How To Build a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) And Start Your Business Journey
11 min.

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) offer superior transparency, liquidity, and security in the cryptocurrency world. Building a DEX requires knowledge of blockchain, smart contracts, and UX design.

Using ProCoders knowledge and tapping into the years of experience, we’ll cover how to make a decentralized exchange in general, with the focus on DEX architecture, required technologies, development process, and provide business tips for launching and growth and bring recommendations that you will be able to use! With this guide, you can build a secure, scalable DEX tailored to your audience and business needs. Let’s get started!

How To Build a Decentralized Exchange

How Does Decentralized Exchange Software work?

Before you learn how to create a DEX, you must understand what it actually is! Well, A decentralized exchange (DEX) is a peer-to-peer platform for trading cryptocurrencies that operates without a central intermediary or authority. Decentralized exchanges use smart contracts that are executed on the blockchain network to enable users to trade cryptocurrencies in a trustless and transparent manner.

Here is a simple overview of how decentralized exchange software work brought to you by ProCoder specialists:

To use a DEX, users first need to connect their cryptocurrency wallet to the exchange. This can be done by using a browser wallet like Metamask or connecting directly to a hardware wallet like a Ledger.

Once the wallet is connected, users can view the order book which details the current bids and asks on the exchange. Unlike centralized exchanges, where orders are processed by a central server, decentralized exchanges aggregate orders from multiple sources and display them on a public ledger. 

When a user wishes to make a trade, they submit an order to the blockchain network by creating a transaction with defined parameters like the trading pair, price, and amount. The smart contract then verifies the order and executes the trade if it meets the specified parameters.

Once the trade is executed, the smart contract will initiate the settlement process. Settlement is the process of transferring the cryptocurrency between the parties involved in the trade. The smart contract escrows the cryptocurrencies held by the buyers and sellers during the trade execution and then releases them upon successful completion of the trade.

The transaction is confirmed by the blockchain network and recorded immutably on the public ledger making it completely transparent and tamper-proof. The smart contract then updates the order book to reflect the new bid and ask prices.

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Typical Architecture of a DEX

To create your own DEX, it is essential to understand the architecture of one. The typical architecture of a decentralized exchange (DEX) is composed of several components that work together to enable peer-to-peer trading of cryptocurrencies in a trustless and transparent manner. Here is an overview of the key components of a typical DEX architecture:

Blockchain Network: 

The DEX is built on top of a blockchain network, which is used to secure and verify all transactions and operations executed on the platform. Ethereum is currently the most popular blockchain network used for building DEXs due to its support for smart contracts and a wide range of programming languages.

Smart Contracts: 

Smart contracts are self-executing computer programs that run on the blockchain network and automate the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies between users. Smart contracts define the business logic, rules, and regulations for buying, selling, and transferring cryptocurrencies on the DEX.

Smart Contracts

Order Book: 

The order book is where buyers and sellers place orders to trade cryptocurrencies. In a decentralized exchange, the order book is managed by the smart contracts, which constantly update the bid and ask prices on the platform.


Decentralized exchanges use cryptocurrency wallets to manage user funds and enable the exchange of cryptocurrencies between users. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges, where users deposit funds into an exchange-managed account, decentralized exchanges allow users to keep ownership of their funds in their personal wallets.

User Interface: 

The user interface is the front-end component of the DEX, where users can interact with the platform to place, view, and cancel orders, as well as view their balances and transaction history. The user interface may be a web-based interface, mobile app, or a desktop client.

Liquidity Providers: 

One of the key challenges facing DEXs is the lack of liquidity compared to centralized exchanges. To address this, some DEXs integrate with liquidity providers to offer users better trading depth and seamless transactions between different cryptocurrencies.

Interoperability Protocol: 

A new trend in the DEX architecture is the use of interoperability protocols like the Polkadot network or the Cosmos Network. These protocols allow different DEXs to connect and interoperate with each other, thereby creating a decentralized trading network that offers users access to a wider spectrum of digital assets while allowing them to retain ownership of their assets in a decentralized ecosystem.

The combination of these components enables the platform to operate in a trustless, transparent, and decentralized manner, while providing users with a secure and user-friendly trading environment.

Tech Stack You Need to Build a Decentralized Exchange

Building a decentralized exchange (DEX) can be a complex process that requires a good understanding of blockchain technologies, smart contracts, and user experience design. So we at ProCoders have put together some of the key technologies and programming languages you need to build a decentralized exchange:

Blockchain Network: 

The first step to building a DEX is to choose a blockchain network to develop on. Ethereum is currently the most popular blockchain network used for building decentralized applications due to its support for smart contracts and a wide range of programming languages. At this stage, consider your routing contract with the network provider for smooth data flow.

