Shopify to WooCommerce: Why and How to Migrate Between Platforms
8 min.

The choice of eCommerce platform is crucial for the growth and scalability of an online business. Many businesses start with Shopify for its ease of use and quick setup, but as they grow, they often require more flexibility and control, leading them to consider migrating. 

This article explores the reasons for migrating from Shopify to WooCommerce, highlighting the benefits of enhanced customization, greater control over hosting and data, and the flexibility of an open-source environment. It includes a step-by-step guide on migrating, encompassing data transfer and new store setup. This guide is particularly useful for small retailers seeking expansion, businesses needing more customization, or those looking for cost-effective eCommerce solutions, helping them transition smoothly for continued success in the online marketplace.

Why Migrate Shopify to WooCommerce?

Migrating from Shopify to WooCommerce is often motivated by the need for cost savings, increased flexibility, and access to the extensive WordPress ecosystem.

Cost Considerations: Shopify’s subscription and transaction fees can be costly for high-volume stores. The WP plugin, while free as an open-source platform, incurs costs for hosting, themes, and plugins. Over time, the WordPress eCommerce platform tends to be more cost-effective, especially for businesses needing numerous customizations and add-ons.

Flexibility and Control:

  • Customization: WooCommerce allows for extensive customization in-store appearance and functionality.
  • Data and Hosting Control: Users have full ownership and control over their data and can choose their hosting provider, which can lead to improved performance and security.
  • Integration: The platform integrates with a wide range of plugins and services, allowing for a tailored store setup.

Access to WordPress Ecosystem:

  • Plugin Options: A vast library of WordPress plugins enhances store functionality in various ways.
  • Community Support: The WP plugin users benefit from the extensive WordPress community for support and resources.
  • Content Management: WordPress’s robust content management tools help integrate eCommerce with content marketing and blogs.

In summary, moving to WooCommerce from Shopify offers businesses cost savings, greater control over their eCommerce environment, and access to customizable features and integrations within the WordPress ecosystem. This makes the WP eCommerce platform a compelling choice for businesses aiming to expand and personalize their online presence.

 Shopify to WooCommerce migration

Pre-Migration Considerations

The transfer Shopify to WooCommerce requires thorough preparation to ensure a smooth transition. Key pre-migration considerations include:

  • Back Up Shopify Store Data: Ensure a complete backup of all Shopify store data, including product information, customer data, and order history. Use Shopify’s native tools or third-party apps and securely store the backup, possibly on cloud services. Validate the backup to confirm all necessary information is intact.
  • Timing the Migration: Plan the migration during low-traffic periods or your business’s off-season to minimize impact on sales. Communicate with customers about the migration and potential downtime. If feasible, test the migration in stages to tackle any issues beforehand.
  • Legal and Compliance Considerations: Comply with GDPR and other privacy laws, particularly in handling sensitive customer data. This includes securing customer consent for data transfer. Ensure data integrity and security during the migration to prevent breaches. Additionally, make sure your new store meets all relevant industry regulations and standards in your operational regions.

Addressing these factors helps ensure a seamless import Shopify to WooCommerce, maintaining data integrity and legal compliance. You may also want to consider using professional WooСommerce development services for the migration.

Selecting a Migration Tool

When moving from Shopify to WooCommerce, selecting the right migration tool or service is crucial for a smooth transition. Here’s a brief overview:

Migration Options:

  • Automated Migration Tools: Software like Cart2Cart, LitExtension, and WP All Import automate data transfer, offering ease of use and efficiency for migrating products, customers, orders, etc.
  • Manual Migration Services: Involves hiring professionals or agencies specializing in eCommerce migration, providing personalized service, and handling every aspect of the migration.
  • Hybrid Approach: Combines automated tools for bulk data transfer with manual intervention for complex or customized data.

Pros and Cons:

  • Automated Migration is fast, cost-effective, and user-friendly but may lack customization and risk data errors.
  • Manual Migration offers customized solutions and expert oversight but is typically more expensive and time-consuming.

The choice depends on your store’s specific needs, data complexity, budget, and desired involvement level. Whether automated, manual, or hybrid, the method should align with your migration strategy and business objectives.

Let a professional WooСommerce development company choose the right tools for you.

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How to Migrate from Shopify to WooCommerce: Step-by-Step

To move Shopify to WooCommerce involves a series of steps that require careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition. This detailed step-by-step guide is designed to walk you through the entire process, from setting up your WooCommerce environment to launching your new store.

Step 1: Setting Up a WordPress Environment

  • Install WordPress: Start by installing WordPress on your hosting platform. Choose a reliable host that supports WooCommerce and offers good performance.
  • Install WooCommerce: After setting up WordPress, install the WC plugin from the WordPress dashboard under Plugins > Add New.
  • Basic Configuration: Follow the WooCommerce setup wizard to configure basic settings like store location, currency, and payment methods.

Step 2: Exporting Data from Shopify

  • Prepare Data for Export: In your Shopify dashboard, prepare the data you want to migrate. This includes products, customers, orders, and any other relevant data.
  • Use Shopify’s Export Feature: Use Shopify’s built-in export feature to download your data. Go to the respective sections (like Products, Customers) and select ‘Export’ to download CSV files.
Shopify sales

Step 3: Importing Data into WooCommerce

  • Convert Data Formats: Convert the exported Shopify CSV files into a format compatible with the WordPress eCommerce platform. You can use conversion tools or plugins for this.
  • Import into WooCommerce: Use the built-in importer under Tools > Import to upload your converted CSV files and populate your WooCommerce store with your Shopify data.

