Progressive Web Apps (PWA) vs Native Mobile Apps: How Are They Different?
9 min.

Businesses today often face a crucial decision: develop a Progressive Web App (PWA) or a Native App? PWAs offer a mobile-like experience using web technologies, providing cross-platform compatibility without needing separate codebases for iOS or Android. Native apps, however, are platform-specific, allowing deeper integration with device hardware.

At ProCoders, we understand the complexities of this decision. Whether prioritizing budget, performance, or user experience, choosing the right app approach can significantly impact your project’s success.

This article compares PWAs and Native Apps to help businesses make informed decisions. By outlining the benefits and limitations of each, ProCoders aims to guide CTOs and CPOs in selecting the right solution for their needs.

What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)?

Definition and Characteristics

A PWA is a web application that behaves like a native app but is accessed through a browser. It adapts to different screen sizes and can be installed on a user’s home screen without an app store. PWAs offer features like offline access through service workers, cross-platform compatibility, and quick, app-like functionality.

How PWAs Work

PWAs use:

  • Service Workers: For offline functionality and caching.
  • Web App Manifest: A file that defines how the app appears and behaves when installed.
  • HTTPS: Ensures security and data integrity.

These technologies make PWAs fast, secure, and user-friendly.

Advantages of PWAs

  • Cost-effective: One codebase for all platforms.
  • Cross-platform: Works on all major browsers.
  • Easy updates: Automatic updates, no app store approval needed.
  • Quick access: Instantly available through browsers and can be added to home screens.

Examples of Popular PWAs

  • Twitter Lite: Offers a fast, lightweight experience.
  • Pinterest: Boosted engagement by offering a better mobile experience.
  • Forbes: Increased mobile performance and user engagement with a PWA.

What is a Native App?

Definition and Characteristics

Native apps are built specifically for platforms like iOS or Android using platform-specific languages—Swift for iOS and Kotlin or Java for Android. They are designed to fully utilize device features like the camera, GPS, and push notifications, offering optimized performance.

Key characteristics include:

  • Platform-specific development: Tailored for a specific operating system.
  • High performance: Fast, responsive, and smooth interactions.
  • Full access to device features: Deeper integration with hardware than web apps.

How Native Apps Work

Native apps are developed using tools specific to each platform—Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android. After development, they are submitted to app stores for review and distribution. This ensures platform optimization but requires separate efforts for each operating system.

Native App Advantages

  • Superior performance: Optimized for platform processing power.
  • Better user experience: Designed for intuitive use based on platform guidelines.
  • Deeper integration: Access to device hardware like cameras and sensors for a richer experience.

Examples of Popular Native Apps

  • Instagram: Uses native features like the camera and push notifications.
  • WhatsApp: Ensures seamless messaging and voice calls with native capabilities.
  • Spotify: Delivers smooth streaming with integration into system notifications and offline playback.
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PWA vs Native Apps: Key Comparison Factors

Progressive Web App vs Native: Performance

When it comes to performance, native apps generally have the edge. Native apps are built specifically for a platform, enabling faster load times, smoother interactions, and better responsiveness. Since they have direct access to device hardware, native apps excel in speed and reliability, especially for performance-heavy applications like games or augmented reality.

PWAs, while improving with modern technology, can sometimes lag behind in performance due to their reliance on browsers. Although they offer fast load times for general use, they can struggle with tasks that require extensive processing power.

Progressive Web Apps vs Native: User Experience

Native apps are designed to follow specific platform guidelines, providing users with a seamless and intuitive experience tailored to their device. These apps typically feature smooth navigation, quick transitions, and advanced UI/UX elements that enhance user satisfaction.

PWAs, while responsive and flexible, may not offer the same level of polish as native apps. However, they do offer a unified experience across devices, allowing users to transition from desktop to mobile seamlessly. Still, certain native features, such as deep gestures or advanced animations, might be absent in PWAs.

User Experience

Progressive Web Apps vs Native Apps: Development Cost and Time

PWAs are typically more cost-effective to develop because they require a single codebase that works across all platforms. This reduces both initial development time and long-term maintenance costs. Updates can also be deployed quickly without needing app store approval, saving additional time.

Native apps, by contrast, require separate development for each platform (iOS and Android), which increases both costs and the time needed for development. Each version must be maintained separately, making updates more complex and time-consuming.

