eCommerce App Development


Country: NDA
Type of product: Web App, Mobile App, API
Industries: Logistics, Retail, Delivery
Timeframe: 2020-2022

DISCLAIMER: We will not disclose details such as the name and location of the project as per the NDA our company signed with the partner. Briefly, this retail business was looking for opportunities to make a profit and reach a wider audience by digitalizing its services. The partner came to ProCoders through a reference and became our very first Discovery Phase case.

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case illustration for the marketplace app

Partner’s Business/Tech Needs

The company approached ProCoders expressing the desire to create a solution based on an example they provided. That was a successful American marketplace, but the client wanted a variation tailored specifically to one European country.

Our partner sought a software development company to cover the full cycle from design to deployment and maintenance. After initial discussions about feasibility and cost, ProCoders agreed to undertake the project.

The business needed a highly scalable retail solution with features such as a secure payment system, live monitoring, etc.

The Team ProCoders Assembled

Our partner didn’t have in-house developers. Our Self-Managed Dedicated Team model was ideally suited for this case as it offers a comprehensive service package.

case illustration of a self-managed dedicated team

The Self-Managed Dedicated Team (SMDT) is a model we’ve adopted for partners who lack a technical team and require a full spectrum of expertise for their projects.

This approach involves assembling a dedicated team, including a project manager (PM) who oversees the development process and acts as the main point of contact. The PM translates the client’s business needs into specific requirements for the developers.

The initial step in this model is the Project Discovery Phase. This phase not only clearly defines the goals, priorities, and stages of development but also includes the design, prototyping, and estimation of the features that will be included in the solution.

ProCoders has provided the following specialists:


Project Generalist




Lead Front-End/Mobile Engineer


Middle Frontend/Mobile Developers


Middle Backend Developer (NodeJS)


QA Engineers

Our Tech Approach

To expedite development, our experts utilized Angular with Ionic, allowing for the easy adaptation of the web application code to mobile platforms. This combination of Angular and Ionic enabled the use of the same components for both web and mobile versions of the solution, significantly reducing development costs.

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A notable technological aspect was the live update feature for the mobile application without requiring re-submission to app stores. This allowed quick deployment of features directly to end-users, enhancing the user experience.


Lead Developer on the Project

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“An interesting technological aspect was the live update feature for the mobile application without requiring re-submission to app stores. This allowed quick deployment of features directly to end-users, enhancing the user experience.”

ProCoders’ Lead Developer on the Project
case discovery illustration

The Start of Our Collaboration: Discovery Phase

The Discovery Phase is a critical initial step where we establish priorities, determine which features will be included, develop prototypes, and estimate the necessary time for development. We understand that before beginning any actual coding, it’s essential to fully understand what the client wants. For this purpose, we’ve adopted the Discovery process.

For this solution, we developed a design prototype early on to align our vision with the client’s expectations. Understanding that there would be multiple applications, our specialists focused on creating a scalable, custom solution.

Within this phase, ProCoders’ experts provided documentation with detailed descriptions of each application’s features. We also developed a design prototype that was presented to investors for approval, ensuring all stakeholders had a clear vision of the product and its functionality.

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The Features ProCoders Implemented

As the purpose of the solution shifted, ProCoders’ specialists delivered the enhanced marketplace version with new features such as phone number confirmation, live map tracking, wishlist, order history, etc.

Additionally, our engineers successfully integrated accounting software and printer systems, utilizing custom solutions due to pre-existing vendor contracts. Eventually, the project included features like report generation, product imports via CSV, POS integration, inventory monitoring, and an AI-powered search engine.

The Level of Your Future App Depends on the Level of the Tech Team Working on It. We at ProCoders Are Ready to Assemble Experts to Meet Your Expectations!

Challenges Along the Way


As a result, our partner has 6 high-performing apps that cover their business needs.

The products were released on time with all the necessary features, garnering positive reviews from customers, admins, drivers, etc.

The first solution was up and running in just 4 months! Developing the enhanced version of the marketplace took less than 8 months, including a complex payment system and a wide range of features.

Partner Review

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ProCoders is very responsible. In [our country], the market is a little tough. Therefore, to implement a platform that already exists in the US or other countries in Europe can be different. However, their team has a lot of very creative ideas. If we have any problem or question, they give us an answer or solution to it, which is really brilliant.


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Given that the elderly make up 20% of Sweden's population, it's not surprising that there are numerous eHealth platforms tailored for this social group. But what if you add IoT capabilities, health tracker integration, and data visualization for risk management and reporting? All of this is about our partner – Avanto Care. ProCoders’ full-stack developers helped scale up the product development process, integrating new features and achieving remarkable results.
Read the full case study
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