MongoDB vs PostgreSQL: How Are They Different and Which One Is Better?
8 min.

When it comes to databases, MongoDB and PostgreSQL represent two fundamentally different approaches. MongoDB is a NoSQL database, using a document-based model where data is stored in a flexible, JSON-like format (BSON). It is designed for handling large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data, providing high scalability and flexibility.

On the other hand, PostgreSQL is a relational database that follows the SQL standard. It stores data in structured tables, ensuring consistency through predefined schemas and supporting complex queries. PostgreSQL excels in applications that require strong data integrity and complex relational data management.

Choosing the right database is one of the most important decisions when building an application. We at ProCoders usually help our clients make the choice as we start the Discovery Phase, as this decision can make or break the app.

Key Differences Between PostgreSQL vs MongoDB

Let’s review the difference between PostgreSQL and MongoDB to help you make a winning decision!

Data Modeling in MongoDB vs PostgreSQL

  • MongoDB: Uses a document-oriented model, where data is stored in JSON-like format (BSON). This model allows for greater flexibility, especially when dealing with unstructured or rapidly changing data. Each document can have different structures, making it easier to adapt as the application evolves.
  • PostgreSQL: Follows a relational model, where data is organized into tables with predefined columns and relationships. This structured approach ensures consistency and reliability, particularly when managing complex data with well-defined relationships between entities.

Schema Flexibility

  • MongoDB: Is schema-less, meaning it doesn’t enforce a predefined structure for the data. This flexibility allows you to make dynamic changes to the data structure without disrupting the application’s functionality, which is beneficial in scenarios where data models evolve frequently.
  • PostgreSQL: Enforces a schema-based structure, requiring predefined tables and columns. This ensures data integrity and consistency but limits flexibility. It’s ideal for applications that need to maintain strict control over the data format and relationships.

MongoDB vs PostgreSQL Performance and Scalability

  • MongoDB Performance: MongoDB is optimized for applications that require fast, flexible reads and writes, particularly in environments with large datasets. Its strength lies in its ability to handle unstructured data and scale horizontally through sharding. Sharding allows MongoDB to distribute data across multiple servers, improving performance as the data grows. This makes it ideal for real-time analytics, IoT applications, or social media platforms where speed and scalability are crucial.
  • PostgreSQL Performance: PostgreSQL excels in handling complex queries and transactional operations, thanks to its powerful SQL capabilities. It performs well with structured data, supporting vertical scaling—which means adding more power (CPU, RAM) to a single server. While traditionally focused on vertical scaling, PostgreSQL can also scale horizontally through partitioning and replication, making it suitable for high-demand applications that need both data integrity and performance.
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Query Language and Syntax

  • MongoDB Query Language: MongoDB uses a proprietary query language that supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations through JSON-like queries. While MongoDB doesn’t support traditional SQL joins, it compensates with aggregation pipelines, a powerful tool for data transformation and processing. These pipelines allow developers to perform complex operations on data, but the query language is less familiar for those with a background in SQL.
  • PostgreSQL SQL Queries: PostgreSQL fully supports SQL, the most widely adopted query language, making it easy for developers familiar with SQL to get started. SQL’s robust capabilities allow for complex queries, including joins, subqueries, and window functions. This makes PostgreSQL highly suitable for applications where sophisticated data manipulation is required, such as financial services or e-commerce platforms, where relational data and structured queries are essential.

Transactions and ACID Compliance

  • MongoDB: Historically, MongoDB lacked ACID compliance, which made it less suitable for applications requiring strict data integrity. However, since version 4.0, MongoDB has introduced multi-document transactions, allowing for more complex operations that maintain consistency across multiple documents. While this improvement makes MongoDB more versatile, it’s still best suited for applications where flexibility and speed are prioritized over rigid data integrity.
  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is fully ACID-compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), offering strong support for transactions. This makes it ideal for use cases where data integrity and reliability are paramount, such as financial systems and e-commerce platforms. PostgreSQL’s ability to handle complex, multi-step transactions with full consistency ensures that data remains reliable and accurate, even in high-stakes environments.
Transactions and ACID Compliance

Use Cases and Ideal Scenarios

Best Use Cases for MongoDB

MongoDB is best suited for applications that work with unstructured or semi-structured data or where the data structure changes frequently. Some ideal use cases include:

  • Content management systems: MongoDB’s schema-less design allows for flexible content structures, making it easier to adapt as the content evolves.
  • Real-time analytics: MongoDB’s ability to handle large amounts of unstructured data makes it great for applications that need fast read-and-write operations on dynamic datasets.
  • IoT applications: MongoDB’s scalability and flexibility make it a strong fit for storing the varied and growing data produced by IoT devices.

