How to Create a Mobile Banking App
15 min.

In recent years, when remote operations have become integral, mobile banking applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of handling finances on the go, users are increasingly relying on mobile banking programs for their transactions and finance management.

If you’re considering developing a mobile banking app, this comprehensive guide will walk you through all stages of the process, from understanding current trends in the industry to selecting the right technology stack and ensuring the security of your final product.

TOP-6 Trends in Mobile Banking in 2023

Explore the top trends in mobile banking in 2023!

Mobile banking is not static; it evolves to meet the changing needs and expectations of users. They also change as technology advances evolve. To create a successful mobile banking app, you need to be aware of the current trends that are shaping the industry.

1. Mobile-First Approach

Mobile-first design is about more than just adapting a web interface for smaller screens. It involves creating a seamless and intuitive user experience that capitalizes on the unique capabilities of mobile devices.

Mobile banking software optimizes touch interactions, leverages device-specific features (e.g., GPS for branch locators), and prioritizes speed and responsiveness to ensure users can manage their finances effortlessly on the go.

2. Enhanced Security Measures

Cyber threats are on the rise, unfortunately. So, mobile banking apps leave no room for complacency in security. Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint and facial recognition, add an extra layer of protection by relying on unique user biometrics. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) combines something the user knows (e.g., a PIN) with something they have (e.g., their smartphone) for added security.

Advanced encryption techniques like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) ensure that user data is encrypted both during transmission and while stored on servers, making it exceptionally challenging for unauthorized parties to access sensitive information.

3. AI and Chatbots

AI and chatbots are revolutionizing customer support in banking software development. These intelligent systems can handle routine inquiries, provide account information, and even assist with financial planning. They use machine learning algorithms to improve their responses over time, offering users a more personalized and efficient experience.

Chatbots, in particular, enable users to access round-the-clock support, reducing response times and enhancing customer satisfaction. ProCoders’ very own OmniMind specializes in creating such AI assistants for all kinds of businesses, including the banking industry.

4. Open Banking

This trend is transforming the financial industry by promoting transparency and competition. It allows mobile banking apps to integrate with third-party financial services seamlessly. Users can link their accounts to other financial apps, such as budgeting tools or investment platforms, all within the same banking app.

This integration provides users with a comprehensive view of their financial landscape, empowering them to make informed decisions.

5. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Integration

While not yet mainstream, blockchain and cryptocurrency integration represent a forward-looking approach for some mobile banking apps. Blockchain technology ensures transparent and secure transactions, while cryptocurrencies offer users an alternative to traditional fiat currencies.

These apps provide a glimpse into the future of finance, where digital assets play a more prominent role, and decentralized systems offer new opportunities for financial innovation.

6. Financial Wellness Tools

Mobile banking software is no longer limited to basic transactional functions. They have evolved into holistic financial wellness platforms. Features like spending trackers help users monitor their expenses in real time, categorizing transactions to provide insights into their financial habits. Budgeting tools enable users to set savings goals and track their progress.

Additionally, some apps offer personalized financial advice, leveraging AI to provide insights and recommendations based on individual spending patterns. These tools empower users to make informed financial decisions and work towards their financial goals effectively.

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How to Integrate All of These Trends into One App? Let ProCoders’ Discovery Phase Experts Handle the Topic!

The first question should not even be, “How to approach mobile banking development using all these trends?”. It should be “What kind of application do I want to release for my target customers”? Gladly, ProCoders has some ideas!

Types of Mobile Banking Apps

Choose the best type of mobile banking application.

Here are all the different types of mobile banking apps for you to get an idea of what would be the most useful for your clients.

Retail Mobile Banking

Retail mobile banking is primarily designed for individual customers who hold personal bank accounts. These apps offer a range of basic banking services, such as checking account balances, transferring funds between accounts, and paying bills directly from a smartphone.

Additionally, they may include features like mobile check deposit and ATM locators to enhance the convenience of everyday finance management for individual users.

