The Boom of ChatGPT: Will AI Replace Programmers?
8 min.

84.4% of surveyed programmers had some experience working with AI in 2023. Scary? To some developers, yes.

That same year, 79% surveyed Americans stated that they were at least “somewhat” worried about AI’s impact on the job market. With ChatGPT and other advanced AI models, it’s not hard to believe it.

So, will AI replace software engineers?

Not in the near future of software development. We at ProCoders are here to debunk this myth. In this article, we’ll explore the AI niche and explain why it’s not a threat to programmers but rather a powerful tool that can enhance their work. Discover how embracing AI can lead to greater innovative solutions, new coding standards, higher-quality software, operational efficiency, and collaborative programming.

But before we start to talk about “big and scary” AI, let’s find out what it actually is, so we can now the capability of this technology.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include: 

  • Learning
  • Reasoning
  • Problem-solving
  • Perception
  • language understanding, etc.

AI systems use algorithms and vast amounts of data to recognize patterns, make decisions, and improve over time. AI is divided into two main categories: 

  • narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks like voice recognition
  • general AI, which aims to perform any intellectual task that a human can do

AI technologies are increasingly integrated into various sectors, driving innovations and enhancing efficiency. By taking advantage of custom AI development at ProCoders, you can join the wave and power up your business with innovative software!

How Does AI Work?

AI works by processing large amounts of data through complex algorithms to recognize patterns and make decisions. The core components of AI include machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning.

  • Machine Learning: This is a subset of AI where systems learn from data to improve their performance over time. It involves training algorithms on large datasets to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed for each task.
  • Neural Networks: These are inspired by the human brain’s network of neurons. Neural networks consist of layers of interconnected nodes (neurons) that process and transmit information. They are particularly effective in tasks such as image and speech recognition.
  • Deep Learning: A subset of machine learning, deep learning uses multi-layered neural networks to analyze various factors of data. It excels in handling large volumes of unstructured data like text, images, and audio.

AI systems require three main components: data, algorithms, and computational power. They gather and process data, use algorithms to find patterns and insights, and rely on powerful computing to execute these complex processes swiftly. Through continuous learning and adaptation, AI systems become more accurate and efficient over time, with AI development increasing in popularity.


TOP Essential Tools for Coding That Use AI for Developers

While code personalization, critical thinking, tracking biases from training data, and avoiding errors in training data are mostly in the human programmers’ hands, there are AI-powered language models and machine learning models that can automate repetitive tasks, help with code review, and optimize development life cycle.

  • ChatGPT
    ChatGPT assists developers from beginner level to professional in improving programming practices, generating code, troubleshooting, and automating repetitive tasks, significantly boosting productivity. Developed by OpenAI, it has been one of the most popular AI tools since its release. In 2023, ChatGPT accounted for 60.2% of all visits to AI product websites, with 14.6 billion visits​. 74.9% of developers use the tool on a weekly basis.
  • GitHub Copilot
    GitHub Copilot, an AI pair programmer powered by OpenAI’s Codex, is widely adopted among developers. It helps multiple aspects of software development by suggesting code completions, entire lines, or blocks of code as you type. It integrates seamlessly into popular code editors like Visual Studio Code, making it an invaluable tool for writing and understanding code faster.
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer
    Amazon CodeWhisperer, another AI code generator, is designed to help developers by providing code recommendations in real time. It supports multiple programming languages and integrates with IDEs like JetBrains and Visual Studio. It enhances productivity by suggesting contextually relevant code snippets and detecting potential security issues.
  • Tabnine
    Tabnine aids custom web development, supports over 20 programming languages and integrates with various IDEs, helping developers write code more efficiently and reduce errors. It uses deep learning models to provide AI-powered code completions. It has seen significant adoption among developers for its ability to predict and suggest code completions.

So, as it turns out, programmers are still doing their jobs; even better so with the help of AI. But what ongoing skill development does one need to work with “the helpers”?

Tools for Coding

What Skills Should Software Engineers Develop to Prepare for the Future of AI?

10.7% of surveyed programmers who applied for jobs in 2023 said that experience with AI was on the requirements list. This stretches over various business scales, from tech startups to enterprises. The same source states that 80.1% of developers think it’s going to become a standard requirement pretty soon.

So, what skills should one have to be qualified to work with innovations like AI?

  • Machine Learning and Data Science: Gain foundational knowledge in machine learning (ML) concepts like supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, and natural language processing. Also, learn to use popular ML libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn. Finally, understand how to preprocess and analyze data effectively to inform machine learning models.
  • AI Ethics and Bias Mitigation: Learn about ethical AI practices, including identifying biases in training data, accountability for code generated, ensuring fairness and avoiding legal challenges. Explore regulations and guidelines like GDPR to understand privacy concerns and how they impact AI projects.
  • Prompt Engineering: Develop strong communication skills y with large language models by crafting accurate prompts for optimal responses. Also, learn how to structure complex prompts to receive the most accurate and helpful answers.
  • Cloud Computing and DevOps: Gain proficiency in deploying and scaling machine learning models using cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Familiarize yourself with DevOps tools and practices to facilitate efficient CI/CD pipelines for AI applications.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Understand AI applications across various fields such as healthcare, finance, and cybersecurity. Be able to adapt AI solutions to specific industry requirements and constraints.