Best Use Cases for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL shines in scenarios where complex queries, data integrity, and transactional consistency are crucial. Some common use cases include:

  • Financial systems: With its full ACID compliance, PostgreSQL is ideal for managing financial transactions and ensuring data accuracy.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: PostgreSQL’s robust relational model allows for managing structured, interconnected data across various departments.
  • CRM platforms: PostgreSQL’s ability to handle complex relationships between customer data makes it a perfect choice for CRM systems where data accuracy and relationships are critical.
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Unsure whether to choose MongoDB or PostgreSQL? Our Discovery Phase will help you make an informed decision.

Indexing and Search


MongoDB supports a variety of index types, including single-field, compound, geospatial, and text indexes, allowing for faster query performance across diverse data sets. This flexibility makes MongoDB suitable for applications with dynamic query requirements. Additionally, MongoDB provides built-in full-text search capabilities, enabling efficient search functionality without requiring external tools or extensions.


PostgreSQL offers advanced indexing mechanisms, such as B-trees, hash, and GIN indexes, which improve query performance, especially for structured and relational data. PostgreSQL also supports full-text search and the pg_trgm module, which allows for fast pattern matching, making it ideal for applications requiring complex search functionalities, such as document retrieval systems or e-commerce platforms.

Data Consistency vs Availability

  • MongoDB: MongoDB follows the CAP theorem, prioritizing availability over consistency in distributed systems. This approach ensures that the system remains operational even in the event of node failures, but it may result in eventual consistency where the most recent data might not be immediately available. This model is suitable for applications where real-time availability is more critical than immediate consistency, such as social media platforms or IoT systems.
  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL, on the other hand, prioritizes strong consistency, ensuring that data remains reliable and consistent across all transactions. This makes it ideal for applications where data accuracy and consistency are paramount, such as financial services, healthcare systems, or any use case that requires strict compliance with data integrity standards.

MongoDB vs PostgreSQL Community Support, Ecosystem, and Tools

  • MongoDB Ecosystem: MongoDB offers a robust ecosystem with a variety of tools that make it easier for developers to manage and scale applications. Key tools include MongoDB Atlas for managed cloud services, MongoDB Compass for GUI-based database management, and MongoDB Charts for data visualization and analytics. MongoDB also benefits from a large developer community and strong support from MongoDB Inc., ensuring continuous innovation and a wealth of resources for troubleshooting.
  • PostgreSQL Ecosystem: PostgreSQL has a rich ecosystem of tools and extensions, providing flexibility and power for developers. Notable tools include pgAdmin for managing databases, PostGIS for geospatial queries, and pgpool-II for load balancing and replication. PostgreSQL is supported by a large, active community, with extensive third-party integrations and add-ons, ensuring that it can meet a wide range of enterprise needs.
Data Consistency vs Availability


MongoDB Licensing

MongoDB is licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL), which ensures that the software is free and open-source for non-commercial use. MongoDB also offers MongoDB Atlas, a managed cloud service that provides additional scalability and support, but this comes with a subscription cost. The availability of both free and paid versions makes MongoDB accessible to a wide audience, from startups to large enterprises.

PostgreSQL Licensing

PostgreSQL is licensed under the PostgreSQL License, which is fully open-source and free to use without any restrictions. This has made PostgreSQL a popular choice in enterprise systems due to its cost-effectiveness. Many organizations favor PostgreSQL for its flexibility, no-cost licensing, and strong support from the community, making it a solid choice for businesses of all sizes.

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Security Features

MongoDB Security

MongoDB provides robust security features, including authentication, encryption at rest, and TLS/SSL for secure data communication. These features help ensure that data is protected during storage and transmission. MongoDB also supports role-based access control (RBAC), allowing administrators to assign granular permissions based on user roles, ensuring only authorized personnel can access sensitive data.