Step 4: Setting Up WooCommerce Settings

  • Configure Payment Gateways: Set up your preferred payment methods under WooCommerce > Settings > Payments.
  • Set Up Shipping Options: Configure shipping zones and rates under WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping.
  • Adjust Tax Settings: Ensure tax settings are correctly configured to match your business requirements under WooCommerce > Settings > Tax.
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Step 5: Selecting a WooCommerce-Compatible Theme

  • Choose a Theme: Select a WooCommerce-compatible theme that aligns with your brand and desired store aesthetics. Consider themes that are responsive and optimized for performance.

Step 6: Adapting Your Shopify Store Design to WooCommerce

Customize your chosen theme to replicate or improve upon your Shopify store’s design. Use theme options or custom CSS to get the desired look.

Step 7: Recommended WooCommerce Plugins and Extensions

Install recommended plugins and extensions to add functionality like SEO tools, security features, or marketing integrations.

WooCommerce Plugins and Extensions

Step 8: Testing the WooCommerce Store Thoroughly

Test all aspects of your new store, including browsing products, completing purchases, and checking mobile responsiveness.

Step 9: Implementing 301 Redirects to Maintain SEO Rankings

Implement 301 redirects for all your Shopify URLs to their new counterparts to maintain SEO rankings and provide a seamless transition for returning customers.

By following these steps, you can efficiently transfer Shopify store to WooCommerce, setting up a new platform that offers greater flexibility and customization to grow your online business.

Troubleshooting Common Shopify to WooCommerce Migration Issues

Moving from Shopify to WooCommerce can be complex, and it’s not uncommon to encounter issues along the way. Addressing these challenges promptly and effectively is crucial to ensure a smooth transition. Below are some common migration issues and tips on how to troubleshoot them.

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Dealing with Data Discrepancies

  • Data Verification: After importing your data, verify it to ensure all items (products, customers, orders) have been transferred accurately. Cross-check a few random entries with the original data in Shopify.
  • Missing or Inaccurate Data: If you notice missing or inaccurate data, it may be due to incorrect file formats or errors during the import process. Re-check the CSV files for errors and re-import if necessary.
  • Data Cleanup: Post-migration, you might need to clean up your data, like removing duplicates or correcting formatting issues.

Resolving Theme and Plugin Conflicts

  • Identify Conflicts: If your site behaves unexpectedly or displays errors, deactivate all plugins except WooCommerce and switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-One to identify the conflict source.
  • Reactivate One by One: Slowly reactivate each plugin and theme, and monitor the site for issues. This process can help pinpoint the specific plugin or theme causing the conflict.
  • Seek Support: If a specific plugin or theme is problematic, contact the plugin or theme support for assistance. They may offer a patch or workaround.
Theme and Plugin Conflicts

Ensuring Payment Gateways and Checkout Processes Work Correctly

  • Testing Payment Gateways: Set up payment gateways and conduct test transactions to ensure they work correctly. Use the ‘sandbox’ mode for payment gateways to safely test without processing real payments.
  • Checkout Process: Thoroughly test the checkout process from start to finish. Ensure that all steps, from adding items to the cart to final payment and order confirmation, work seamlessly.
  • SSL Certificate: Ensure that your site has a valid SSL certificate for secure transactions. An SSL certificate is crucial for payment processing and building trust with your customers.
  • Monitor Error Logs: Keep an eye on your website’s error logs for any issues during checkout. These logs can provide valuable insights into any problems users might be experiencing.

Addressing these common issues effectively can help ensure a successful switch from Shopify to WooCommerce. It’s important to conduct thorough testing and be prepared to tackle any discrepancies or conflicts that may arise during the migration process.

Can I Use Shopify with WooCommerce?

Technically, it is not standard practice to use Shopify directly with WooCommerce as they are two distinct platforms. However, you can integrate certain aspects of Shopify into the WP site (such as using Buy Button) or vice versa through various third-party tools and plugins. This integration might be suitable for specific scenarios, like linking a Shopify storefront to a WordPress blog.

Which is Better, Shopify or WooCommerce?

The choice between Shopify and WooCommerce depends on your specific needs and business goals. Shopify is user-friendly and ideal for beginners or businesses seeking a straightforward, all-in-one solution. The WP eCommerce platform, being open-source, offers greater customization and flexibility, suited for those wanting more control and with some technical expertise. Key considerations include your desired level of customization, budget, technical comfort, and the scale of your operation.

Is WooCommerce More Expensive Than Shopify?

WooCommerce, as a free plugin, requires additional expenses like hosting, themes, plugins, and development, whereas Shopify has a monthly fee covering hosting but can incur extra costs for apps and themes. Initially, Shopify might seem more cost-effective for basic stores, but the WordPress eCommerce platform can be more economical in the long run, especially for larger stores or those needing extensive customization. With WP, costs may rise with premium plugins and custom development, while Shopify’s costs can increase with paid apps and higher-tier plans. The choice between the two depends on your business needs, technical skills, budget, and long-term objectives, as each platform offers different advantages.


Choosing between the two platforms is a critical decision for any online business, requiring consideration of factors like ease of use, flexibility, cost, and specific business needs. Shopify offers a user-friendly, all-in-one solution, while WooCommerce provides extensive customization and integration with WordPress. 

This guide covered the key aspects of migration, including setup, financial implications, and handling common issues. The choice between these platforms should align with your long-term business strategy, technical capabilities, and audience needs. By evaluating these factors, you can make an informed decision to ensure a successful and evolving online presence.

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