How Data Mart Actually Works: Understand Data Marts with ProCoders
9 min.

A data mart is a focused subset of a data warehouse that caters to the specific needs of a particular business area or department. Unlike a data warehouse that serves the entire organization, a data mart zeroes in on a single functional area, such as sales, marketing, or finance, providing specialized access to relevant data.

Data marts play a crucial role in improving decision-making and operational efficiency within targeted areas of a business. By giving departments access to tailored data sets, data marts help teams make faster, data-driven decisions without needing to comb through irrelevant information. This not only saves time but also enhances the precision of insights for specific business functions.

We at ProCoders use data marts for multiple departments, but we see that the term isn’t quite popular. So, traditionally, we’re going to share some info with you about these useful tools!

How Data Mart Works: Data Mart Architecture Components

1. Data Sources

Data marts rely on various data sources to populate their content. These sources can include transactional databases, operational systems, and external data feeds. For example, an ERP system might provide financial data, a CRM system could supply customer information, and web analytics might offer insights into user behavior. Each of these data sources serves as a key input to ensure the data mart is both comprehensive and relevant to its specific use case.

2. ETL Process for Data Mart

ETL, or Extract, Transform, Load, is the process that powers the flow of data into a data mart. During extraction, data is pulled from various sources, such as databases or external applications. Once extracted, the transformation stage begins, where data is cleaned, aggregated, and converted into a format suitable for analysis. Finally, in the loading phase, the transformed data is placed into the data mart, making it ready for users to access and query. The ETL process ensures that the data in the mart is accurate, up-to-date, and formatted to support specific business needs.

ETL Process for Data Mart

3. Data Storage

The storage architecture of a data mart is designed to facilitate easy access and analysis. Common data models, such as the star schema and snowflake schema, are used to organize data in a dimensional format. Dimensional modeling simplifies the relationship between data points, making it easier for users to run queries and generate reports. Storage technologies range from on-premises databases to cloud-based solutions, depending on the organization’s infrastructure and data needs.

4. Data Access and Query Tools

Once data is stored in the data mart, users can access it through various tools and interfaces designed for querying and analysis. These may include SQL-based queries, business intelligence (BI) tools, and specialized reporting software. Such tools allow users to dive into the data, generate reports, visualize trends, and perform detailed analyses, ensuring that the insights are actionable and aligned with the department’s goals.

Let ProCoders help you build a data mart that improves decision-making and organizes data access across your organization.

Data Mart Design and Architecture

Let’s talk types and approaches!

Design Approaches

  • Top-Down Approach
    In a top-down design, the data mart is built from an enterprise-wide data warehouse. The data warehouse serves as the central repository for all organizational data, and data marts are created as subsets of this warehouse, focusing on specific departments or business functions. This approach ensures consistency across the organization, as all data originates from a single source.
  • Bottom-Up Approach
    In the bottom-up approach, data marts are built independently from individual data sources and later integrated into a larger data warehouse. This approach is often chosen when specific departments need data quickly and the full-scale data warehouse is not yet in place. Over time, the data marts are consolidated into a centralized data warehouse.

Types of Data Marts

  • Dependent Data Mart
    A dependent data mart is created from an existing data warehouse. In this case, the data warehouse is the single source of truth, and the data mart serves as a streamlined view of that data, focusing on a particular business area. This ensures that the data in the mart is consistent with the rest of the organization’s data.
  • Independent Data Mart
    An independent data mart is built directly from data sources, without relying on a data warehouse. These marts often pull data from operational systems or external sources and are used by departments that need data quickly without waiting for the development of a full data warehouse.
  • Hybrid Data Mart
    A hybrid data mart combines data from both a data warehouse and other data sources. This allows for greater flexibility in how data is collected and used, offering the benefits of both centralized data from the warehouse and the agility of pulling data from other sources when needed.

Data Mart Implementation Process

Usually, when in need of a new data mart, this is the process we at ProCoders follow for its implementation.