Corporate Banking Apps

Unlike retail banking apps, corporate banking apps are tailored to meet the financial needs of businesses and corporate clients and their bank accounts. They provide more advanced features, including cash management tools for optimizing liquidity, payroll processing to manage employee payments, and the ability to initiate business loan applications or access lines of credit. These apps are essential for businesses to manage their finances efficiently and make informed financial decisions.

Neobanks and Fintech Apps

Neobanks and fintech apps are digital-only financial institutions that focus on providing innovative and specialized financial services through mobile apps. They often target niche markets or specific financial needs, such as high-yield savings accounts, automated investment platforms, or low-cost international money transfers.

Neobanks and fintech apps are known for their user-friendly interfaces and flexibility in offering financial products that traditional banks might not provide.

Credit Union Apps

Credit unions, which are member-owned financial cooperatives, frequently develop their mobile banking apps to cater to the unique requirements of their members. These apps offer features tailored to credit union members, such as easy access to savings and checking accounts, loan applications, and special promotions or discounts for credit union members. Credit union apps aim to enhance the experience for their loyal member base.

Wallet Apps

Wallet apps like PayPal and Apple Pay serve as digital payment solutions. They enable users to store their payment information securely within the app, eliminating the need to carry physical credit cards or cash.

Users can make secure transactions in physical stores, online shops, and mobile apps using these digital wallets. Additionally, some wallet apps offer peer-to-peer payment capabilities, making it easy to send money to friends and family. These apps prioritize convenience and security in the payment process, often incorporating features like biometric authentication and tokenization to protect user data.

Once you understand what kind of mobile banking software your clients require, let us help you figure out the features that should be there for the app to prove useful.

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Mobile Banking App Features That Make It Useful

To create a banking app that stands out and earns the loyalty of users, consider implementing these appreciated features:

Authentication and authorization

Security is paramount in mobile banking app development. Users entrust you with their sensitive financial information, and it’s your responsibility to protect it. Here’s how you can ensure robust authentication and authorization:

  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA to verify user identity through something they know (password), something they have (smartphone), or something they are (biometrics).

  • Encryption: Use strong encryption protocols to safeguard data during transmission and storage.

  • Secure API Integration: If your app integrates with third-party services, ensure secure API connections to prevent data breaches.

  • Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weaknesses.

  • User Education: Educate users about best security practices and encourage them to use strong, unique passwords.

By prioritizing security, you’ll build trust with your users and protect their sensitive financial data.

Account management

Efficient account management is the backbone of any banking app. Users expect to access their account details, review transaction history, and perform various account-related tasks with ease. Here’s how to provide a seamless account management experience:

  • Real-Time Account Balances: Ensure that users can instantly view their account balances.

  • Transaction History: Allow users to access a detailed payment history, including dates, amounts, and transaction types.

  • Account Statements: Offer the option to download account statements for a specified period.

  • Transaction Filters: Implement filters and search functionality to help users find specific payments quickly.

  • Fund Transfers: Enable users to transfer money between their own accounts or to other users.

  • Check Deposit: If applicable, allow users to deposit checks by taking photos of them.

  • Account Preferences: Let users customize account settings, such as notifications and alerts.

By providing robust account management features, your app will empower users to stay in control of their finances.

Spending tracker

Helping users manage their expenses is a valuable feature that enhances the user experience. A spending tracker can:

  • Categorize Expenses: Automatically categorize expenses based on transaction details.

  • Budget Tracking: Set budget limits for different expense categories and send alerts when users approach their limits.

  • Visual Reports: Present spending data in easy-to-understand graphs and charts.

  • Expense Trends: Offer insights into spending trends over time.

    Such interesting, not traditional features will help your mobile banking solution stand out.

Push notifications

Push notifications are a powerful tool to keep users engaged and informed. They can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Account Activity Alerts: Notify users of unusual account activity, such as large transactions or password changes.

  • Bill Reminders: Send reminders for upcoming bill payments.

  • Transaction Confirmations: Confirm successful transactions with real-time notifications.

