Dedicated Team for Angular.js to Angular Migration

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A non-profit, non-governmental, open-source platform as a source of crisis information on topics from corruption and election manipulation to police brutality and domestic violence. How does that sound?

When our partner, Ushahidi, first contacted ProCoders asking for help, we were as impressed by the idea as you may be now. So, we’ve updated a 5-6-year-old website, migrated it to a newer framework, and redesigned a mobile app almost from scratch so that any user can report an event.

ushahidi case study website

The Ushahidi Challenge

Ushahidi wanted to improve the user experience of their web application for open-source product, which aligned with the organization’s mission – changing the way information flows in the world. They also wanted to give opportunities for beginner developers, which ended up in messy code and a dire need for professional review.

We ended up not only helping with the frontend of the website and building an app but also mentoring and supporting their international team a lot, sharing our unique experience and fresh perspective with Ushahidi’s programmers.


Why ProCoders

Our developers have vast experience in AngularJS to Angular migration and sophisticated management skills. Finding good AngularJS experts is quite a task as it’s an outdated framework, so migration often seems daunting to businesses. But ProCoders has such  specialists!

However, Ushahidi needed someone who would not only be tech-savvy but also would be able to work as a part of a multinational team with specialists scattered from Kenya to Hungary and Spain.

The partner knew ProCoders’ capabilities as they’ve come to us after a reference from another client who’s been successfully implementing tech solutions with our experts.

That’s when Ushahidi’s representatives realized it was a match!

David Losada

There has been good reception to the app from most internal stakeholders. Management has been highly responsive and hands-on at both the account and project level. Procoders values relationships that last, and they always strive to deliver the expected results.

David Losada
Director of Technology

ProCoders’ Way to Implement Ushahidi’s Ideas


Working Model

Ushahidi had a tech team that handled the platform’s backend, so they opted for the Team as a Service model for frontend development.

ProCoders has provided 6 people for the project:

3 Frontend Developers experienced in Angular.js, Angular, and Ionic

1 Quality Assurance expert

1 Project manager

1 UI/UX engineer

Learn About AngularJS Migration! Explore How ProCoders’ Expertise in This Area, Combined with Our Team as a Service Model, Made a Significant Impact on Platforms like Ushahidi.

Features We’ve Updated and Upgraded

Event Reporting

Information crowdsourcing and reports from anyone and anywhere using email, Twitter, Web, SMS & more.

Live Map

A map where you can see all posts. Integrated with Open Street Map and Mapbox for street and satellite view support.

Data Export

CSV export for the ability to move data to third-party analysis tools.

Categorizing Posts or Incidents

You can view all events or incidents reported by a single organization in all locations.

Sorting & Filtering

Location, date, problem category, new/old first, survey, source (email, SMS, etc.), date, etc.

Activity Tracking

Activity over time and by volume. The data is neatly visualized, convenient to perceive and track.

Profiles & Notifications

Multiple user roles and permissions for organizations that register; email and SMS notifications.


Development Challenges and How ProCoders Solved Them

The main challenge was team diversity causing communication gaps at first. Thanks to our talented PM, ProCoders was able to solve the riddle with:

  • Top-tier management and communication skills
  • Several calls a week at different times so that people in various time zones could join

Another complex task was the outdated interface and the patchwork-like code. The thing is, many developers with different backgrounds and design visions worked on the project, each bringing their own coding styles. 

As a result, the project gradually turned into a combination of code snippets that needed to be homogenized, and that’s exactly what we set out to do,

So, we approached the task with:

  • Effective workflow with issue prioritization
  • Guiding and sharing the experience with Ushahidi’s devs
  • Working closely with the Ushahidi’s CTO
David Losada

Procoders values relationships that last, and they always strive to deliver the expected results.

David Losada
Director of Technology

Ushahidi Results with ProCoders

After ProCoders migrated the site from AngularJS to Angular 14, there has been substantial progress, with an estimated 60-70% difference in the platform’s appearance and functionality, according to our PM Evan.

The Ushahidi mobile app is developed exclusively by ProCoders. It will be a light version of the platform, focusing on essential features to facilitate easy reporting of incidents and account management.

All that in about 1 year! We’re still collaborating and preparing for the app’s launch, so many exciting tasks are underway.

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    avanto care mobile

    Avanto Care

    Given that the elderly make up 20% of Sweden's population, it's not surprising that there are numerous eHealth platforms tailored for this social group. But what if you add IoT capabilities, health tracker integration, and data visualization for risk management and reporting? All of this is about our partner – Avanto Care. ProCoders’ full-stack developers helped scale up the product development process, integrating new features and achieving remarkable results.
    Read the full case study
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