    ProCoders is ready to provide you with full-time, full-stack JavaScript developers for mobile or web development.

    So, why hire our specialists?

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    Partnerships over customers

    We don’t look for customers to fill our portfolio with as many cases as possible. ProCoders seeks partnerships where we can contribute to your success and grow along!

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    Middle/senior JS developers only

    ProCoders is about professional JavaScript development. We only recruit experts of middle to senior level, with practical experience in various industries.

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    English-fluent experts

    English proficiency and business culture understanding help avoid miscommunication.

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    Data security

    At ProCoders, an ISO 27001-certified company, all the data about your business and product is safe and further protected by NDAs.

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    Full technical support

    Full-cycle software development support through technical skills and years of experience from the Discovery Phase to post-development maintenance.

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    Full development crew available

    If you need more specialists for your development, i.e. designers, QA specialists, or experts in other programming languages, we can provide them as well.

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    Open communication

    We favor open communication, development recommendations, and regular updates. Our partners deserve the truth in any situation.

    Get Access to Top-Tier Talent and Deliver Exceptional User Experiences with ProCoders Experienced Middle/Senior Developers.

    Hire a JavaScript Developer with Experience in Multiple Industries

    At ProCoders, you can hire a JavaScript programmer for projects in the following industries:

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    Learning management systems, education platforms, AI-infused tests, etc.

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    Wearables data collection and monitoring, data visualization, etc.

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    Warehouse and inventory management systems, delivery apps, etc.

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    Law and Legal

    Litigation management software, data sharing and presentation solutions, etc.

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    Real Estate

    Property search and management with interactive platforms that connect buyers, sellers, and renters.

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    Sports & Fitness

    Workout booking, tournament participation apps, etc.

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    Custom solutions for inventory management, quality control, and operational efficiency.

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    Apps for vehicle maintenance tracking, dealership management, and user engagement.

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    Financial Services

    Platforms for online banking, investment management, and fraud detection.

    If you don’t find your industry there, just contact us directly to see how we can help!

    Projects that our JavaScript developers have delivered


    Roth River

    IoT, SaaS, Distillery

    ReactJS, JavaScript, Node.js

    ProCoders’ Task: Roth River came to ProCoders with a request to create an IoT-infused sensor monitoring app for top-level bourbon distillation.

    What We Did: Our experts have created control systems for temperature, pressure, and humidity, visualizing data in mobile and web apps accessible from anywhere.

    Working Model: The Kentucky partner used the Team as a Service (TaaS) approach, where you hire a JS developer team to do whatever you need for the project. No matter if it scales up and down, or even if you change the whole idea, you can adapt the team and have full tech support.

    Results: The monitoring apps grew into a whole Warehouse Management System where our partners can now control inventory with a couple of clicks.

    frontegg mockup


    User Management, B2B SaaS

    JavaScript, ReactJS, Node.js

    ProCoders’ Task: To fix the client’s disappointment from the previous work with another outsourcing provider by coding the frontend of their solution.

    What We Did: Our JS developers created not only the frontend part but the whole website, making it highly interactive yet light and intuitive, which was a priority for this SaaS provider to have an appealing “face” for potential and existing customers.

    Working Model: Staff Augmentation was the approach of choice for this case. You can hire a JavaScript engineer(s) to extend an existing development team.

    Results: We managed to stay within tight timelines and budgets and launched the front end of their SaaS product, perfectly reflecting the clients’ expertise and values.



    Fitness, Health & Wellness

    Angular, JavaScript, Ionic

    ProCoders’ Task: A complex multi-section app with in-app payments, calendar integration, a space for trainers to post promos for their events, another space for users to book those events, etc.

    What We Did: We built a cross-platform application that presented the groundbreaking idea of our partner to both iOS and Android users. Our devs coded a booking system, search, pop-up notification, and even a social feature where users could follow one another.

    Working Model: Discovery Phase first, where we studied the client’s idea, the scope of work, budget and time expectations, etc., coming up with a clear roadmap. Then, they opted for our TaaS model.

    Results: An ambitious idea has become a real project where you can work out at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, keep your motivation high, follow like-minded people, and make in-app purchases conveniently.

    Your Success Story Is Next! Find JavaScript Developers at ProCoders and Take the First Step to Creating a Solution Your Customers Need.

    What’s Next? The ProCoders Workflow

    The First Contact

    Clients reach out to us with their project request, and we arrange our first call.


    NDA Signing

    Before discussing any important details, we sign NDAs for mutual confidentiality.


    Discovery Phase

    In case you need a whole development team, we analyze the project, budget, and timeline and create a roadmap.


    Developer Selection and Interview

    We choose developers suitable for the project, and our new partner interviews them.


    Project Execution

    Developers follow the roadmap, provide updates, and manage risks, maintaining communication through the client’s channels.


    Monthly Payments

    The client conveniently makes monthly payments for the developers’ services.

    Use This Neat Algorithm and Hire a JavaScript Coder Team to Kickstart Your Project Now!


    How long will it take for my JavaІcript developer to start working?

    24 hours. We always have developers on bench, so if we have a free developer with the required skills and experience, then we can provide them for your team on the same day. However, there is a high demand for our services, so the right developers may not be available at this particular moment. In this case, the hiring process can take 2-4 weeks, but as a result, you will still get the perfect specialist for your team.

    Is it easy to scale the ProСoders’ team up or down?

    Onboarding extra developers takes anywhere from 24 hours (if we have available developers who fit your requirements) to a couple of weeks. Removing engineers requires one month’s notice. No additional paperwork or compensation payments are required. ProCoders is about flexibility, so we’ll make sure to adapt to the pace of your project.

    Can you guarantee your services will satisfy my tech needs?

    Our 5.0/5.0 Clutch review rating says “Yes!”. We’ve augmented over 150 teams, from South Korea and the USA to Sweden and Italy. Our loyal partners often come back to us when they need help with their development process again. We always encourage our potential partners to talk to our existing clients personally.

    Can a non-technical CEO manage a team?

    Yes. ProCoders can conduct a Discovery Phase for you, creating a comprehensive roadmap for future development. This will provide you with a clear understanding of the stages of the product development, whether it is progressing on schedule, and if any unexpected issues may arise. With our expertise, you’ll have transparency and control throughout the entire development process.

    How to hire JS developers?

    You can hire JavaScript devs in two ways. First, by defining your needs, posting a job description, spending months conducting interviews, testing skills, and checking references, and making an offer. Or you can contact ProCoders – we have JavaScript developers on bench that can start working on your project in days!

    What skills should I look for in a JS engineer?

    Look for proficiency in programming languages, data structures, databases, and version control. Soft skills include communication, problem-solving, time management, attention to detail, and adaptability.

    How do you hire JavaScript coders?

    We employ a 4-stage process with interviews and practical tests conducted by experienced tech specialists to evaluate skills and qualifications. Technical knowledge and standards for JavaScript coding are thoroughly assessed to ensure we select skilled and competent developers.

    Can you put together a team that meets the requirements of my project?

    Yes, because we never provide just any developer. First, we gather requirements from the client, meanwhile discussing why they have these specific requests. Together, we evaluate which points are the most important, setting clear timeframes for product delivery. We then assess our pool of developers, looking for a perfect match. In case we don’t have a suitable candidate, we turn to verified external sources to find and hire a JavaScript developer full time to assign them to your project. In addition, you can use our Discovery Phase analysis, where we carefully research your project and then give our expert opinion on the approximate duration, tech stack (and the optimal number of developers), as well as the approximate budget!

    Lightning-fast response!

    Do you want to learn more how to build remote team with ProCoders?

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