Best NodeJS Frameworks 2024 Based on ProCoders Experience
12 min.

Node.js, a powerful and versatile JavaScript runtime,Е has seen exponential growth in the web development community. Its non-blocking, event-driven architecture allows for the creation of high-performance, scalable applications, making it a preferred choice for modern web development. As CTOs and tech leaders seek to leverage the latest technologies for new projects, selecting the right framework becomes crucial.

In this article, we will explore the best Node frameworks for 2024, providing an in-depth look at their features, benefits, and ideal use cases. Our goal is to guide you through the landscape of Node.js frameworks, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your project’s requirements.

Choosing the right NodeJS framework can significantly enhance development efficiency and application performance. At ProCoders, we specialize in Node.js development and have extensive experience with various frameworks. Our expertise enables us to provide valuable insights and support to CTOs looking to make the best technology choices for their companies. Whether you’re planning a new project or seeking skilled developers to bring your vision to life, we’re here to help you succeed.

What is NodeJS?

Node.js is a powerful, open-source JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to execute JavaScript code server-side, enabling the creation of fast and scalable network applications. Node.js employs a non-blocking, event-driven architecture, which is highly efficient for handling multiple simultaneous connections.

Nodejs for backend was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009, aiming to build scalable network programs more easily than traditional methods. Since its inception, Node.js has undergone significant evolution, with its ecosystem expanding through the active contribution of a large community of developers. The platform has steadily grown, incorporating new features and improvements that enhance its performance and capabilities.


Importance in Modern Web Development

One of the standout features of Node.js is its exceptional performance. Its non-blocking, asynchronous nature allows it to handle a high volume of concurrent connections with minimal overhead. This efficiency makes Node.js particularly suitable for real-time applications, such as chat applications, online gaming, and collaborative tools, where rapid response times are crucial.

Node.js has gained immense popularity among developers and businesses alike. According to recent surveys, Node.js is one of the most widely used tools in modern web development. Its versatility, combined with the widespread use of JavaScript, makes it a go-to choice for many companies looking to build scalable and high-performance applications. The thriving ecosystem of packages and modules available through npm (Node Package Manager) further enhances its appeal, providing a vast array of tools to streamline development processes.

Criteria for Selecting NodeJS Frameworks

Choosing the right NodeJS framework is essential for building robust and scalable applications. At ProCoders, we prepared a detailed look at the critical criteria to consider:


Scalability: Scalability refers to the framework’s ability to efficiently handle increasing traffic and larger applications. Frameworks like Encore.ts offer built-in support for microservices and cloud deployment, which can greatly enhance scalability. Look for features such as clustering, load balancing, and distributed systems support to ensure your application can grow seamlessly.

Speed: The speed of code execution and request handling is vital for application performance. Frameworks like Koa.js and Fastify are known for their minimalistic design and optimized performance. Benchmarks, such as those comparing request/second and response latency, can provide insights into a framework’s speed. For instance, Encore.ts uses a Rust-based runtime for handling requests, which offers significant performance improvements.

Community Support

Documentation: High-quality, comprehensive documentation is crucial for reducing the learning curve and improving development efficiency. Good documentation includes detailed guides, API references, and troubleshooting tips. Frameworks with extensive and well-maintained documentation, like Express.js, can be particularly advantageous.

Community Size: An active and large community provides valuable support and resources. A vibrant community means more third-party modules, frequent updates, and a wealth of shared knowledge. Frameworks like Express.js benefit from a large user base, ensuring robust community support and contributions.

Community Support

Features and Flexibility

Built-in Tools: The range of built-in tools and utilities a framework offers can significantly streamline development. For example, Nest.js provides built-in support for WebSockets, dependency injection, and a modular architecture, making it easier to develop and maintain large applications. Encore.ts offers comprehensive tooling for distributed tracing, automated API documentation, and cloud infrastructure automation.

Customizability: The ability to extend and customize the framework to meet specific project needs is essential. Modular frameworks like Koa.js allow developers to choose and integrate only the components they need, offering greater flexibility. Look for frameworks that support plugins and have a flexible architecture to tailor the framework according to your requirements.

Evaluating NodeJS frameworks based on these criteria will help you select the best fit for your project. At ProCoders, our expertise with various NodeJS frameworks allows us to provide valuable insights and support, ensuring your development process is efficient and effective. Whether you need guidance in choosing the right framework or skilled developers to implement your vision, we’re here to help you succeed.