  • Promotional Offers: Inform users about special offers, discounts, and promotions.

  • News and Updates: Share important news and updates related to the banking industry.

Effective use of push notifications can enhance user engagement and encourage active app usage.

Payments and transaction processing

A seamless payment experience is a fundamental requirement for any mobile banking app. To enable secure payments and transaction processing, consider:

  • Mobile Wallet Integration: Incorporate mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay for easy in-store and online payments.

  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Payments: Implement P2P payment functionality, allowing users to send money to friends and family.

  • Bill Payment: Enable users to pay their bills directly through the app, reducing the need for manual transactions.

  • International Transfers: If applicable, provide options for international money transfers.

  • Receipts: Allow users to generate digital receipts for their transactions, making it easy to track and manage expenses.

  • Scheduled Payments: Offer the option to schedule recurring payments for bills and subscriptions, enhancing convenience.

  • Secure Payment Gateway: Integrate a secure and reliable payment gateway to ensure the safe processing of transactions.

  • Transaction Verification: Implement transaction verification methods to protect against fraudulent activities.

With these features, your mobile banking app can provide a seamless and secure payment experience for users.

Two-factor authentication

We’ve already talked about multi-factor authentication, but let us elaborate. It’s a good idea to enhance security by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA requires users to provide two different authentication factors before granting access to their accounts.

These factors typically include something the user knows (e.g., a password) and something the user has (e.g., a mobile device). By adding an extra layer of security, you can protect user accounts from unauthorized access and fraud.

Voice control

Voice control is an emerging trend in mobile banking app development. Integrating voice recognition technology allows users to perform actions and retrieve information from their accounts using voice commands. This feature can enhance accessibility and convenience, especially for users with disabilities or those who prefer hands-free interactions.

OK, so now we have the trends and features to include in the banking app, as well as the types to choose from. The next stage is mobile banking development, which ProCoders mobile app developers for hire will guide you through in general.

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How to Create a Banking Application: A Step-by-Step Guide On Mobile Banking App Development

How to create a banking app?

Each project is unique, one of a kind. So, creating one step-by-step for all businesses is impossible. However, there’s a backbone that holds all the additional steps. Let’s show you that backbone and dive into the step-by-step process of developing your own mobile banking app:

Step 1: Conduct research and make a plan

Everything starts with research and planning. We at ProCoders never take up raw development without looking into the idea, its potential, tech stack needs, and more.

Here are some steps we would take before diving into mobile banking software development.

Mobile Banking Market Research: Begin by thoroughly researching the landscape. Understand current market trends, customer preferences, and emerging technologies. Identify gaps or opportunities within the market that your app can address. This research will help you make informed decisions throughout the development process.

Define Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of your banking app. Are you aiming to provide innovative features, target a specific niche, or compete with established banks? Your objectives will guide the entire mobile banking development.

Target Audience: Determine your ideal customers and their specific needs. Consider factors like age, income, and financial habits. Tailoring your app to the preferences of your target users can significantly impact its success.

Competitor Analysis: Analyze competitors in the banking app sector. Study their strengths and weaknesses, user feedback, and app features. This analysis can inform your strategy and help you differentiate your app.

Development Plan: Create a comprehensive development plan that includes a timeline, milestones, and key deliverables. This plan will serve as a roadmap throughout the project, helping you stay on track and manage resources effectively.

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You Can Also Leave Research to ProCoders Discovery Phase Experts. We’ll Do the Homework and come back with a Clear Development Roadmap!

Step 2: Set up a development team

Your developers are the ones implementing the vision, so it’s only fair to choose the best ones. Here’s what we at ProCoders use when choosing our full-time experts that we then provide for our partners’ teams.

Skillset: Building a mobile banking app requires a multidisciplinary team. Ensure that your team includes developers with expertise in mobile app development, security specialists familiar with financial regulations, designers with UI/UX experience, quality assurance professionals, and project managers to coordinate efforts. By the way, these are all available when you hire a self-managed dedicated team with ProCoders. We provide the full package!

