ProCoders Guide: Gutenberg vs Elementor – Picking the Right WordPress Tool
10 min.

In the evolving landscape of WordPress development, the choice between two major tools – Gutenberg and Elementor – has sparked considerable debate among developers and website creators. This ProCoders Guide delves into this ongoing discussion, offering insights and clarity to help you make an informed decision about which tool is right for your WordPress projects.

Choosing a tool for WordPress development is not just a matter of preference; it’s a strategic decision that can significantly impact the design, functionality, and overall success of your website. In the Gutenberg vs Elementor feat, each competitor has its unique strengths and limitations, and understanding these is key to leveraging the full potential of WordPress for your specific needs.

Understanding Gutenberg

The platform, named after the inventor of the printing press, Johannes Gutenberg, marks a significant shift in the WordPress editing experience. Its introduction aimed to modernize and simplify content creation on WordPress, moving away from the classic editor that had been a staple of the platform for years.

Brief History and Purpose of Gutenberg

Gutenberg was introduced as part of WordPress 5.0 in December 2018. Its primary purpose was to make content creation more accessible and intuitive, especially for users without extensive coding knowledge. By introducing a block-based editor, the tool transformed the way users build and design their WordPress sites, allowing for more flexibility and creativity in the layout and content.

Key Features of the Gutenberg Editor

  • Block-Based Editing: Gutenberg operates on a block system, where each piece of content (like a paragraph, image, or video) is a distinct block, making it easy to manipulate and arrange content.
  • Custom Blocks: It offers a range of blocks for different content types and allows developers to create custom blocks.
  • Flexibility in Layout: It provides more control over page layouts, enabling users to create complex designs without needing additional plugins or custom code.
  • Reusable Blocks: Users can save and reuse blocks across different posts or pages.
  • Built-In Customization Options: Basic customization options for colors, fonts, and block-specific settings are included, reducing the need for external plugins for simple tasks.
Gutenberg Editor

Pros and Cons of Using Gutenberg for WordPress Development


  • Integrated into WordPress: Being a part of WordPress, it doesn’t require additional installation or major compatibility checks.
  • Ease of Use: Its intuitive interface is suitable for beginners.
  • Performance: Generally, it is lighter and faster than third-party page builders.
  • Regular Updates: As a core part of WordPress, it receives regular updates and improvements.


  • Learning Curve: Users familiar with the classic editor may need time to adapt to the block-based approach.
  • Limited Design Capabilities: While it offers flexibility, its design capabilities are not as extensive as dedicated page builders.
  • Plugin Compatibility: Some older plugins might not be fully compatible with Gutenberg.

The service represents a significant step forward in WordPress’s evolution, aiming to streamline and enhance the content creation process. Its block-based approach offers an accessible platform for users of varying skill levels, although it may not yet match the advanced design capabilities of specialized page builders.

Now, let’s find out more about the other participants of the WordPress Gutenberg vs Elementor feat.

Recommended: How to Group Blocks in WordPress

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Understanding Elementor

This powerful page builder plugin for WordPress has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of website design and development. Since its initial release in 2016, the platform has rapidly gained popularity, offering users an alternative approach to creating dynamic, complex websites with ease.

Brief History and Purpose of Elementor

The service was developed to provide a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that enables WordPress users to design custom websites without requiring deep coding knowledge. Its introduction filled a significant gap in the market for a flexible, comprehensive page builder that could cater to both novice and professional developers.

Key Features of the Elementor Page Builder

  • Drag-and-Drop Editor: It offers a visual drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to design and customize pages in real time.
  • Wide Array of Widgets: It comes packed with a variety of widgets for adding elements like text, images, buttons, sliders, and more to your pages.
  • Responsive Design Controls: It allows for designing mobile-responsive websites with controls to adjust elements for different screen sizes.
  • Pre-designed Templates: A vast library of pre-designed templates is available, speeding up the design process and providing inspiration.
  • Popup Builder: The ability to create and manage pop-ups adds to the range of marketing tools available within Elementor.
  • Theme Builder: It goes beyond just pages, allowing users to design entire themes, including headers, footers, and other dynamic content. You can use it at first, opting for custom WordPress theme development later on for a more unique branding.

Pros and Cons of Using Elementor for WordPress Development


  • Highly Customizable: Elementor offers extensive customization options, making it possible to create unique and sophisticated designs.
  • Ease of Use: Its intuitive interface is suitable for beginners, reducing the learning curve.
  • Large Element Library: The wide variety of elements and widgets provides great flexibility in design.
  • Active Community and Support: A large community and regular updates ensure continuous improvement and support.