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Top NodeJS Frameworks for 2024


Overview: Express.js is a minimalistic and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. It is designed to build single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications.

Key Features:

  • Middleware Support: Express.js uses a series of middleware functions to handle requests, which can be stacked and executed sequentially.
  • Routing: It offers a simple and powerful routing system to handle various HTTP methods and URL paths.
  • Template Engines: Supports various template engines like Pug and EJS for server-side rendering.

Use Cases: Ideal for single-page applications, RESTful APIs, and server-side rendering due to its flexibility and ease of use.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Lightweight, flexible, large community support, extensive middleware ecosystem.
  • Cons: Requires more manual setup for advanced features, minimal structure may lead to inconsistencies in large projects.


Overview: Developed by the team behind Express.js, Koa.js is a next-generation web framework that aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.

Key Features:

  • Middleware Stack: Koa uses a more refined middleware stack that leverages async functions, providing better control over the flow.
  • Async/Await: First-class support for async/await, simplifying asynchronous code.
  • Lightweight Nature: It is designed to be very lightweight, offering only basic functionalities out-of-the-box.

Use Cases: Suitable for building web applications and APIs where performance and control over middleware are critical.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Improved error handling, better control of request and response, very lightweight.
  • Cons: Requires more boilerplate for common tasks, smaller ecosystem compared to Express.js.


Overview: NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework built with TypeScript, designed to build efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side applications.

Key Features:

  • Modular Architecture: Encourages a modular structure, making the codebase easy to manage and scale.
  • Dependency Injection: Built-in support for dependency injection to enhance testability and maintainability.
  • Extensive CLI: Powerful CLI to scaffold projects and manage tasks efficiently.

Use Cases: Ideal for enterprise-level applications, microservices, and complex systems requiring robust architecture and maintainability.

We actually have used this framework for our Roth River project. Our experts at ProCoders utilized NestJS for Roth River’s IoT development, enabling rapid and efficient creation of both web and mobile applications using a shared codebase. This boosted the process, reducing development time significantly while providing a smooth, user-friendly interface for distillers and customers to monitor and customize their whiskey. 

The use of NestJS ensured scalability and integration with other technologies, enhancing the overall product experience.

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Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: TypeScript support, strong architecture, extensive documentation, and community support.
  • Cons: Steeper learning curve, can be overkill for simple projects.


Overview: Hapi.js is a rich framework for building applications and services with a strong focus on configuration-driven development and reliability.

Key Features:

  • Input Validation: Robust input validation with Joi.
  • Caching: Advanced caching mechanisms to improve performance.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error handling capabilities.

Use Cases: Ideal for secure and scalable web applications and APIs, especially where configuration and validation are crucial.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: High security, extensive plugin system, configuration-driven.
  • Cons: Larger learning curve, can be slower compared to other frameworks due to its extensive feature set.


Overview: Sails.js is a MVC framework for Node.js, designed to mimic the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for modern data-oriented development.

Key Features:

  • Data-driven APIs: Automatic generation of RESTful APIs.
  • WebSockets: Built-in support for WebSockets.
  • ORM Support: Integrates with Waterline ORM for database-agnostic data access.

Use Cases: Best suited for real-time applications, dashboards, and chat applications due to its WebSocket support.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Rapid development, real-time capabilities, auto-generated REST APIs.
  • Cons: Can be heavyweight, less flexibility in customizations.


Overview: AdonisJS is a full-stack MVC framework for Node.js, inspired by the Laravel framework, offering a rich development experience.

Key Features:

  • ORM: Built-in ORM for database management.
  • Authentication: Comprehensive authentication and authorization features.
  • Built-in Security: Comes with security features out-of-the-box.

Use Cases: Suitable for full-stack applications and enterprise solutions requiring a strong structure and built-in features.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Full-featured, great documentation, strong convention over configuration.
  • Cons: Smaller community, less flexible for unconventional use cases.


Overview: Meteor.js is a full-stack framework for building real-time applications, offering a seamless development experience with integrated front-end and back-end support.

Key Features:

  • Live Data Updates: Real-time data synchronization between clients and server.
  • Full-Stack Reactivity: Reactive programming model across the entire stack.
  • Seamless Client-Server Integration: Unified development environment for client and server code.

Use Cases: Best for real-time web and mobile applications due to its live data capabilities.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Real-time updates, easy to use, integrated environment.
  • Cons: Can be monolithic, limited flexibility for non-reactive applications.


Overview: Feathers.js is a microservices framework for real-time applications, offering a flexible and minimalistic approach.

