How to Manage a Software Development Team: C-level Tips
9 min.

How to manage a software development team? It can be an arduous journey filled with challenges that demand both technical work and effective leadership. For C-level executives and team leaders, the complexities that come along when you have to keep track of the crew can be particularly daunting. The task becomes even more intricate when we consider the myriad types of software development crews – from in-house to remote, hybrid to cross-cultural. 

To assist you along the way, we’ll use our 9 years of experience in creating and managing such groups to explain the intricacies of team management in software development, emphasizing the issues you’re likely to encounter. At the end of this journey, we’ll equip you with valuable tips and solutions to navigate these challenges, so don’t miss the cherry on top at the end!

Types of Software Development Teams

Before diving into the challenges of managing a software development team, it’s important to understand the various types of crews you might encounter. These teams can be broadly categorized into:

  • In-house: These are teams that work directly within your organization, providing dedicated development resources for your projects.
  • Remote: Remote teams consist of developers working from different locations. When you outsource software development overseas or locally to other cities, you get a remote crew. Managing the team’s time, choosing the best strategies, and improving the work environment are important in this case.
  • Hybrid: Hybrid teams combine in-house and remote developers. It’s crucial to make sure the skill sets match and establish unified communication channels.
  • Cross-Cultural: This means your crew includes members from different cultures. Cultural sensitivity and effective communication are essential in this case to make sure all members work together, and you get all the processes information without bias.

There surely are some things to consider when choosing the type of team, but why does the management part seem so difficult, no matter the team needs? Let’s see.

What Makes Managing Software Teams Difficult?

Difficulties in managing software development teams.

Managing software development teams comes with its own set of complexities.

For example, many C-level executives lack technical expertise, making it challenging to understand the intricacies of the development process. This can hinder effective communication and decision-making.

The former is critical, especially when working with remote or cross-cultural teams. Managing collaborative efforts and resolving conflicts are paramount skills. This is especially important when you’re working with nearshore software development, talking to the team remotely.

Last but not least, project management is vital to meet deadlines and deliver high-quality software. It’s important to choose the right project management tools and methodologies.

These may seem small factors, but they influence your management success greatly. Let ProCoders help you get into the process properly, even without tech expertise.

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How to Manage a Team of Software Developers Without Tech Experience 

For C-level executives without a technical background, managing a team of developers can seem daunting. Here are some tips to navigate this challenge:

Building Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of effective management, especially when you lack technical expertise. Your development crew comprises skilled professionals who understand the intricacies of software creation. It’s crucial to place your trust in their expertise and judgment. 

By doing so, you empower them to make technical decisions independently. This not only eases your burden but also fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility among team members. When they feel trusted and valued, they are more likely to be motivated and productive.

Continuous Learning

While it may not be feasible for you to become a technical expert overnight, investing in ongoing learning can be immensely beneficial. You don’t need to become a developer, but having even a small understanding of software creation can bridge the knowledge gap. 

It allows you to ask informed questions and understand the rationale behind technical decisions. There are various resources available, from online courses to books, to help you on your learning journey.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is a linchpin in any successful team management endeavor. When you manage a development team without a technical background, fostering open communication becomes even more critical. Encourage your crew members to explain technical concepts in layman’s terms. 

Furthermore, don’t hesitate to ask questions when you don’t understand something. Your willingness to seek clarity demonstrates your commitment to the team path and success and can lead to more transparent and productive discussions.

Technical Advisors

Technical advisors are individuals with a strong technical background who can bridge the knowledge gap between your non-technical role and the development team’s expertise. They can provide valuable insights, offer guidance on technical decisions, and help you make informed choices. Depending on your organization’s resources and project requirements, you can hire full-time technical advisors or opt for consulting services.

Pro tip: make sure you use some kind of project management software. Which one? We review some below!

Managing a Team with Project Management Software

Managing a Team with Project Management Software

Efficient project management is the backbone of a successful software development team. Here are some recommendations on how to work with popular project management tools.


Jira is a powerful and versatile tool designed specifically for software development crews. To make the most of Jira, consider the following:

  • Tailor Jira to your specific needs by customizing workflows, issue types, and fields.
  • Utilize Jira’s agile features, including Scrum and Kanban boards, to manage tasks, sprints, and backlogs effectively.
  • Integrate Jira with other software development tools, such as version control systems like Git, to enhance visibility and collaboration.
  • Take advantage of Jira’s reporting capabilities to track team performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions.


Wrike is recognized for its AI-driven capabilities that contribute to team management and productivity. It’s a prominent player in the AI-powered management space. To efficiently work with the software’s AI features:

  • Use Generative AI to create content. The feature can help you create briefs, plans, and brainstormed ideas effortlessly, saving you time and effort.
  • Use Wrike’s AI-powered Project Risk Prediction feature that can help you identify historical patterns and frequent issues, providing a 360° view of risk factors.
  • Use Wrike’s AI Subtask Creation feature. It can help you extract key tasks from plain text fast. It can analyze your project plan or meeting notes, create a parent task, decipher actionable steps, and automatically create subtasks that will take you from scribbled ideas to successful delivery


Asana is a versatile project management tool that can be adapted to your software development team’s needs. To optimize your use of Asana:

  • Structurize your projects and boards for your development tasks and initiatives.
  • Define task dependencies to ensure that work progresses smoothly and no bottlenecks occur.
  • Integrate Asana with other development tools, such as code repositories and communication platforms, to streamline collaboration.
  • Utilize Asana’s commenting and collaboration features to keep team members informed and engaged.
  • Set up task automation in Asana to reduce manual work, such as task assignment and notifications.

Ultimately, the choice of project management software should align with your team’s specific needs and workflows. Regularly review your chosen tool to ensure that it continues to support your team’s efficiency and productivity. 