  • Performance Impact: Elementor can be heavier than Gutenberg, potentially impacting website load times and performance.
  • Dependence on Plugin: Being a plugin, it requires regular updates and maintenance, and there might be compatibility issues with other plugins or WordPress updates.
  • Cost for Premium Features: While it has a free version, many advanced features are locked behind its premium version.

Elementor has established itself as a top choice for those seeking extensive design capabilities and ease of use any WordPress development services company will benefit from. Its wide range of features and customizable options make it a preferred tool for creating professional-grade websites, although considerations regarding performance and dependence on the plugin should be taken into account.

Elementor vs Gutenberg: The Comparison

When considering Gutenberg editor vs Elementor for WordPress development, several key aspects come into play. 

There is a difference between Elementor and Gutenberg you should pay attention to. Understanding them can help you make a more informed decision about which tool best suits your needs.

Elementor vs Gutenberg

User Interface and Ease of Use


Its block editor offers a clean and simple interface. It’s integrated into WordPress, providing a more streamlined experience for WordPress users.

The learning curve is relatively gentle, especially for those already familiar with WordPress.


The editor provides a more advanced drag-and-drop interface, allowing for visual editing in real-time.

It’s known for its user-friendliness, even for beginners, but offers more complexity and options compared to Gutenberg.

Flexibility and Customization Options


The builder’s block-based approach offers a good degree of flexibility, but it’s more limited in terms of design options compared to full-fledged page builders.

Customization is available but within the constraints of each block’s capabilities.


Elementor excels in flexibility and customization. Its wide range of widgets and design options allow for highly detailed and unique designs.

The ability to fine-tune virtually every aspect of your site’s design is a significant advantage.

Performance and Site Speed Implications


Generally, it is lighter on resources, which can lead to faster loading times and better performance, especially on less complex sites. So, is Gutenberg faster than Elementor? Yes, a little bit.


The platform’s extensive features can impact site speed and performance, particularly on more complex sites with numerous elements and widgets.

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Maximize Your WordPress Potential! Collaborate with ProCoders for seamless integration of Elementor or Gutenberg in your website.

Compatibility with Themes and Plugins


As a core part of WordPress, Gutenberg tends to have good compatibility with most themes and plugins, particularly those regularly updated.


The service is also highly compatible with a wide range of themes and plugins. However, due to its more complex nature, there might be occasional compatibility issues, especially with less common plugins or themes.

In summary, Elementor and Gutenberg cater to different needs and skill levels in WordPress development. Gutenberg, with its simplicity and integration into WordPress, is ideal for those who prefer a straightforward approach and prioritize performance. On the other hand, Elementor is the go-to choice for users seeking advanced customization options and a more visual design process, though it may come with a slight trade-off in performance. 

The decision between the two should be based on the specific requirements of your project, your level of expertise, and the importance you place on design flexibility versus native WordPress integration.

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Use Cases: When to Use Which Builder?


Choosing Gutenberg as your WordPress tool is most beneficial in certain scenarios and for specific types of projects:

Ideal Scenarios for Opting for Gutenberg

  • Blog and Content-Focused Websites: Gutenberg is perfect for content creators who focus on writing and blogging, thanks to its straightforward content editing capabilities.
  • Websites Requiring Fast Performance: For sites where speed and performance are critical, Gutenberg’s lightweight nature makes it a great choice.
  • Users Familiar with WordPress: Those already comfortable with WordPress will find Gutenberg’s integration a natural extension of their existing workflow.

Types of Projects that Benefit from Gutenberg’s Features

  • Simple Corporate or Personal Websites: Gutenberg is well-suited for building basic websites that require standard pages like home, about us, contact, and blog.
  • Content-Heavy Sites: Online magazines, news sites, or blogs with a focus on text and media content can leverage Gutenberg’s efficient content management system.
  • Projects with Limited Budget or Development Resources: Smaller projects or those with limited resources can benefit from the ease of use and low overhead associated with Gutenberg.


This editor, on the other hand, shines in different scenarios and is well-suited for a distinct set of project types:

Elementor page builder

Ideal Scenarios for Choosing Elementor

  • Complex Design Requirements: When a project demands intricate designs and layouts, Elementor’s advanced design capabilities are invaluable.
  • E-Commerce and Business Websites: For robust online stores or business sites that require unique branding and user experiences, Elementor’s flexibility is key.
  • Users Seeking a Visual Design Experience: Those who prefer a more intuitive, visual approach to site building will appreciate the platform’s drag-and-drop interface.

