All About TypeScript vs JavaScript 2024: Key Differences, Pros and Cons, Etc.
9 min.

TypeScript and JavaScript are both essential tools in modern web development. JavaScript, the core language of the web, powers the vast majority of websites with its dynamic and interpreted nature. TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript developed by Microsoft, offers enhanced features like static typing and interfaces, making it increasingly popular. 

Both languages stay in the TOP-10 according to Stack Overflow’s 2023 report, with JS leading the race. This proximity makes it even more important to compare the two.

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Understanding the differences between these two languages is crucial, as it influences code quality, maintainability, and project scalability. So, in this article, we compare TypeScript and JavaScript in terms of features, use cases, advantages, and challenges to help developers make informed decisions.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, dynamic programming language integral to web development, enabling interactive features like animations, form validation, and content updates without reloading the page. It follows a “write once, run anywhere” philosophy, making it versatile for both client-side and server-side development through environments like Node.js.

JavaScript’s flexibility allows developers to adopt various programming paradigms, including functional, procedural, and object-oriented styles. The language’s popularity is fueled by its massive ecosystem, which includes countless frameworks and tools that enhance productivity and expand its capabilities.

JavaScript’s significance extends beyond web browsers, as it powers server-side applications, mobile apps, and even Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The ECMAScript standard, which governs JavaScript, has led to consistent improvements, introducing features like arrow functions, async/await, and modules, keeping the language modern and powerful. This adaptability and continuous evolution have cemented JavaScript’s role as a cornerstone of modern software development.

Many of our projects here at ProCoders ue JavaScript and its frameworks extensively. You can find out more about our experience by reading our case studies!

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript designed to improve the development process, particularly for large and complex codebases. By introducing static typing, TypeScript allows developers to define and enforce types for variables, functions, and objects, which helps catch errors early in the development process, reducing bugs and improving code reliability. TypeScript’s features include advanced type inference, generics, and decorators, which facilitate the creation of robust, maintainable applications.

Developed by Microsoft and released in 2012, TypeScript addresses some of JavaScript’s challenges, such as managing large-scale applications and ensuring code quality in collaborative environments. It compiles to standard JavaScript, ensuring compatibility with all JavaScript platforms, including browsers, Node.js, and other JavaScript engines. TypeScript also integrates seamlessly with modern JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue, enhancing their functionality with strong typing and better tooling.

TypeScript’s rich ecosystem includes a vast library of type definitions for popular JavaScript libraries (available via DefinitelyTyped), ensuring developers can leverage type safety across the entire JavaScript ecosystem. Its strong IDE support, particularly in tools like Visual Studio Code, offers enhanced features like autocompletion, real-time type checking, and powerful refactoring tools, making development faster and more efficient. As a result, TypeScript has rapidly gained traction in the developer community, becoming the preferred choice for many large-scale web and enterprise applications.

Let ProCoders guide you in choosing between JavaScript and TypeScript for your project’s success.

Key Differences Between TypeScript and JavaScript

A Table: Difference Between JavaScript and TypeScript

Typing SystemDynamically typedStatically typed
CompilationInterpreted directly by the browserCompiled into JavaScript before execution
Syntax and FeaturesSupports dynamic types, function-based OOPAdds static types, interfaces, enums, and advanced features
Tooling SupportSupported by a wide range of tools and editorsEnhanced IDE support with better autocompletion and refactoring
Code MaintainabilityRequires strict conventions for large codebasesImproves maintainability and scalability with type safety
Community and EcosystemLarger community, extensive libraries and frameworksGrowing community, increasingly adopted by modern frameworks
Error HandlingErrors detected at runtimeErrors detected at compile time
Learning CurveEasier for beginnersSteeper learning curve, especially for static typing concepts
Browser CompatibilityUniversal support across all browsersRequires compilation to JavaScript for browser compatibility
UsageIdeal for small projects and rapid prototypingBest for large-scale, complex projects requiring strong typing

TypeScript or JavaScript: Typing System

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning types are determined at runtime, which offers flexibility but can lead to runtime errors. TypeScript, on the other hand, is statically typed, where types are defined at compile time. This allows developers to catch errors early in the development process, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.