Native App vs PWA: Accessibility and Reach

One of the biggest advantages of PWAs is their cross-platform accessibility. They can be accessed on any device with a modern browser, making them ideal for businesses looking to reach a wide audience. PWAs do not require app store downloads, removing barriers to access and increasing potential user reach.

Native apps, however, are restricted to the platform they are built for, whether it’s iOS or Android. While this more targeted reach can result in a smoother experience for the platform’s users, it also limits the audience and requires users to download the app from a store.

PWA vs Native App: Security

In terms of security, native apps typically have an advantage. They must pass rigorous app store vetting processes before being distributed, and they can leverage built-in security features such as biometric authentication, secure storage, and platform-level encryption.

PWAs rely on HTTPS for secure data transfer and use service workers for background processes. While these measures provide solid security, they are often seen as less robust than the security layers offered by native apps, which are more deeply integrated into the device’s ecosystem.

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Native vs Progressive Web Apps: Offline Functionality in Apps

Both PWAs and native apps can work offline, but the methods they use differ. PWAs use service workers to cache data, allowing users to access previously loaded pages or content even when they are offline. However, their offline functionality may be limited depending on how the app is built.

Native apps, on the other hand, are designed to function fully offline. They can store large amounts of data directly on the device and offer more advanced offline capabilities, such as offline content creation or synchronization when back online.

Difference Between Progressive Web App and Native App: Installation and Distribution

PWAs are installed through a browser, allowing users to add them to their home screens without visiting an app store. This simplifies the installation process and eliminates app store approval barriers. However, this also means that PWAs may not get the visibility that apps in the App Store or Google Play enjoy.

Native apps require users to download and install them from an app store. While this adds a step to the user journey, it also provides visibility in app marketplaces and gives users a sense of security through app store vetting.

Difference Between PWA and Native App: Maintenance and Updates

PWAs have a clear advantage when it comes to updates. Since they run through a browser, updates are automatic and apply to all users instantly without requiring them to download a new version from an app store.

Native apps require more effort to maintain, as updates must be submitted to app stores and approved before users can access them. Additionally, users have to manually update the app, and different versions may run simultaneously across devices, complicating the maintenance process.

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PWA Apps vs Native Apps: When to Choose Progressive Apps?

Target Audience and Market Reach

PWAs are ideal for businesses targeting a broad audience across multiple devices. They provide a unified experience for users on desktops, tablets, and smartphones without needing separate apps for iOS and Android.

Budget Constraints

For startups and small businesses with limited budgets, PWAs are cost-effective. With one codebase for all platforms, PWAs lower development and maintenance costs, offering a budget-friendly solution.

Need for Fast Deployment

PWAs allow for rapid deployment without app store approval, making them perfect for businesses that need to quickly enter the market or launch time-sensitive campaigns.

Ideal Use Cases

  • News websites: PWAs provide quick access to content across devices.
  • E-commerce: Companies like Alibaba use PWAs to remove download barriers and enhance shopping experiences.
  • Travel bookings: Trivago uses PWAs to offer easy, fast access to services for customers on the go.

PWA vs Native Mobile App: When to Choose a Native App?

Performance-Critical Applications

Native apps excel in performance-critical scenarios like gaming, financial trading, or apps requiring high-speed processing. Their efficient access to device resources provides superior responsiveness and reliability.

Deep Integration with Device Features

For apps needing deep integration with features like GPS, cameras, or Bluetooth, native apps are the best option. They interact directly with device hardware, making them ideal for apps like fitness trackers or location-based services.

Targeting a Specific Platform

If you’re focused on a single platform, such as iOS, native apps offer a tailored user experience, optimizing performance and design for that specific audience.

Examples of Ideal Use Cases

  • Gaming: Apps like Pokémon GO need high performance and hardware integration.
  • Social Media: Instagram and Snapchat rely on native features like cameras and gestures for immersive experiences.
  • Banking: Apps like Chase and Revolut prioritize security and performance, using native features like fingerprint authentication.
Native Mobile App:

Hybrid Approach: Combining PWA and Native App

Overview of Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps blend the features of PWAs and native apps. Developed using web technologies, they’re wrapped in a native container, allowing distribution through app stores and access to device features. This provides cross-platform flexibility with some of the performance benefits of native apps.