Key Features:

  • RESTful Resources: Easy creation of RESTful resources.
  • WebSocket Support: Built-in support for real-time communication with WebSockets.
  • Plug-in Architecture: Modular and extendable via plugins.

Use Cases: Ideal for microservices, real-time applications, and APIs requiring a lightweight and flexible framework.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Lightweight, flexible, easy to extend.
  • Cons: Less opinionated, may require more setup for complex applications.

For easier comparison, here’s a NodeJS frameworks overview 2024:

FrameworkKey FeaturesUse CasesPros and Cons
Express.jsMiddleware support, routing, template engines (Pug, EJS).Single-page applications, RESTful APIs, server-side rendering.Pros: Lightweight, flexible, large community support. Cons: Requires more setup for advanced features, minimal structure can lead to inconsistencies.
Koa.jsMiddleware stack using async functions, first-class async/await support, lightweight nature.Web applications and APIs where performance and control over middleware are critical.Pros: Improved error handling, better control, lightweight. Cons: More boilerplate for common tasks, smaller ecosystem.
NestJSModular architecture, dependency injection, extensive CLI.Enterprise-level applications, microservices, complex systems.Pros: TypeScript support, strong architecture, extensive documentation. Cons: Steeper learning curve, can be overkill for simple projects.
Hapi.jsInput validation (Joi), advanced caching, comprehensive error handling.Secure and scalable web applications and APIs.Pros: High security, extensive plugin system, configuration-driven. Cons: Larger learning curve, can be slower.
Sails.jsAutomatic RESTful APIs, built-in WebSockets, Waterline ORM support.Real-time applications, dashboards, chat applications.Pros: Rapid development, real-time capabilities, auto-generated REST APIs. Cons: Can be heavyweight, less flexibility.
AdonisJSBuilt-in ORM, comprehensive authentication, built-in security.Full-stack applications, enterprise solutions.Pros: Full-featured, great documentation, strong convention over configuration. Cons: Smaller community, less flexible for unconventional use cases.
Meteor.jsReal-time data synchronization, full-stack reactivity, seamless client-server integration.Real-time web and mobile applications.Pros: Real-time updates, easy to use, integrated environment. Cons: Can be monolithic, limited flexibility for non-reactive applications.
Feathers.jsEasy creation of RESTful resources, WebSocket support, modular and extendable via plugins.Microservices, real-time applications, APIs.Pros: Lightweight, flexible, easy to extend. Cons: Less opinionated, may require more setup for complex applications.

Emerging NodeJS Backend Frameworks to Watch in 2024


Overview: Fastify is a high-performance, low-overhead web framework for Node.js, designed to be extremely fast and highly scalable.

Key Features:

  • Schema-based Validation: Uses JSON Schema for validating request and response data, improving performance and ensuring data integrity.
  • Logging: Built-in logging with Pino, one of the fastest logging libraries for Node.js, ensuring efficient and detailed log management.
  • TypeScript Support: First-class TypeScript support, making it easier to build type-safe applications.

Use Cases: Ideal for building high-performance APIs and microservices where speed and low overhead are crucial.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Extremely fast, efficient logging, strong TypeScript support, easy to extend with plugins.
  • Cons: Smaller ecosystem compared to more established frameworks, learning curve for schema-based validation.


Overview: LoopBack is a highly extensible Node.js framework that allows for easy creation and maintenance of APIs, connecting to multiple data sources seamlessly.

Key Features:

  • API Creation: Simplifies the creation of REST APIs with minimal coding.
  • Connectors for Databases: Offers built-in connectors for various databases, including SQL and NoSQL databases, enhancing data integration capabilities.
  • GraphQL Support: Provides support for GraphQL, enabling more flexible and efficient querying of data.

Use Cases: Best suited for building dynamic APIs and applications that need to connect to multiple data sources, making it ideal for enterprise applications.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Highly extensible, strong data integration, comprehensive documentation, built-in support for GraphQL.
  • Cons: Can be complex to set up for simpler use cases, smaller community compared to some other frameworks.


Overview: Strapi is an open-source headless CMS framework for Node.js that allows developers to create APIs and manage content with ease.

Key Features:

  • API Generator: Automatically generates APIs based on your content types, saving development time and effort.
  • Admin Panel: Provides a customizable admin panel for managing content and user permissions.
  • Plugin Architecture: Supports a modular plugin system, allowing developers to extend the functionality of the CMS easily.

