Software Developer vs Web Developer: Who Do You Need?
9 min.

The roles of software developers and web developers have become increasingly important and popular in the era of technology. Both positions drive the digital transformation of businesses, but they cater to different aspects of tech advancements and operational needs.

In this article, ProCoders aims to present a comprehensive software developer vs web developer comparison 2024, offering insights that will aid businessmen in deciding which type of developer is essential for the successful launch of their digital projects.

While both disciplines are integral to the tech ecosystem, they require unique skill sets, utilize different technologies, and open diverse career opportunities. Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone looking to invest wisely in their company’s digital future.

Web Developer vs Software Developer: Definitions and Scope

Software Developer

A software developer can design, create, test, and maintain software applications, covering the entire software development lifecycle from concept to deployment. Their work spans system software (like operating systems), application software (consumer programs), embedded systems (in devices like smartphones and cars), and enterprise software (for business operations).

Software Developer

Web Developer

A web developer specializes in creating and maintaining websites and web applications, focusing on both user interfaces and underlying systems. Web development includes front-end development (visual elements), back-end development (server-side and database interactions), and full-stack development (both front-end and back-end).

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Skills and Technologies for Web Development vs Software Development

Software Developer

  • Programming Languages: Typically use Java, C++, Python, and C# to build complex software across different systems.
  • Development Tools: Commonly use IDEs like Eclipse and Visual Studio, version control systems like Git, and debugging tools for code quality.
  • Key Skills: Includes algorithm design, data structures, problem-solving, software architecture, and knowledge of operating systems, crucial for creating robust software solutions.

Web Developer

  • Programming Languages: Use HTML, CSS, JavaScript for client-side, and PHP, Ruby, Python for server-side development, essential for interactive and visually appealing websites.
  • Development Tools: Include code editors like Sublime Text, browser tools for testing, and frameworks like React, Angular for front-end, and Node.js, Django for back-end development.
  • Key Skills: Focus on responsive design, UI/UX principles, client-server architecture, and web performance optimization to ensure functionality and user satisfaction across devices.

Development Environments: The Difference Between Web Developer and Software Developer

Software Developer

Software developers work across various environments, creating solutions for desktops, mobile platforms, embedded systems, and cloud services, each requiring specific skills and technologies.

  • Desktop Applications: Developed for Windows, macOS, and Linux, ranging from productivity tools to games. Proficiency in C++, Java, or Python and familiarity with OS-specific APIs are essential.
  • Mobile Applications: Focused on Android and iOS, using Swift or Kotlin, and requiring knowledge of mobile UI/UX, performance optimization, and features like GPS.
  • Embedded Systems: Used in devices like medical machines and consumer electronics, requiring efficient programming in C or C++ and integration with hardware.
  • Cloud Services: Involves developing scalable software on platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, using languages like Python, Go, or Scala.

Web Developer

Web developers specialize in creating internet-based websites and applications, working primarily with web browsers and servers using both client-side and server-side technologies.

  • Web Browsers: Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive, interactive websites. Ensuring cross-browser compatibility and performance is crucial.
  • Web Servers: Develop server-side applications using PHP, Python, Ruby, or Node.js, and manage databases with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
  • Hosting Environments: Utilize platforms like AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean, requiring knowledge of network security, server management, and CI/CD pipelines.

Continuous learning is vital for both software and web developers to stay current with technologies and meet modern application needs.

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Web and Software Development: Project Examples and Workflow

Software Developer: ProCoders Cases

Quartz Network

ProCoders partnered with Quartz Network to develop a sophisticated B2B matching platform, integrating features for networking, learning, and event management. The project involved significant software development, including building a profile-matching system, a vendor-matching system, and an administrative panel for managing content and transactions. 

The team utilized technologies like Node.js, React.js, and LoopBack to create a robust backend infrastructure, ensuring integration with various services and scalable performance. Additionally, an AI-powered attendee ranking system was developed to enhance event experiences. This comprehensive software solution positioned Quartz Network as a leader in the market, providing a versatile platform for professional growth and networking.