Benefits of a Hybrid Approach

  • Broader reach: Hybrid apps run on multiple platforms with minimal changes, like PWAs, but can also be distributed in app stores.
  • Cost savings: One codebase reduces development time and costs.
  • Improved performance: Native containers improve performance compared to PWAs.

Challenges of a Hybrid Approach

  • Complex development: Balancing cross-platform compatibility and optimization can be more complicated.
  • Performance compromises: Hybrid apps may not fully match the speed and responsiveness of native apps in high-performance scenarios.

Examples of Successful Hybrid Apps

Several companies have implemented hybrid apps successfully, balancing the strengths of both approaches:

  • Uber: Uber’s app uses a hybrid approach to provide users with a fast, responsive experience while maintaining cross-platform compatibility.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb adopted a hybrid model to enable rapid deployment of updates and features across iOS and Android while maintaining a high-quality user experience.
  • Instagram: Instagram, originally developed as a native app, now incorporates hybrid elements to allow for faster updates and easier maintenance across platforms.

PWA vs Native App Comparison: Conclusion

The choice between PWA and native apps depends on your business goals. PWAs are ideal for cross-platform reach and budget-conscious projects, while native apps suit performance-critical and platform-specific needs.

Hybrid development, along with advancements in browser capabilities, is narrowing the gap between PWAs and native apps. As technology evolves, businesses will have more flexible options to balance cost, performance, and user experience.

PWA vs Native App, which is better?

PWAs are more cost-effective, easier to maintain, and provide a seamless web experience across devices. However, native apps often offer better performance, access to device-specific features, and a more integrated user experience.

Can PWA replace native?

In some cases, yes. PWAs can replace native apps for businesses that prioritize accessibility, faster development, and lower costs. However, for projects that need deep integration with device hardware or advanced performance, native apps are usually the better choice.

What is the difference between PWA and a traditional app?

The main difference lies in how they are developed and deployed. PWAs are built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and can be accessed through browsers, while traditional apps are platform-specific and require installation from app stores. Native apps are developed using platform-specific languages and provide full access to device features.

When not to use PWA?

You should avoid using a PWA if your app requires heavy interaction with device hardware (like GPS, camera, or Bluetooth), delivers complex offline functionality, or demands high performance such as gaming apps.

Is PWA still relevant in 2024?

Yes, PWAs are still highly relevant in 2024. With advancements in browser capabilities, many businesses are adopting PWAs for their ability to offer a fast, engaging experience without the need for installation. They’re especially suitable for industries where user accessibility across multiple devices is a priority.

Why doesn’t Apple allow PWA?

Apple does allow PWAs, but with certain limitations. Unlike other platforms, Apple restricts full access to device features such as push notifications, background sync, and other system-level functionalities that native apps can use, making PWAs on iOS less powerful.

What are the advantages of a PWA?

The advantages of a PWA include lower development costs, cross-platform compatibility, no need for app store approval, quick updates, fast loading times, and the ability to work offline through service workers.

What are the benefits of a native app?

Native apps offer superior performance, better security, access to all device hardware, and a more integrated user experience. They are also more customizable and can leverage platform-specific features more effectively than PWAs.

Can PWAs work offline?

Yes, PWAs can work offline using service workers, which cache essential data. However, the level of offline functionality depends on how the PWA is designed.

Do native apps perform better than PWAs?

Generally, yes. Native apps tend to have better performance because they are optimized for specific platforms and can directly access device hardware, leading to faster load times and smoother interactions. PWAs are more reliant on browsers, which can create performance bottlenecks.

What is the cost difference between PWA and native app development?

PWAs typically cost less to develop because they use a single codebase that works across multiple platforms. Native app development usually requires separate codebases for iOS and Android, which increases both development time and costs.

Which platforms support PWAs?

PWAs are supported by most modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, allowing them to run on virtually any device. However, some features may be limited on iOS devices due to Apple’s restrictions.

Do native apps offer better security than PWAs?

Yes, native apps generally offer better security because they have tighter integration with platform-specific security protocols, such as fingerprint authentication or secure storage. PWAs rely more on web security protocols, which can sometimes offer fewer protections.

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