Step 1: Planning and Requirements Gathering

The first step in implementing a data mart is planning and gathering business requirements. This includes identifying the specific business goals the data mart will serve, the key performance indicators (KPIs) to be tracked, and the types of data needed. Stakeholders involved in this process typically include business analysts, data architects, and IT staff, ensuring that both technical and business needs are considered.

Planning and Requirements Gathering

Step 2: Data Modeling

Designing the data model is a critical step in the data mart implementation process. This involves defining the schema, such as whether to use a star or snowflake schema, and identifying the dimensions and facts that will be used to organize the data. Relationships between different data points are also defined at this stage to ensure efficient data retrieval and analysis.

Step 3: Data Mart ETL Process Development

Once the data model is defined, the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes are developed. During this phase, data is extracted from various sources, transformed according to business rules, and then loaded into the data mart. The transformation process includes cleaning, aggregating, and formatting the data to ensure it meets the requirements of the data mart.

Step 4: Data Integration

Integrating data from multiple sources is crucial for ensuring that the data mart provides a comprehensive view of the business area it serves. Data integration involves combining data from different operational systems, external feeds, and possibly a data warehouse, while maintaining data quality and consistency.

Data Integration

Step 5: Testing and Validation

Before deploying the data mart, rigorous testing is conducted to ensure the accuracy and performance of the system. This includes validating that the data mart meets business requirements, ensuring that queries run efficiently, and confirming that users can easily access the data they need.

Step 6: Deployment

Once the data mart has been tested and validated, it is deployed. This involves loading the initial data, training users on how to access and use the data mart, and conducting go-live activities to ensure a smooth transition. The deployment phase is critical for ensuring that the data mart is fully operational and meets the needs of the business.

Step 7: Maintenance and Optimization

After deployment, the data mart requires ongoing maintenance to keep it running efficiently. This includes performance tuning, updating data regularly, and providing user support as needed. Optimization efforts may include refining ETL processes, improving query performance, and ensuring that the data mart continues to meet evolving business requirements.

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From planning to implementation, ProCoders can guide you through every step of your data mart project. Get started today!

Data Mart Benefits

Improved Data Accessibility

Data marts make data more accessible by delivering focused, department-specific datasets. This allows teams like marketing, sales, or finance to quickly access the exact information they need without sifting through irrelevant data. By targeting specific business functions, data marts eliminate unnecessary complexity and provide users with a clearer view of their area of focus.

Enhanced Performance

Since data marts are designed to handle data for specific departments, query performance is optimized. Instead of processing large, organization-wide datasets, data marts only focus on a subset of the data. This results in faster query execution and more efficient data retrieval, allowing users to run reports and analyses more quickly.

Streamlined Reporting

Data marts simplify reporting by tailoring data to specific business needs. Departments can generate reports that focus solely on their key metrics, reducing the time and effort required to extract meaningful insights. This streamlined approach makes it easier to produce targeted reports that support strategic decision-making within specific business units.

Faster Decision-Making

With quicker access to relevant data, decision-making becomes faster and more informed. Data marts provide timely and accurate information, enabling teams to respond to changing business conditions more efficiently. Whether it’s adjusting a marketing campaign or evaluating financial performance, data marts ensure that decision-makers have the right data at their fingertips.

Faster Decision-Making

Real-World Applications of Data Mart

Here are three real-world data mart examples across different industries:

  1. Retail Industry – Sales and Marketing Data Mart
    A retail company might use a data mart specifically for sales and marketing data. This allows the marketing department to track promotions, discounts, and customer purchase behaviors. Sales teams can analyze performance by comparing year-over-year sales data or measuring product performance across regions. This targeted data mart improves decision-making speed for both marketing and sales teams by focusing on the data that matters most to their functions​.
  2. Healthcare Industry – Patient Data Mart
    In the healthcare sector, data marts are used to monitor patient records and improve patient care management. A hospital might use a patient-centric data mart that combines records from various departments (e.g., diagnostics, treatments, billing). This allows healthcare providers to quickly access and analyze patient information, improving the quality of care and response times for critical decisions​.
  3. Finance Industry – Transaction Monitoring Data Mart
    Financial institutions often rely on data marts for fraud detection. A data mart can be dedicated to analyzing transaction data across customer accounts to identify suspicious activities. By focusing specifically on financial transactions, the data mart enables quick identification of unusual patterns, improving security and helping prevent fraud​.