JavaScript vs TypeScript: Compilation vs Interpretation

JavaScript is interpreted directly by browsers or runtime environments, allowing for immediate execution. TypeScript must be compiled into JavaScript before execution, ensuring it is compatible with any environment that supports JavaScript. This compilation process helps identify and resolve potential issues before the code runs.

TS vs JS: Syntax and Features

JavaScript supports dynamic types and function-based object-oriented programming, but it may have limited support for ES6+ features in older environments. TypeScript enhances JavaScript with static types, interfaces, and enums, along with advanced features like decorators, generics, and namespaces. It also provides full support for ES6+ features and beyond, making it suitable for modern development needs.

Syntax and Features

JS vs TS: Tooling and Development Experience

JavaScript is supported by a wide range of tools and editors, making it accessible for developers. TypeScript, however, offers enhanced tooling, especially in IDEs like Visual Studio Code, which provides better autocompletion, refactoring, and error-checking capabilities, significantly improving the development experience.

JavaScript or TypeScript: Code Maintainability and Scalability

In large codebases, JavaScript requires careful management to avoid issues like type errors and inconsistent APIs, which can complicate maintenance and scalability. TypeScript addresses these challenges by enforcing type safety, which reduces the risk of runtime errors and enhances the maintainability and scalability of the code.

Community and Ecosystem

JavaScript has a larger community with a vast array of libraries, frameworks, and tools, making it highly versatile. TypeScript, while newer, has a growing community and is increasingly adopted in popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.js, reflecting its rising influence in modern development.

rocket taking off
Need help deciding between JavaScript and TypeScript? ProCoders has the expertise you need.

TypeScript vs JavaScript Pros and Cons

Advantages of JavaScript

  • Simplicity
    JavaScript is easier to learn and use, making it especially accessible for beginners. Its straightforward syntax and dynamic nature allow developers to start building web applications quickly.
  • Flexibility
    With dynamic typing and no need for a compilation step, JavaScript supports rapid prototyping and iteration. This flexibility enables developers to experiment and make changes on the fly, speeding up the development process.
  • Ubiquity
    JavaScript is supported by all modern web browsers, making it universally accessible. It is widely used across various environments, including web development, server-side scripting, and mobile app development, ensuring broad applicability.

Advantages of TypeScript

  • Type Safety
    TypeScript enforces type safety by catching errors at compile time, leading to more reliable and maintainable code. This reduces the likelihood of runtime errors that could disrupt application functionality.
  • Enhanced IDE Support
    TypeScript offers superior development experience with enhanced IDE support, providing better autocompletion, navigation, and refactoring tools. This streamlines the coding process and improves developer productivity.
  • Modern Features
    TypeScript provides access to the latest ECMAScript features, along with additional TypeScript-specific enhancements like interfaces and enums, allowing developers to utilize modern programming techniques.
  • Better Code Documentation
    Interfaces and types in TypeScript act as built-in documentation, making it easier to understand and maintain APIs and data structures. This improves code clarity and aids in collaboration within development teams.

JavaScript Challenges and Considerations

  • Error-Prone: JavaScript’s lack of type safety can lead to runtime errors and bugs that are often difficult to detect until the application is running, increasing the risk of issues in production.
  • Maintenance: Without strict conventions and testing, maintaining and scaling large JavaScript codebases can be challenging. The flexibility of JavaScript can lead to inconsistent code structures, making it harder to manage as the project grows.
  • Inconsistent Browser Support: JavaScript behavior can vary across different browsers, leading to cross-browser compatibility issues. Developers often need to implement workarounds or polyfills to ensure consistent performance.
  • Loose Typing: JavaScript’s dynamic typing can result in unexpected type coercion, where data types are implicitly converted. This can lead to subtle bugs that are difficult to trace and resolve.

TypeScript Challenges and Considerations

  • Learning Curve: TypeScript introduces static typing and other advanced features, requiring developers to learn new syntax and concepts. This can be a hurdle, especially for those accustomed to JavaScript’s dynamic nature.
  • Compilation Step: Unlike JavaScript, TypeScript requires a compilation step to convert TypeScript code into JavaScript. This adds complexity to the development workflow and can slow down the development process.
  • Initial Setup: Setting up a TypeScript project often requires additional configuration, such as defining type definitions and configuring the TypeScript compiler, which can be more involved compared to starting a plain JavaScript project.
  • Increased Build Time: The compilation process adds time to the build cycle, potentially slowing down the feedback loop during development, especially in large projects with extensive codebases.
  • Overhead in Small Projects: For small or simple projects, the added complexity of TypeScript may not be justified. In such cases, JavaScript’s simplicity and flexibility might be more appropriate.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Type Definitions: When using libraries without official TypeScript support, developers often rely on third-party type definitions. These can sometimes be inaccurate or outdated, leading to potential issues in type safety and compatibility.