PostgreSQL Security

PostgreSQL offers comprehensive built-in security features, such as SSL support for secure connections, encryption, and multiple authentication methods (like MD5, SCRAM, and LDAP). PostgreSQL goes further with advanced options like row-level security, which restricts access to specific data rows based on user roles, and audit logging, providing detailed records of database activities for compliance and security monitoring.

How ProCoders Can Help You Choose the Right Database

At ProCoders, we understand that selecting the right database is a critical decision that can shape the success of your project. Our Discovery Phase is designed to help you make the best choice, tailored to your specific business and technical requirements. 

We dive deep into your project’s needs, analyzing factors like data structure, scalability, performance, and future growth to recommend the most suitable database—whether it’s MongoDB, PostgreSQL, or another solution. With our expertise in software development, we’ll guide you through the decision-making process, ensuring that your project has a strong foundation from the very beginning.

Our Discovery Phase helps you determine the best database solution for your business needs.

Difference Between MongoDB and PostgreSQL: Conclusion

When choosing between MongoDB and PostgreSQL, it’s essential to consider your application’s specific needs. MongoDB is ideal for modern applications requiring flexibility, scalability, and the ability to handle large amounts of unstructured data. Its dynamic schema design and horizontal scaling capabilities make it a top choice for web applications, real-time analytics, and IoT solutions.

On the other hand, PostgreSQL is best for applications that demand data integrity, complex queries, and strong transactional support. With its SQL compliance, ACID transactions, and robust relational capabilities, PostgreSQL is the go-to choice for traditional enterprise systems, financial applications, and any project requiring strict data governance.

ProCoders recommendation:

  • Choose MongoDB for modern, high-scale web apps, applications with dynamic schema requirements, or when handling unstructured data.
  • Choose PostgreSQL for traditional enterprise applications, projects requiring relational integrity, or where complex queries and data accuracy are critical to success.
Can PostgreSQL replace MongoDB?

PostgreSQL and MongoDB serve different purposes, and while PostgreSQL can handle some of the same tasks as MongoDB, it’s not a direct replacement. MongoDB is better suited for unstructured data, while PostgreSQL excels in structured data with complex relationships.

When to use MongoDB?

MongoDB is ideal when you’re dealing with unstructured or semi-structured data, need high scalability, or when your application requires flexibility in schema design. It’s particularly useful for real-time analytics, content management systems, and IoT applications.

Is MongoDB still popular in 2024?

Yes, MongoDB continues to be popular in 2024, especially in use cases requiring flexibility and scalability. It’s widely adopted for modern applications like microservices and real-time data processing.

Is MongoDB better than SQL databases?

It depends on your use case. MongoDB excels in handling unstructured or rapidly changing data, while SQL databases like PostgreSQL are better for structured data with well-defined relationships. Neither is inherently “better” — the choice depends on your project needs.

Why use PostgreSQL over NoSQL?

PostgreSQL is preferred when you need robust ACID compliance, complex queries, and reliable data integrity. It’s a good choice when your application demands strong relational database capabilities and advanced features like foreign keys, joins, and transactions.

When to use MongoDB over RDBMS?

Use MongoDB when your data is dynamic and unstructured, or when schema flexibility is a priority. It’s great for applications where the data model changes frequently, and you don’t need the strict data integrity that relational databases provide.

What is a good replacement for MongoDB?

A good replacement for MongoDB depends on your needs. Alternatives include Couchbase, Cassandra, and DynamoDB, which also handle unstructured data and provide similar scalability features.

Will MongoDB replace MySQL?

MongoDB is not likely to replace MySQL entirely, as they serve different purposes. MySQL is best for structured data and applications requiring strict ACID compliance, while MongoDB is suited for flexible schema and unstructured data.

Can I use MongoDB with PostgreSQL?

Yes, it’s possible to use both databases in a single project. For example, you can use PostgreSQL for structured data and MongoDB for unstructured or semi-structured data, depending on the needs of different parts of your application.

Why did the Guardian switch from MongoDB to PostgreSQL?

The Guardian switched from MongoDB to PostgreSQL due to scalability and performance issues when handling large datasets. PostgreSQL provided better performance for their specific needs, particularly with structured data and complex queries.

Is PostgreSQL in demand?

Yes, PostgreSQL remains in high demand due to its reliability, open-source nature, and advanced features like JSON support, which make it a solid choice for modern applications requiring both relational and semi-structured data capabilities.

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