eCommerce App Development


Country: NDA
Type of product: Web App, Mobile App, API
Industries: Logistics, Retail, Delivery
Timeframe: 2020-2022

DISCLAIMER: We will not disclose details such as the name and location of the project as per the NDA our company signed with the partner. Briefly, this retail business was looking for opportunities to make a profit and reach a wider audience by digitalizing its services. The partner came to ProCoders through a reference and became our very first Discovery Phase case.

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case study avanto care

Avanto Care

Given that the elderly make up 20% of Sweden's population, it's not surprising that there are numerous eHealth platforms tailored for this social group. But what if you add IoT capabilities, health tracker integration, and data visualization for risk management and reporting? All of this is about our partner – Avanto Care. ProCoders’ full-stack developers helped scale up the product development process, integrating new features and achieving remarkable results.
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