Use Cases: Ideal for building content management systems (CMS) and applications that require flexible and powerful API capabilities.

Pros and Cons:

  • Pros: Easy to use, highly customizable, strong community support, versatile for various content-driven applications.
  • Cons: Performance can be an issue for very large datasets, requires familiarity with both front-end and back-end development for optimal use.

These emerging NodeJS frameworks offer innovative features and cater to specific needs, making them worth considering for your next project. At ProCoders, we stay abreast of the latest developments in the NodeJS ecosystem and can help you leverage these frameworks to build cutting-edge applications. Whether you need high performance, dynamic data integration, or a robust content management system, we have the expertise to guide you to the best solution.

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Choosing the Right Best Backend Frameworks for NodeJS 2024

Selecting the right NodeJS framework involves balancing your project’s technical requirements with your team’s expertise and long-term maintenance considerations. By evaluating these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals and ensures sustainable development practices. 

Project Requirements

Type of Application:

  • Real-time Applications: Frameworks like Meteor.js or Sails.js are ideal due to their real-time data capabilities and WebSocket support.
  • RESTful APIs: Express.js, Fastify, and LoopBack are excellent choices for building efficient, scalable APIs.
  • Full-Stack Applications: Frameworks like AdonisJS and Strapi provide comprehensive solutions for full-stack development.

Scalability Needs:

  • High Scalability: Fastify and Koa.js offer high performance and low overhead, making them suitable for applications with high traffic and scalability demands.
  • Moderate Scalability: Frameworks like Express.js and NestJS balance performance with ease of use, suitable for most medium to large-scale applications.

Developer Expertise

Skill Level:

  • Beginner to Intermediate: Express.js and Strapi are beginner-friendly with extensive documentation and community support.
  • Advanced: Koa.js and Fastify are better suited for experienced developers who require fine-grained control over the application.

Learning Curve:

  • Low Learning Curve: Express.js is known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  • High Learning Curve: NestJS and LoopBack offer advanced features but require a steeper learning curve due to their complexity and extensive capabilities.

Long-Term Maintenance

Community Support:

  • Strong Community: Express.js and NestJS have large, active communities that provide extensive resources, plugins, and long-term support.
  • Growing Community: Fastify and Koa.js have smaller but rapidly growing communities, ensuring ongoing support and development.


  • Stable and Established: Express.js and NestJS are well-established with a clear roadmap and regular updates.
  • Innovative and Evolving: Fastify and LoopBack are newer but show promising advancements and a commitment to future improvements.

NodeJS Web Frameworks: Conclusion

Selecting the right framework depends on the specific requirements of your application, the scalability you need, and the skill level of your development team. We encourage developers to explore and experiment with these frameworks to find the best fit for their projects.

At ProCoders, we provide the expertise and support necessary to help you make informed decisions and successfully implement your chosen framework. Whether you’re starting a new project or enhancing an existing one, our skilled developers are ready to assist you in achieving your goals.

How do I choose the best Node js frameworks for my project?

Choosing the best Node.js framework depends on your project’s requirements, such as scalability, performance, and ease of use. Consider factors like community support, documentation, and the specific features needed for your application.

Which framework goes best with NodeJS?

Express is often considered the best framework for Node.js due to its simplicity, flexibility, and extensive middleware support, making it suitable for a wide range of web applications.

Is NodeJS popular in 2024?

Yes, Node.js remains popular in 2024 due to its efficiency, scalability, and the growing ecosystem of tools and frameworks that support it, making it a top choice for server-side development.

Which JavaScript backend frameworks are easier?

Express is often considered the easiest Node.js framework to learn and use, thanks to its minimalistic approach and straightforward API, making it accessible to beginners and efficient for rapid development.

Which is the fastest NodeJS frameworks 2024?

Fastify is known for its high performance and speed, designed with a focus on low overhead and high throughput, making it one of the fastest Node frameworks available.

What is the best backend for NodeJS?

Express is widely regarded as the best backend framework for Node.js due to its ease of use, flexibility, and robust ecosystem, which includes a wide range of middleware and plugins.

How many threads can NodeJS handle?

Node.js operates on a single-threaded event loop for handling asynchronous operations, but it can handle multiple tasks simultaneously by offloading heavy tasks to worker threads, which can manage parallel processing.

Can you use multiple JS frameworks?

Yes, you can use multiple JavaScript frameworks together, depending on your project’s needs. However, it’s important to manage compatibility and integration challenges that may arise from using different frameworks in the same application.

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