Best Practices for Using Contact Form 7 with HubSpot
7 min.

Let’s get to the topic right away. Contact Form 7 is a versatile and widely used plugin for WordPress that allows users to create and manage forms easily. On the other hand, HubSpot is a comprehensive CRM and marketing platform designed to streamline customer relationship management, lead nurturing, and marketing campaigns. 

Do these two work together? Yes, perfectly, if you know some of the best practices for their integration. This article aims to provide them for you, exploring effective methods and strategies to seamlessly connect these two tools to enhance lead management and improve marketing efforts.

Understanding Contact Form 7 and HubSpot

What is Contact Form 7?

Contact Form 7 is a popular WordPress plugin that enables users to create and manage multiple contact forms. Its user-friendly interface allows for easy customization of form fields, and it supports features like Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, and Akismet spam filtering. This plugin is highly flexible, allowing users to create forms for various purposes, such as contact forms, surveys, and registration forms.

Contact Form 7 is commonly used in WordPress websites for a variety of applications. It’s ideal for:

  • capturing visitor information
  • facilitating customer inquiries
  • collecting feedback

Its simplicity and extensibility make it a favorite among website owners who need a reliable and efficient way to manage form submissions.

What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a leading CRM and marketing automation platform that provides a suite of tools to help businesses manage their customer relationships and marketing efforts. Key features of HubSpot include:

  • contact management
  • email marketing
  • social media management
  • analytics 

HubSpot’s CRM is designed to organize and track interactions with leads and customers, while its marketing tools enable businesses to create and optimize campaigns across various channels.

HubSpot is widely used for managing leads, running marketing campaigns, and analyzing performance. Businesses opt for HubSpot to:

  • optimize their sales processes
  • nurture leads through automated Contact Form 7 HubSpot workflows
  • gain insights into customer behavior

Its integration capabilities allow it to work harmoniously with other tools, making it an asset for companies looking to enhance their marketing and sales strategies.


Benefits of Integrating Contact Form 7 with HubSpot

We’ve found numerous benefits of CF7 and HubSpot integration, but we’ve boiled them down to the most essential for you.

Improved Lead Management

Here, we’ll overview:

  • Centralized lead data
  • Automated workflows

Integrating Contact Form 7 with HubSpot centralizes lead data, making it easier to manage and analyze. When a visitor submits a form on your website, their information is automatically sent to HubSpot, where it’s stored in a unified database. 

This eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures that all lead information is consistently up-to-date. With centralized data, your sales and marketing teams can access accurate and complete information about each lead, improving communication and collaboration.

Another key advantage of integrating Contact Form 7 with HubSpot is the ability to automate workflows and follow-ups. HubSpot’s automation features allow you to create customized workflows that trigger specific actions based on form submissions. 

For example, you can set up automated email responses to new leads, assign tasks to your sales team, or add leads to a nurturing campaign. This saves time and ensures that no lead falls through the cracks, enhancing the overall efficiency of your lead management process.

Enhanced Marketing Efforts

Here, let’s talk about:

  • Personalized campaigns
  • Contact Form 7 HubSpot analytics and reporting

With the data collected from Contact Form 7 forms being funneled directly into HubSpot, you can leverage HubSpot’s powerful marketing tools to create personalized campaigns. By segmenting your leads based on their form responses, behaviors, and other criteria, you can tailor your marketing messages to address their specific needs and interests. 

Personalized campaigns are more effective in capturing attention and driving engagement, leading to higher conversion rates and better customer relationships.

39% of Gen X and millennials find ads that adapt content or promotions based on specific consumer behavior to be the most effective. In fact, 6/10 consumers find it helpful when they get personalized product recommendations.

Besides, HubSpot’s robust analytics and reporting capabilities provide valuable insights into your marketing efforts. By tracking form submissions, campaign performance, and lead behaviors, you can identify what’s working and what needs improvement. 

The integration allows you to generate detailed reports on form performance, conversion rates, and the effectiveness of your follow-up strategies. These insights enable data-driven decision-making, helping you optimize your marketing tactics and achieve better results.

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Integrate Contact Form 7 with HubSpot Easily with ProCoders Free Plugin!

Setting Up the Integration

Now, let’s get a little more technical about the Contac Form 7 HubSpot setup and see how the connection is established.

Installing Necessary Plugins

To integrate Contact Form 7 with HubSpot, you will need the following plugins:

Contact Form 7 HubSpot Tutorial: Installation

Contact Form 7:

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Plugins” -> “Add New.”
  3. Search for “Contact Form 7.”
  4. Click “Install Now” and then “Activate.”

ProCoders’ HubSpot & Contact Form 7 Integration Plugin:

  1. Download the plugin from
  2. Upload the ‘hubspot-contact-form-7-integration’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory on your site.
  3. Go to “Plugins” in your WordPress dashboard.
  4. Find “HubSpot & Contact Form 7 Integration” and click “Activate.”

Configuring Contact Form 7

Form Creation:

  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Contact” -> “Add New” to create a new form.
  • Customize your form by adding necessary fields such as name, email, and message.

Make sure you keep your forms simple. Only ask for essential information to improve submission rates. Also, clearly label each field to guide users on what information to provide. And don’t forget to mark important fields as required to ensure you collect critical data.