Web Development: 

You need to create a user interface that enables users to interact with the smart contracts and blockchain network. Web development tools and frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js can be used to create a user-friendly interface for the DEX. If you are looking for developers do read cryptocurrency developers for hire to get enlightened! 

Web development tools and frameworks

Smart Contracts: 

Smart contracts are self-executing computer programs that run on the blockchain network and automate the process of exchanging cryptocurrencies between users. You would need to write smart contracts in a programming language like Solidity or Vyper that is compatible with the blockchain network you are building on.


The backend of the DEX should manage the communication between the user interface and the blockchain network. You can use programming languages like JavaScript or Python, together with frameworks like Node.js, to develop the backend.

API Integration: 

You will need to integrate various APIs to provide additional functionality to the DEX. For example, you may want to integrate with a cryptocurrency price aggregator API or a token swap protocol API.


Security is critical for a DEX, and you will need to implement various measures to ensure the safety of user funds and data. You can use tools like Truffle or Embark to test smart contracts for vulnerabilities and integrate security protocols like Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) and SSL. Also, the hash code is a key component of blockchain technology, as it ensures the integrity and security of every transaction.

Cloud Services:

Deploying a DEX on the blockchain network and maintaining it over time can be challenging. Cloud services like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform can provide scalable and reliable infrastructure to host the DEX.

ancient map
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Create Your Own Decentralized Exchange: Guide From ProCoders

Here is a general step-by-step guide that we ProCoders have put together so you can create your own decentralized exchange:

1. Define your requirements and business goals: 

Define the purpose of your DEX, the types of cryptocurrencies you want to support, the target audience, and the desired user experience. Determine how the DEX will generate revenue, what fees will be charged, and how users will interact with the platform. We can help you here with our Discovery Phase, where we analyze your needs, come up with a plan and support you in understanding the requirements needed for your business idea to come to life.

2. Choose the blockchain network:

Choose a blockchain network to build your DEX on. Currently, Ethereum is the most commonly used blockchain for DEX development due to its support for smart contracts and a wide range of programming languages.

3. Create Smart Contracts:

Smart contracts are the self-executing computer programs that automate the transaction process on the DEX. Develop smart contracts that enable users to trade and exchange cryptocurrencies in a trustless and transparent way. You can use Solidity or Vyper programming language to write smart contracts. For more details on How to Make a Smart Contract ProCoders have created an in-depth guide!

4. Build the User Interface (UI):

Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface that enables users to interact with smart contracts on the blockchain network. You can use web development frameworks or libraries like Angular, React, or Vue.js for this purpose. ProCoders can provide you with Front end specialists and Designers for your application.

Build the User Interface (UI)

5. Test the Smart Contracts:

Before deploying the smart contracts to the blockchain, you need to thoroughly test them for vulnerabilities and bugs. Use testing frameworks like Truffle or Embark, and simulate different transaction scenarios to ensure the smart contracts are secure and efficient.

6. Deploy the Smart Contracts:

Deploy the smart contracts to the blockchain network. This usually involves compiling the smart contracts into bytecode and then uploading the bytecode to the blockchain network.

7. Integrate with Web3 Provider:

Integrate the user interface with web3 provider. This allows the interface to access and interact with the smart contracts on the blockchain network.

8. Implement Advanced Features:

Implement advanced features like liquidity pools, governance protocols, token swap protocols to enhance the functionality of your DEX. Which ones you require can be better determined during the discovery phase, allowing more accurate budgeting.

9. Launch:

Once the DEX is ready to be launched, deploy it on a test network. Invite users to test the platform and gather feedback. Make any required adjustments before launching it on the main network.

10. Market and Promote:

Market and promote your DEX to the target audience through social media, advertising, and community engagement. Offer enticing incentives to attract traders and liquidity providers. Also, remember to budget for marketing; not enough attention paid to marketing and brand awareness can cause problems. 

We had a case that underscores the importance of marketing and market research that happened with an eCommerce startup we assisted. We helped them develop an innovative delivery app, featuring groundbreaking technology, including live tracking of your delivery in real-time. Despite the remarkable concept and excellent execution, the startup failed in its marketing efforts.

They didn’t conduct thorough market research, choosing to launch in a city where there were no competitors. Unfortunately, the lack of competition was due to a dormant market in the chosen location. Despite their innovative app and the absence of direct competitors, they failed to attract users. This resulted in financial difficulties and ultimately, the closure of the startup.

This demonstrates the importance of understanding your market before launching your product, regardless of how innovative or technically superior it may be. It’s a critical lesson we at ProCoders always remember and why we always advise planning ahead.

Building a DEX is complex, and ProCoders can help you navigate any or all of these steps, ensuring a seamless process from conception to launch. As a core provider, our primary role is to supply the essential services that form the backbone of your operations.