Future Trends in Data Marts

Integration of Data Mart and Cloud Solutions

Cloud-based data marts are on the rise as companies shift to scalable and flexible environments like AWS, Google Cloud, and Snowflake. Cloud technologies offer benefits such as easier integration with diverse data sources, reduced infrastructure costs, and the ability to handle increasing data volumes without the limitations of on-premises systems.

Advanced Analytics and AI

Data marts are increasingly being paired with advanced analytics and AI tools to gain deeper insights. These technologies enable predictive analytics and automated decision-making, allowing businesses to leverage data marts for more sophisticated analysis. AI-powered tools help companies identify trends, optimize processes, and make more informed decisions.

Real-Time Data Processing

Real-time data processing is becoming a standard feature in data mart design, especially for businesses requiring immediate insights. By enabling real-time analysis, data marts help companies respond to market changes, customer behavior, or operational shifts instantly. This trend is critical in industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, where timely data-driven actions are vital.

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Boost your business efficiency with a custom data mart designed by ProCoders. Reach out to explore how we can help!

Data Mart for Decision Support: Conclusion

Data marts provide targeted, department-specific data that enhances decision-making and operational efficiency. We’ve covered their components, implementation process, and key benefits, including streamlined reporting and improved data accessibility. While challenges like data integration and scalability exist, proper planning and technology solutions can overcome these hurdles.

As businesses continue to evolve, data marts remain an essential tool for delivering focused, actionable insights. The integration of cloud technologies, AI, and real-time processing will further amplify their importance in data-driven decision-making. Organizations that adopt and optimize data marts will be better positioned to gain a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business environment.

What is a data mart in simple words?

A data mart is a smaller, specialized database that holds data for a specific business department, making it easier for teams like sales or marketing to access relevant information quickly.

What is an example of a data mart?

A data mart could be a marketing department’s database that stores customer details, campaign performance, and sales data, all focused on marketing activities.

What is a data mart vs. a data warehouse?

A data mart is a focused subset of a data warehouse. While a data warehouse stores data for the entire organization, a data mart contains only the data needed by a specific business unit, like finance or marketing.

What are the types of data mart?

Data marts can be created directly from operational systems, built as part of a larger data warehouse, or combined both approaches. The type depends on how the data is sourced and structured.

What are the benefits of a data mart?

A key benefit of a data mart is that it provides faster access to data that’s relevant to specific business needs, helping departments make quicker, more informed decisions.

Is Snowflake a data mart?

No, Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehouse platform. However, it can be used to create and manage data marts as part of its larger data management capabilities.

What is EDW vs. data mart in data warehouse?

An Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is a centralized repository that stores data for the entire organization, whereas a data mart focuses on a specific subset of data that is relevant to one department or function.

What is an SQL data mart?

A SQL data mart uses SQL-based databases to manage and query structured data. It allows users to retrieve and analyze specific data using SQL commands.

Can you have an online data mart without a data warehouse?

Yes, you can have an independent data mart without a data warehouse. It can be created directly from operational systems or other data sources, depending on business needs.

What are the disadvantages of a data mart?

Disadvantages include the risk of data silos and inconsistencies when multiple data marts exist in the same organization, as well as the challenge of maintaining each one separately.

How to build a data mart?

Building a data mart involves defining business requirements, selecting data sources, designing a schema, processing the data, and implementing the data mart to meet the needs of the intended users.

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