Connecting Contact Form 7 to HubSpot

HubSpot API Key:

  • Log in to your HubSpot account.
  • Navigate to “Settings” -> “Integrations” -> “Private Apps.”
  • Create a new private app and follow the instructions to generate an API key.
  • Copy the generated Contact Form 7 HubSpot API key.

Integration Plugin Configuration:

  • Go to the plugin’s settings page in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Enter the HubSpot API key you obtained earlier.
  • Map your Contact Form 7 fields to the corresponding HubSpot properties. The ProCoders plugin offers intuitive field mapping to make this process seamless.
  • Enable automated syncing to ensure all form submissions are instantly and securely transferred to your HubSpot account.

More on Our Plugin

ProCoders’ HubSpot & Contact Form 7 Integration plugin simplifies the connection process, ensuring that all form submissions from Contact Form 7 are automatically synced with HubSpot. This plugin supports custom field mapping, ensuring that you capture detailed and precise data. It also leverages the latest HubSpot API for enhanced security and reliability.

rocket taking off
Sync Contact Form 7 with HubSpot CRM and Choose Effectiveness!

Contact Form 7 HubSpot Best Practices

Finally, to the effective Contact Form 7 HubSpot usage best practices (in our experience):

  • Simplified Forms: Keep your forms as simple and user-friendly as possible. Avoid overwhelming visitors with too many fields.
  • Validation and Error Messages: Ensure proper validation for all form fields to prevent incomplete or incorrect submissions. Provide clear and concise error messages to guide users in correcting their entries.
  • Field Mapping: Accurately map form fields in Contact Form 7 to corresponding fields in HubSpot. Use the intuitive field mapping feature of the ProCoders plugin to simplify this process.
  • Custom Fields: Custom fields allow for more detailed and precise data collection, enabling better lead segmentation and personalized Contact Form 7 HubSpot marketing efforts.
  • Workflow Creation: These workflows can handle various tasks, such as assigning leads to sales representatives, sending welcome emails, or adding leads to a nurturing sequence. Contact Form 7 HubSpot automation ensures timely and consistent engagement with your leads.
  • Follow-Up Emails: Use HubSpot’s email marketing tools to design professional and engaging emails. Best practices include addressing the lead by name, referencing their specific query or interest, and providing clear calls to action.
  • UTM Parameters: Utilize UTM parameters in your form links to track the source of your leads. This helps in identifying which marketing channels are most effective in driving traffic and conversions. By analyzing this data, you can optimize your marketing strategies for better results.
  • HubSpot Analytics: Track metrics such as form views, submission rates, and lead engagement to continually improve your forms and marketing efforts.
  • GDPR Compliance: Ensure that your forms and data handling processes comply with GDPR and other relevant data protection regulations. This includes providing clear information about data usage, obtaining explicit consent from users, and allowing users to access and delete their data upon request.
  • Consent Fields: Add consent fields to your forms to obtain user permission for data processing. Clearly explain what the data will be used for and provide options for users to opt in or out. 
brain with lightning strike
Automate Contact Form 7 with HubSpot and Focus on Core Tasks!
How do I map Contact Form 7 fields to HubSpot fields?

Use a plugin like the ProCoders Contact Form 7 HubSpot CRM for seamless integration to map your form fields directly to HubSpot fields through an easy-to-use interface.

What are best practices for ensuring data accuracy in the integration?

Regularly audit your field mappings, validate form entries before submission, and use required fields to ensure all necessary data is collected accurately.

How can I automate workflows with Contact Form 7 and HubSpot?

Integrate Contact Form 7 with HubSpot using a plugin by ProCoders, then set up workflows in HubSpot to automate tasks such as lead nurturing, follow-ups, and notifications.

What plugins are needed for Contact Form 7 and HubSpot integration?

You need Contact Form 7 and HubSpot Integration Plugin by ProCoders to connect and sync your form data with HubSpot.

How can I customize Contact Form 7 to work better with HubSpot?

Customize field labels and types to match HubSpot properties, and use hooks and filters provided by Contact Form 7 to enhance functionality.

How do I track form submissions from Contact Form 7 in HubSpot?

Ensure that your integration plugin is correctly set up to send form submissions to HubSpot, where they can be tracked as new contacts or form submissions.

What are the common issues faced during integration and how to solve them?

Common issues include incorrect field mappings and submission errors. Solve them by double-checking your field mappings and ensuring that all required fields in HubSpot are filled.

How do I set up email notifications for Contact Form 7 submissions in HubSpot?

Set up email notifications within HubSpot by creating workflows that trigger email alerts whenever a new form submission is received.

What are the best practices for managing leads collected via Contact Form 7 in HubSpot?

Segment your leads based on form responses, nurture them with personalized workflows, and regularly update your lead properties to keep data current.


Integrating Contact Form 7 with HubSpot offers a powerful combination for enhancing lead management and marketing efforts. By following best practices for form design, data mapping, workflow automation, Contact Form 7 HubSpot tracking, and compliance, businesses can streamline their processes and improve their engagement with leads. 

ProCoders’ HubSpot & Contact Form 7 Integration plugin simplifies this integration, ensuring a seamless and secure connection between your forms and HubSpot. Embrace these strategies to maximize the potential of your lead generation and nurture campaigns, driving better results and achieving your marketing goals.

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