Will AI Replace Engineers? Not If You Know Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the practice of crafting precise inputs (prompts) to guide AI models like ChatGPT to produce desired responses. By carefully designing these prompts, users can optimize the accuracy and relevance of the AI’s outputs, whether for generating code, answering questions, or automating tasks. This skill enhances the effectiveness of AI tools across various applications, making it a valuable technique in maximizing AI’s potential.

The Rules of Prompt Hero  

These rules can help you effectively use prompt engineering to communicate with AI systems:

  • Be Specific and Detailed: Provide clear and detailed instructions to help the AI understand your request precisely.
  • Be Consistent: State your instructions clearly and consistently to avoid confusion.
  • Use Simple Sentences: Break down complex ideas into simple sentences for better comprehension.
  • Use Simple Words: Avoid technical jargon; use simple words to make prompts more understandable.
  • Use “Must” When Necessary: Indicate importance or urgency by using “must” in your prompts.
  • Avoid Philosophical Concepts: Keep instructions clear and concrete to ensure the AI stays focused on the task.

Following these rules can help individuals effectively use Prompt Engineering to communicate with AI systems, and can help ensure that the systems better understand and respond to their requests.

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Useful Key Phrases to Work With AI

Still hesitant over will software engineers be replaced by AI? Learn how to communicate with it properly, and there will be no problem.

As artificial intelligence and machine learning continue to grow, effective communication with these systems becomes crucial. Here are some key phrases that our developers at ProCoders have found helpful:

  • Make it better: Use this to request AI to optimize performance and apply best practices in your code.
  • More secure: This prompts the AI to enhance code security, such as implementing encryption or authentication protocols.
  • Use libraries: Instructs the AI to utilize popular npm libraries to improve code efficiency and functionality.
  • Using async/await: Helps ensure smooth and efficient asynchronous programming for better performance and user experience.

‌Getting Ahead of the Game: How to Tackle Common AI Coding Bottlenecks

When you integrate ChatGPT into your business, your developers face common bottlenecks. Here are some creative solutions:

  • Interrupting: Use “show from after line <…>” to instruct the AI to continue from a specific point.
  • Red errors: Use Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V to save and refresh the prompt to clear errors.
  • Deprecated libraries: AI can suggest updated versions of libraries to avoid errors.
  • Lost code: Use “you forget <…> please regenerate” to have the AI fill in missing sections.
  • Huge code: Refactor large code into smaller, manageable files for better organization.

These strategies help developers work more efficiently with AI systems, leading to better results and more successful projects.

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AI Limitations: Understanding Complex Emotions and Ambiguity

Despite its impressive capabilities, AI has several weaknesses and limitations:

  • Complex Emotions: AI can analyze vast amounts of data and detect human emotions through facial expressions or tone of voice. However, it struggles to interpret and understand the underlying reasons for these emotions, lacking the depth of human emotional intelligence.
  • Ambiguity and Uncertainty: AI excels at processing and analyzing large datasets, but it faces challenges when dealing with incomplete or contradictory information, which can hinder decision-making in situations requiring quick and critical judgments, such as emergencies or complex business decisions.

Addressing these limitations is crucial for advancing AI’s capabilities in understanding human behavior and making more nuanced decisions.

Can ChatGPT write code for an app?

Yes, ChatGPT can generate code snippets for specific tasks, helping streamline the development process. However, manual refinement is required to ensure the code meets project requirements and functions correctly.

How do I add codes to ChatGPT?

You can’t directly add code to ChatGPT, but you can input code snippets and ask for assistance or clarifications on specific tasks. This can help optimize your workflow and ensure best practices are followed.

How do I create a website using ChatGPT?

ChatGPT can assist by generating website content, suggesting design ideas, and providing code snippets. However, building a complete website also requires additional tools and skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web hosting services.

Can ChatGPT help debug my code?

Yes, ChatGPT can help identify potential issues in your code, providing a useful second opinion. While it can catch many errors, manual review and testing are essential to ensure code quality.

Can ChatGPT suggest improvements for my app’s UI/UX?

Yes, ChatGPT can offer valuable suggestions for UI/UX enhancements. Combining these insights with user feedback and thorough testing will yield the best results for user experience.

Can ChatGPT assist with database design for my app?

Yes, ChatGPT can provide general guidance on database design. However, consulting with a database expert or following established best practices will ensure your database is robust and efficient.

AI Will Replace Programmers? Conclusion

Is AI the future of software engineering? Totally. Will AI replace programmers in 10 years? It’s an open-ended question, but we don’t think so – the human element cannot be replaced.

Ultimately, the workforce’s ability to adapt and acquire new skills will be a key factor in determining AI’s impact on developers’ jobs. As technology continues to evolve, it’s important for developers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools to remain competitive in the job market. 

This may involve acquiring new skills and expertise in emerging areas such as machine learning and data science, or focusing on areas of software development that are less likely to experience a hude impact by automation. This is precisely what do at ProСoders, by providing our team with ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure they stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly changing industry.

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