Experience: Prioritize team members with experience in fintech app development, as they will be familiar with the unique challenges and regulatory requirements of the industry.

Communication: Establish clear communication channels within your team. Effective communication is essential for sharing progress, addressing issues promptly, and maintaining a cohesive development process.

Step 3: Design UI and UX

User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) design are critical for mobile banking apps. A well-designed, intuitive interface simplifies complex financial operations and enhances user engagement.

Conduct usability testing with real users to identify any usability issues and gather feedback. Iteratively refine the UI/UX based on user insights to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Step 4: Build a Prototype

Before proceeding with full-scale banking app development, create a functional prototype. This allows you to validate your app’s concept, test its core functionalities, and gather valuable user feedback early in the process.

Use the feedback from the prototype phase to make necessary adjustments and improvements to your mobile banking app features. This iterative approach saves time and resources in the long run by catching issues before they become deeply ingrained in the code.

Step 5: Execute a.k.a Code the Mobile Banking Application

Development Best Practices: During the coding phase, follow industry best practices for coding standards, security, and scalability. Ensure that your development team adheres to recognized security standards to protect sensitive financial data.

Testing: Implement rigorous testing processes, including functional, security, and performance testing, to identify and address issues before launch. Continuous QA helps maintain a stable and secure app.

Step 6: Support and Maintenance

Post-Launch Activities: After launching the app, ongoing support and maintenance are crucial. Regularly monitor user feedback and mobile banking application performance. Address bug reports promptly and release updates to enhance security and introduce new features.

Compliance: Stay up to date with relevant financial regulations and security standards. Compliance is essential to maintain the trust of your users and meet legal requirements.

User Education: Provide educational resources or tutorials to help users navigate your app effectively and understand its features.

Remember that developing a mobile banking app is an ongoing process, and staying responsive to user needs and industry changes is key to long-term success.

Best Technology Stack for Mobile Banking App Development

Selecting the right technology stack is vital for building a robust and scalable mobile banking application. Consider the following components:

Which platforms to choose for mobile apps: native (iOS/Android), hybrid (Flutter), or cross-platform (React Native)?

Selecting the development platform is a critical decision that impacts your app’s reach and development resources. Here’s a brief overview of the options:

1. Native App Development (iOS/Android)

Native app development for iOS and Android platforms using their respective programming languages (Swift/Objective-C for iOS, Java/Kotlin for Android) offers the best performance and native user experience but requires separate development efforts. This includes more mobile banking market research, more expenses on creating two apps, and more time to launch them (unless you hire two teams to work on the products simultaneously).

2. Hybrid Development (e.g., Flutter)

Frameworks like Flutter provide the ability to use a single codebase to develop a banking app for both iOS and Android. This offers a consistent user experience across platforms but may have limitations in accessing platform-specific features.

3. Cross-Platform Development (e.g., React Native)

Developing a single codebase using platforms like React Native, which complies with native code, offers a balance between performance and code reuse but may require some platform-specific code for certain features.

The choice between these options depends on factors such as development time, budget optimization for the project, target audience, and the need for platform-specific features.

How Long Does It Take to Build a Mobile Banking App?

The development timeline for a mobile banking application is influenced by several factors, and it’s essential to have a realistic understanding of these variables. Here’s a more detailed breakdown.

Complexity: The complexity of the app design and functionality is a significant factor. A basic retail banking app with standard features may be developed faster, while more complex apps catering to corporate finances or fintech services will naturally take longer.

Features: The number and complexity of features you want to include in your app play a crucial role in the development timeline. Apps with advanced features like AI-powered financial analysis or multi-currency support will require more time to build and test.

Team Size: The size and expertise of your mobile banking application development team also impact the timeline. Larger teams may be able to complete the project more quickly, but this depends on the availability and skills of team members.

Technology Stack: The choice of technology stack can influence development time. Using well-established and compatible technologies can speed up development, while adopting cutting-edge or niche technologies may introduce complexities that extend the timeline.