ProCoders partnered with MultiQ, a Swedish digital signage company, to upgrade their legacy CMS software from AngularJS to Angular 5. This project was essential for enhancing the system’s security and scalability. ProCoders provided a dedicated team of senior developers who meticulously analyzed the existing software architecture and implemented a strategy for migration. They created a custom library to facilitate the coexistence of AngularJS and Angular components, allowing seamless upgrades. 

The project, which was completed within 18 months, resulted in a modernized and maintainable CMS platform, meeting MultiQ’s needs for a secure and scalable solution. This case exemplifies software development through the significant overhaul and modernization of a complex system.


  • Requirements Gathering: This initial phase involves discussions with financial analysts to understand their needs and the specific problems the application is meant to solve. This might include identifying the types of data to be analyzed, the desired outputs, and any regulatory requirements.
  • Design: Here, developers create system architectures and design user interfaces, taking into account both functionality and aesthetics. The design process may use tools like UML diagrams to map out system components and workflows.
  • Coding: Developers write the code in a suitable programming language such as Python for its strong library ecosystem in finance, or C++ for performance-intensive parts of the application.
  • Testing: This includes unit testing, integration testing, and possibly user acceptance testing with a group of financial analysts to ensure the software meets all functional requirements and is free of bugs.
  • Deployment: The software is rolled out to the end users, often in stages to mitigate impacts if issues arise.
  • Maintenance: Post-deployment, developers monitor the application for any issues that users encounter and work on updates or improvements as needed.

Collaboration: Effective collaboration is crucial. Developers work closely with product managers to keep the project aligned with business goals, QA engineers to ensure the software is robust and performs as expected, and directly with end-users (financial analysts) to make sure the tool effectively meets their needs. Regular meetings and agile methodologies might be employed to facilitate ongoing communication.

Web Developer: ProCoders Cases

Roth River

ProCoders partnered with Roth River, a distillery company, to develop a comprehensive IoT solution. The goal was to create a web application that interfaced with Roth River’s advanced sensor technology, allowing the monitoring of whiskey maturation. This web app, built using React.js and Node.js, enabled distillers to track their product in real-time and customers to customize their whiskey blends.

The solution provided Roth River with a robust interface for both distillers and consumers, supporting features like real-time monitoring and customizable options for the whiskey aging process. ProCoders’ efficient planning and use of compatible technologies allowed the project to be completed in half the expected time, demonstrating their capability in delivering high-quality IoT applications swiftly.

Listen Together

ProCoders partnered with a startup to develop “Listen Together,” a web application aimed at enhancing social interactions through music in cafes. The web app allowed users to scan QR codes to join and create collective playlists, integrating seamlessly with streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. 

Utilizing technologies such as Ionic and Angular, ProCoders ensured cross-platform compatibility and a consistent user experience. A significant feature included the integration with Sonos technology, enabling multi-room audio setups. The project also involved migrating from AngularJS to Angular 2, improving the app’s performance and maintainability. 

The successful deployment of “Listen Together” led to widespread adoption and the eventual acquisition of the client’s company by a media holding, highlighting ProCoders’ expertise in delivering innovative web solutions.


  • Requirements Gathering: This phase involves understanding the client’s brand, the types of products sold, target customers, and any specific features needed like multi-currency support or accessibility considerations.
  • Wireframing: Before any coding starts, web developers create wireframes to lay out the structure of the website’s pages, showing how users will interact with the site. Tools like Adobe XD or Sketch might be used.
  • Coding: The development of the front end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure the site is responsive and works seamlessly across different devices and browsers. The backend might be developed using languages like PHP or frameworks such as Ruby on Rails or Django, depending on the project requirements.
  • Testing: Web developers conduct a series of tests to ensure the site’s functionality and responsiveness. This includes stress testing under heavy load, security testing to protect against breaches, and usability testing to ensure the site is intuitive to navigate.
  • Deployment: The site is launched, often using cloud platforms for hosting to manage traffic and provide scalability.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance is critical for e-commerce sites to address any issues, update content, and implement security patches as new threats emerge.