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Business Tips on How to Start a Decentralized Exchange

How to start a decentralized exchange (DEX)? Well, it can be an exciting and rewarding business opportunity. However, it also poses unique challenges that require careful consideration and planning. We at ProCoders have put together some business tips on how to create a decentralized exchange and start it:

DEX Monetization

A DEX generates revenue by charging fees on transactions processed on the platform. You can also create your own token (how to create a cryptocurrency token) and charge fees in your token. Offering a lower transaction fee than existing centralized exchanges will help to attract users to your DEX. For example, Uniswap charges a small fee on each transaction, which contributes to its revenue.

Save on Development Costs

To build a DEX requires expertise in blockchain technologies, smart contracts, web development, and user experience design. Instead of building from scratch, consider using existing open-source protocols or platforms like 0x, Loopring, or Kyber Network. At ProCoders we would be able to help to save on development costs and also provide you with ready-made solutions that can be customized to meet your business requirements. 

Here we can learn from the success of PancakeSwap, a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain. PancakeSwap utilized the existing infrastructure and community of Binance Smart Chain to create a thriving DEX ecosystem, saving on development costs while benefiting from the network effect.

Save on Development Costs

Scale and Keep Being Profitable

To succeed in the long run, it is essential to have a well-defined plan for scaling the DEX and keeping it profitable. You can scale the DEX by integrating with other DEXs, providing cross-trading options with other blockchains, or launching your token swap protocol. Additionally, providing an attractive incentive program to traders and liquidity providers is a key factor in keeping your DEX profitable.

We love what Sushiswap did, they introduced yield farming and staking mechanisms, encouraging liquidity providers to contribute assets and earn rewards. This innovative approach helped Sushiswap scale rapidly and maintain profitability.

Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and Promotion is critical for DEX growth. Engaging with blockchain communities, leverage social media, creating a blog, or run events like hackathons, and offering rewards to early adopters. It is also beneficial to establish partnerships with other blockchain-related enterprises and community influencers to attract a wider audience.

A smart strategy has been devised by 1inch, They actively engage with the blockchain community, conduct airdrops and token giveaways, and partners with other projects to expand their user base. Building strategic alliances and actively promoting the platform through various channels have been instrumental in their success.

Incorporating similar concepts, adapting them to your unique circumstances, and tapping into the expertise of ProCoders can enhance the potential success of your own DEX.

How to Build a Decentralized Exchange and Make it Profitable?

Focus on developing a robust technical infrastructure with blockchain and smart contracts, while implementing competitive transaction fees and incentivizing liquidity providers. Additionally, invest in effective marketing strategies to attract users and forge partnerships within the blockchain community. Although, it can be a complex process that requires a good understanding of blockchain technologies, smart contracts, and user experience design. To make it profitable, you can consider different revenue streams such as transaction fees, listing fees, and token launching fees. You can also partner with other DeFi protocols and liquidity providers to increase the liquidity of your platform and attract more users. To create a successful DEX, you need to provide a secure and user-friendly trading experience and a strong community of users and developers. Also, Consider NFTs, the recent boom in digital art has made the NFT marketplace a rapidly growing industry.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a DEX?

Generally, building a DEX can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost of building a DEX can vary depending on several factors such as the development team’s hourly rate, the complexity of the features desired, and the time it takes to develop the platform. Typically, the cost to build a DEX can range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What Issues You May Face When Make a Decentralized Exchange as a Non-tech Owner?

As a non-tech owner of a decentralized exchange, you may face several challenges during the development and deployment processes. These challenges can include difficulty in creating and implementing smart contracts, security vulnerabilities in the platform, etc. Depending on your target region, you may also face regulatory and compliance issues that can impact the platform’s legality and usability. However, this is a question better answered by law consultants, we have trusted sources in numerous regions, who can help you out, and we will certainly point you in their direction if you need consulting before development!

How to Monetize a Decentralized Exchange?

There are several ways to monetize a DEX, including charging transaction fees on trades executed on the platform, listing fees for new tokens or coins, and charging a commission for token launches or ICOs hosted on the platform. You can also explore revenue-sharing partnerships with liquidity providers or explore other decentralized finance protocols for cross-platform collaborations. Ultimately, success in monetizing a DEX depends on developing a sustainable and secure trading platform that attracts a broad and vibrant community of users and developers.


I am sure that by now you know how to build a decentralized exchange, but remember, creating a decentralized exchange (DEX) is a challenge that requires technical knowledge, strategic planning, and effective marketing. It’s natural to have lingering questions and a multitude of ideas to explore. To address these uncertainties and discover the potential of your idea, reach out to us at ProCoders.

With ProCoders as your partner, we can help simplify the complex process of DEX development, turning your vision into a user-friendly platform. So, embark on your DeFi journey with patience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn. Together with ProCoders, let’s shape the future of finance! Do read about how to set up a crypto exchange and how to create a defi app for a further insight. 

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