Types of Projects that Benefit from Elementor’s Capabilities

  • Customized E-Commerce Stores: Online shops that need customized product pages, shopping carts, and checkouts can leverage Elementor’s vast array of widgets and design options.
  • Portfolio or Artistic Websites: Creatives looking to showcase work can use Elementor to create visually striking and unique portfolio sites.
  • Landing Pages and Promotional Sites: For businesses focusing on marketing or promotional campaigns, Elementor’s ability to create engaging landing pages is a significant advantage.

Gutenberg is ideally suited for simpler, content-centric websites where ease of use and performance are priorities. In contrast, Elementor is the better choice for more complex, design-heavy projects where customization and visual appeal are paramount. 

Combining Gutenberg and Elementor: Is It Possible?

Why choose Elementor or Gutenberg if you can use both? In the diverse ecosystem of WordPress, it is indeed possible to combine Gutenberg and Elementor, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. This combination can be particularly powerful, offering a balance between simplicity and advanced design capabilities.

Gutenberg or Elementor? How to Use Both?

  • Utilizing Strengths of Each Tool: Use Gutenberg for its fast performance and ease of content management, especially for standard pages and blog posts. Leverage Elementor for designing more complex and visually engaging pages like homepages, landing pages, or custom layouts.
  • Hybrid Approach in Page Building: Start with Elementor for the overall page layout and design, then use Gutenberg blocks within Elementor for specific content areas where simplicity and speed are desired.
  • Theme and Template Customization: Use Elementor to create custom themes and templates, and then populate the content using Gutenberg’s editor for a smooth content management experience.

Benefits and Challenges of Integrating Both Tools


  • Flexibility and Creativity: Combining both tools allows for creative freedom in design while maintaining content management efficiency.
  • Optimized Performance: Use Elementor for intricate designs without overloading the entire site, thanks to Gutenberg’s lightweight nature for simpler content areas.
  • Best of Both Worlds: Leverage Elementor’s advanced design features for complex pages and Gutenberg’s user-friendly interface for regular content updates.


  • Learning Curve: Managing two different editors requires familiarity with both, which can be a learning curve for some users.
  • Consistency in Design: Ensuring a consistent look and feel across the site when using two different tools can be challenging.
  • Potential Compatibility Issues: While generally compatible, there could be instances where the integration of Gutenberg and Elementor might lead to compatibility issues, especially after updates.

While combining Gutenberg and Elementor has its challenges, it also offers a unique opportunity to harness the strengths of both tools. This approach allows for greater flexibility, creativity, and efficiency in WordPress development. It is an excellent strategy for those who require the advanced design capabilities of Elementor and the simplicity and performance of Gutenberg in different parts of their website.

What Is Better Than Elementor Page Builder?

Alternatives like Beaver Builder, Divi Builder, or Thrive Architect may be preferred by some users for their unique features. Beaver Builder, for instance, is praised for its clean code and stability, Divi for its vast template library, and Thrive Architect for its focus on conversion-optimized elements. Ultimately, the best choice varies based on specific project requirements, budget, and personal preference for interface and workflow.

Do Professionals Use Elementor?

Yes, it is widely adopted by professional WordPress developers and designers due to its robust set of tools, flexibility, and ease of use. Elementor caters to both basic and complex website design needs, making it a versatile choice for professionals working on a diverse range of projects. Its ability to create sophisticated designs without the need for custom coding is particularly appealing in professional settings.

Is Elementor Good or Bad for SEO?

Elementor, by itself, is neither inherently good nor bad for SEO. It is a tool that allows for the creation of visually appealing websites with relative ease. The SEO performance of a website built with Elementor depends on how it is used. Factors like site speed, mobile responsiveness, and clean code are crucial for SEO, and while Elementor offers tools to optimize these, it ultimately depends on how the builder is utilized. For optimal SEO, it’s essential to follow best practices like optimizing images, ensuring fast load times, and using SEO-friendly themes and plugins.

Why Use Gutenberg WordPress?

Gutenberg is used in WordPress due to its ease of use, native integration, performance, and flexibility. Its block editor simplifies the process of content creation, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. As part of WordPress, Gutenberg ensures compatibility and stability within the WordPress ecosystem.

Being a lightweight editor, Gutenberg contributes to better site performance, particularly important for SEO and user experience. While it’s simpler than many page builders, Gutenberg still offers a good level of flexibility for content layout and design.


Which is better Elementor or Gutenberg? In conclusion, the choice is not a question of one tool being categorically better than the other; rather, it’s about selecting the right tool that aligns with your specific project needs, skill level, and design aspirations. Gutenberg offers a streamlined, efficient, and performance-oriented approach, ideal for content-centric sites and those preferring an integrated WordPress experience. On the other hand, Elementor stands out for its advanced design capabilities, offering extensive customization and creative freedom for more complex and visually driven websites.

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