Collaboration: Web developers frequently collaborate with designers to ensure the site’s visual appeal aligns with the brand, content creators to populate the site with engaging product descriptions and blog posts, SEO specialists to improve the site’s visibility in search engine results, and marketing teams to drive traffic and sales through targeted campaigns. Regular updates and strategy meetings ensure that the website remains effective and competitive.

Software Developer vs Web Developer Comparison: Pros and Cons

Software Developer


  • Versatility: Software developers can work across various industries, adapting their skills to different business models.
  • High Demand: Growing reliance on digital solutions leads to numerous job opportunities and competitive salaries.
  • Innovation Opportunities: Developers often engage with emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and IoT, fostering creative problem-solving.
  • Industry Mobility: Their skills allow for movement between sectors, offering a diverse and exciting career path.
Web Developer


  • Steep Learning Curve: Mastering complex programming languages and software design requires significant time and effort.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying updated with evolving technologies necessitates ongoing education and training.
  • High-Pressure Projects: Developers may face tight deadlines and high stakes, especially with critical systems.

Web Developer


  • Creative Opportunities: Combines coding with design, allowing for the creation of visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.
  • High Demand: The increasing need for online presence drives demand for skilled web developers.
  • Freelance Potential: The field offers flexibility in work hours and environment, suitable for those seeking work-life balance or self-employment.
  • Dynamic Field: Constantly evolving web technologies keep the field engaging for those who enjoy staying current with trends.


  • Rapid Technological Changes: The fast pace requires constant adaptation, which can be stressful and demanding.
  • Need for Continuous Education: Ongoing skill refinement is necessary, often on personal time.
  • Limited Project Variety: Focuses mainly on websites and web applications, potentially limiting job variety and satisfaction.
ProCoders can help you decide whether a software developer or web developer is right for your project.
What is the difference between software vs web developer?

A software developer focuses on creating software applications for desktop, mobile, or embedded systems, while a web developer specializes in building websites and web applications, working primarily with web technologies.

Which programming languages are commonly used by software developers?

Software developers commonly use languages like Java, C++, Python, C#, and Swift, depending on the platform and type of application.

Which programming languages are commonly used by web developers?

Web developers frequently use languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, and Python for building and styling websites and web applications.

What are the main responsibilities of a software developer?

The main responsibilities of a software developer include designing, coding, testing, and maintaining software applications, as well as debugging and optimizing performance.

What are the main responsibilities of a web developer?

A web developer’s primary responsibilities involve designing and building websites or web applications, ensuring responsiveness and performance, and integrating backend services.A web developer’s primary responsibilities involve designing and building websites or web applications, ensuring responsiveness and performance, and integrating backend services.

What are the main tools and frameworks used by software developers?

Software developers often use tools and frameworks like Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode, .NET, Qt, and development kits specific to platforms like Android or iOS.

What are the main tools and frameworks used by web developers?

Web developers commonly use tools and frameworks such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Angular, React, Vue.js, Bootstrap, and content management systems like WordPress.

Software Development vs Web Development: Conclusion

In this article, we have reviewed:

  • Software developer vs web developer key differences
  • Software developer vs web developer frameworks
  • Software developer vs web developer technical skills
  • Software developer vs web developer projects, based on ProCoders experience

Choosing Software Engineer vs Web Developer may be tricky if you don’t have a clear vision of your product or service. Business owners should consider aligning their technology investments with their specific needs and market demands. If your business requires comprehensive control over systems and applications, investing in software development may be more beneficial. Conversely, if your focus is on creating engaging, user-facing digital experiences, web development might be the better path. It’s important to engage with skilled professionals and explore both domains through pilot projects and consultations. 

This approach not only solidifies your understanding of the potential benefits but also helps make informed decisions on which technology solutions to pursue. Exploring various technology avenues can lead to more informed decisions, ensuring that your investments support your business goals effectively.

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