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How to Run a Software Development Team: Remote and Hybrid Tips

Nowadays, remote and hybrid work models have become prevalent. Here are some more software development team management best practices to help you navigate these dynamic work models:

Tip 1. Foster a Collaborative Culture

Encourage a collaborative mindset within your crew, even in remote settings. Emphasize the importance of teamwork and cross-functional collaboration to tackle complex projects. Use online tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to facilitate ongoing discussions and ensure that developers feel connected.

Tip 2. Define Clear Workflows and Processes

Tips for team management in software development.

Establish well-defined workflows and processes for both remote and hybrid teams. Clearly document how tasks should be handled, from development to testing and deployment. Make sure that all members understand and follow these processes to maintain consistency and quality.

Tip 3. Time Zone Considerations

If your crew is spread across different time zones, it’s vital to acknowledge and accommodate these differences. Ensure that there are overlapping work hours for essential meetings and collaboration. Additionally, use tools like World Time Buddy to find convenient meeting times for all members.

Tip 4. Invest in Collaboration Tools

Effective communication is at the core of managing remote and hybrid teams. Invest in collaboration tools like video conferencing software (e.g., Zoom or Microsoft Teams), project management platforms, and instant messaging apps (e.g., Slack or Discord). These tools facilitate seamless communication, file sharing, and real-time collaboration.

Tip 5. Clear Documentation

Encourage your team to maintain comprehensive and up-to-date documentation. This includes project plans, coding standards, best practices, and user stories. Accessible documentation ensures that all members can easily reference important information and remain aligned.

Tip 6. Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

Acknowledge the importance of work-life balance for remote and hybrid crews. Promote flexible working hours and be understanding of personal commitments. Supporting your team’s well-being leads to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Tip 7. Cybersecurity and Data Protection

With remote work comes the need for robust cybersecurity measures. Implement strict security protocols to protect your software development projects and sensitive data. Use secure VPNs, multi-factor authentication, and regular cybersecurity training to minimize risks.

Tip 8. Regular Team Building and Social Interaction

As you build a software development team, don’t overlook the importance of social interaction. Organize virtual team-building activities, celebrate milestones, and maintain a sense of camaraderie among remote members. Building strong relationships can enhance crew dynamics and overall satisfaction.

Tip 9. Offer Feedback and Recognition

Feedback is paramount when you manage software development teams. 

Provide regular feedback and recognition to remote and hybrid team members. Acknowledge their accomplishments and offer constructive feedback to help them grow. This approach ensures that your crew remains motivated and engaged.

Tip 10. Disaster Recovery and Contingency Plans

Be prepared for unexpected events that may disrupt remote work, such as power outages or internet connectivity issues. Develop disaster recovery and contingency plans to minimize downtime and ensure business continuity.

When you manage an offshore development team, success hinges on adaptability, communication, and the use of technology to bridge geographical gaps. Now, let us share our experience and secret tips that make our management models successful!

ProСoders Experience and 3 Secret Recommendations to Manage Development Team Seamlessly and Efficiently

With a proven track record in team management, ProCoders, a software development company, has successfully overseen over 150 diverse software development teams, often providing dedicated managers to ensure project success.

Take, for instance, our work with Ushahidi, a non-profit organization in the social sector. We effectively managed a multinational team scattered across various geographical locations, ensuring seamless project execution. Our commitment to resolving challenges, such as team diversity and fragmented codebases, was evident in the successful migration from AngularJS to Angular 14.

Similarly, our collaboration with a logistics, retail, and delivery project (under NDA) showcases our adaptability in diverse industries. The product’s ever-evolving purpose and name didn’t deter us; instead, we provided a holistic solution, demonstrating our expertise in technologies like Angular, Ionic, and Node.js, as well as our ability to seamlessly integrate resources into a self-managed dedicated team.

These cases exemplify ProCoders’ comprehensive team management capabilities, along with our tailored solutions like the Discovery Phase and Team as a Service (TaaS). With ProCoders, you can trust that your projects will be in capable hands, whether you need additional resources for an existing team or a fully managed dedicated crew.

Based on our experience, we have 3 extra recommendations for you. Leave your email and level up your management strategies!

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Developer team management is a multifaceted task that requires a combination of technical knowledge, leadership skills, and effective project management. Whether you’re dealing with in-house, remote, hybrid, or cross-cultural teams, understanding the nuances of each scenario is essential.

Leveraging the right project management tools and learning from experienced organizations like ProCoders can significantly enhance your team’s efficiency and success.

< class="faq-section__title h4">FAQs

How to Manage a Team of Developers Working Remotely?

Effective communication and clear expectations are key to managing remote development teams. Utilize collaboration tools and regular check-ins to maintain productivity and cohesion.

What Tools Are Best to Manage a Remote Development Team?

Tools like Jira, Redmine, Asana, and various communication applications are effective for managing remote development teams. The choice depends on your team’s specific needs.

Are cross-cultural teams difficult to manage?

Cross-cultural teams can be challenging, but they also offer unique perspectives and opportunities. Managing such teams requires cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and a focus on diversity and inclusion.

How to coordinate efficiently the hybrid development team?

Efficient coordination of hybrid teams involves setting clear objectives, promoting trust and autonomy, and conducting regular check-ins to ensure alignment and accountability.

What Are the Roles in a Software Development Team?

A software development team typically includes roles such as developers, testers, project managers, product owners, and designers, among others. Each role contributes to the development process in distinct ways.

Are There Any Differences in How to Manage a Software Development Team That Is Outstaffed and Outsourced?

Managing each type requires understanding the specific contractual arrangements and expectations. Outstaffed and outsourced teams differ in their level of integration with your organization.

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