TypeScript vs JavaScript Use Cases

When to Use JavaScript

  • Small Projects: Ideal for simple scripts and small-scale web applications where the overhead of TypeScript is unnecessary.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Perfect for projects that require quick iteration and development, allowing for rapid changes without the constraints of static typing.
  • Legacy Codebases: Best for maintaining and extending existing projects that are already written in JavaScript and do not require the added type safety of TypeScript.

When to Use TypeScript Over JavaScript

  • Large-Scale Applications: Ideal for enterprise software and applications with complex logic and large codebases where type safety helps maintain stability and manageability.
  • Team Projects: Essential for projects involving multiple developers, as TypeScript’s type safety and clear interfaces reduce misunderstandings and improve collaboration.
  • Modern Frameworks: Best suited for development with frameworks like Angular, which natively supports TypeScript and uses its features for more robust and scalable applications.

TypeScript vs. JavaScript: ProCoders’ Experience


ProCoders successfully assisted MultiQ, a leading digital signage provider in the Nordics, in migrating their legacy CMS software from AngularJS to Angular 5. This complex project involved rewriting services and components in TypeScript and Angular while maintaining compatibility between the old and new systems. 

The migration highlighted the differences between JavaScript and TypeScript, particularly in large-scale applications where TypeScript’s type safety and modern features provided significant advantages. The collaboration resulted in a secure, scalable solution that met MultiQ’s high standards.

ProCoders adhered to the agreed 18-month timeframe, delivering a secure and updated CMS that met MultiQ’s high standards. The result was a scalable solution that can be easily maintained by MultiQ’s internal team, benefiting both the company and its customers.

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Unsure about JavaScript or TypeScript? Let ProCoders help you make the right choice.

Difference Between JS and TS: Conclusion

TypeScript and JavaScript each have their strengths and challenges, with JavaScript offering simplicity and flexibility, while TypeScript provides enhanced type safety and tooling, making it ideal for larger, more complex projects. 

The decision between the two should be based on the specific needs of your project, the expertise of your team, and the long-term maintainability you desire. By experimenting with both languages, developers can better understand their unique advantages and make informed choices that align with their goals and project requirements.

What’s the Difference Between TypeScript and JavaScript?

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript, meaning it adds type annotations and other features to JavaScript, which is dynamically typed. TypeScript compiles to JavaScript for execution.

What are the advantages of using TypeScript?

TypeScript offers better code quality through type checking, early bug detection, improved code readability, and enhanced tooling with autocompletion and refactoring capabilities.

What are the advantages of using JavaScript?

JavaScript is more flexible, has a larger ecosystem, is simpler to learn, and is natively supported in all browsers, making it ideal for quick scripting and web development.

Is TypeScript a superset of JavaScript?

Yes, TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, meaning it includes all JavaScript features and adds additional syntax for static typing.

Can JavaScript code run in a TypeScript environment?

Yes, JavaScript code can run in a TypeScript environment because TypeScript fully supports JavaScript syntax.

How does TypeScript handle type checking?

TypeScript performs static type checking at compile time, which helps catch type-related errors before the code is executed.

Will TypeScript replace JavaScript?

No, TypeScript is not likely to replace JavaScript but rather complements it by adding optional static types. JavaScript remains the core language of the web.

Is TypeScript frontend or backend?

TypeScript is used for both frontend and backend development, making it a versatile tool for full-stack development.

What are the key features of TypeScript?

Key features of TypeScript include static typing, interfaces, classes, type inference, and the ability to use JavaScript’s latest features while maintaining compatibility.

What are the key features of JavaScript?

JavaScript’s key features include dynamic typing, first-class functions, prototypal inheritance, event-driven programming, and wide browser support.

Which should I choose for my project: TypeScript or JavaScript?

Choose TypeScript if your project benefits from static typing and maintainability, especially in larger codebases. Choose JavaScript for simpler projects or when flexibility and rapid development are priorities.

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