Regulatory Compliance: Mobile banking apps must adhere to stringent regulatory requirements to ensure data security and user privacy. Ensuring compliance with these regulations can add time to the development process.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing and quality assurance are essential for a mobile app. Thorough testing takes time, but it’s crucial to ensure the app functions correctly and securely.

On average, a fully functional mobile banking app may take between 6 months to 1 year to develop. However, this estimate can vary significantly based on the factors mentioned above.

It’s important to emphasize that prioritizing quality, security, and compliance should take precedence over attempting to rush development. Cutting corners can lead to issues down the line, including security breaches and user dissatisfaction.

There are a lot of details to remember, but gladly, help is just around the corner.

How a Reliable Software Vendor Like ProCoders Can Keep Your Development on Track

Partnering with a reputable software vendor such as ProCoders can be instrumental in ensuring the success and efficiency of your mobile banking app development project. Here are some key points to consider:

Expertise: A reliable vendor brings a wealth of expertise and experience in fintech app development. They are well-versed in industry best practices, security standards, and regulatory requirements, which can help you navigate the complexities of banking application creation.

Project Planning: Software vendors can assist with comprehensive project planning. They help define project scope, create a realistic timeline, allocate resources effectively, and set milestones to track progress. This planning is crucial for keeping the development process on track.

Skilled Development Team: Vendors often have access to a pool of highly skilled mobile banking app developers, designers, and quality assurance experts. They can assemble a dedicated team with the right skills and experience to meet your project’s requirements.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance: After the app is launched, a reliable vendor can provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your app works smoothly on all mobile devices. This includes monitoring the app’s performance, addressing bug fixes, ensuring compliance with changing regulations, and implementing updates based on user feedback and emerging trends.

Risk Mitigation: Vendors are experienced in risk management and can identify potential challenges early in the project. They can provide strategies to mitigate risks and keep the project on course.

Turn to ProCoders When You Need Experienced Research, Planning, and Top Developers for Your Banking Application!
Can I integrate third-party financial services into my banking app?

Yes, many mobile services integrate third-party financial services through open banking APIs, offering users access to a broader range of financial products and services within a single app.

Can I integrate third-party financial services into my banking app?

Yes, many mobile services integrate third-party financial services through open banking APIs, offering users access to a broader range of financial products and services within a single app.

How can I ensure my app complies with financial regulations?

To ensure regulatory compliance, work with legal experts and stay updated on financial regulations in your target regions. Implement strong security measures and adhere to data protection standards.

What’s the cost of developing a mobile banking app?

On average, banking mobile app development can range from $100,000 to millions of dollars. The cost varies based on factors like complexity, features, development platform, and team size.

What are the key challenges in mobile banking app development?

Challenges include ensuring robust security, maintaining data privacy, addressing scalability, and staying compliant with evolving financial regulations.

Is it safe to use a mobile banking app?

Online banking services prioritize security through measures like encryption, biometric authentication, and regular security audits. However, it’s essential for users to follow best practices, such as keeping their device and app updated and using strong passwords.


A thought to create a banking app can result in an innovative, groundbreaking solution for the industry. However, it is a complex yet rewarding endeavor. By understanding current trends, incorporating essential features, ensuring security, and following best practices in development, you can build a mobile application that meets the needs of your users while providing a seamless and secure financial experience. Remember that user trust, data security, and adherence to regulatory standards are paramount in the world of banking app development.

To ensure your project’s success and keep it on track, consider partnering with a reputable software vendor specializing in fintech app development. Their expertise, experience, and support can help you navigate the intricacies of the industry, meet regulatory requirements, and deliver a user-friendly and secure mobile banking app that can establish trust and provide value to your customers.

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1 Comment:
  • Hi, Thanks a lot you shared about Mobile banking app this is very beneficial becpuse
    Mobile banking apps have truly transformed the way we manage our finances, offering convenience, security, and accessibility like never before!

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