Welcome to ProCoders – your IT powerhouse!

Here, we amp up possibilities through strategic staff augmentation solutions, empowering businesses to thrive in the digital era. With a track record of 9 years and a team of over 120 skilled pro coders, we stand as a trusted tech partner on a quest to ambition digitalization and growth!

ProCoders in Numbers

Our Journey:

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How It Started

The roots of ProCoders trace back to the insightful observations of our founder, Oleg Kopachovets, during his work as a CTO at various European product companies in the early 2010s. 

As a technical leader, Oleg experienced the challenges and limitations of existing outsourcing and staff augmentation providers. We can see these limitations still in action as many partners come to ProCoders after an unsatisfactory experience with other outsourcing companies.

Motivated by a desire to enhance the services he encountered, Oleg envisioned a company that would redefine outsourcing, leading to the birth of ProCoders.

Oleg Kopachovets

“Outsourcing left me unfulfilled – so I set out to build something better.”

Oleg Kopachovets
ProCoders’ Founder and CEO

ProCoders’ Path

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The Unimaginable Challenge

In the summer of 2022, ProCoders moved to a new office space, accommodating the growing team and bright plans for the future. On February 24th, our lives changed forever as Russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, our home country.

Some members of the team went straight to the office to comfort each other and figure out what to do next. Our leadership offered help with relocation, including overseas, and supported every employee by all means, from psychological to financial help.

Yes, it was scary. Yes, there was panic at first. But we managed to maintain our processes! What exactly did ProCoders do? We continued working, maintaining collaborations, and delivering solutions according to contracts with our partners. At that point, many of our relationships evolved.

We didn’t just stay afloat. ProCoders continued to grow and build new partnerships, digitalizing businesses globally.

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“But after all the kind words, sympathies, and offers of help we can’t say it’s just a business partnership anymore. It’s a true friendship! Our friends have suggested us dozens of things, including accommodation, offices, space to work, relocation financing, help with institutional issues in the EU. We just want to say thank you to our foreign friends for their understanding, support, and help they provide.”

ProCoders Instagram Post
April 6, 2022
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How It’s Going

ProCoders adapted to the new reality, and in May of 2022, we hired our first developer outside Ukraine, taking a course to become an international team. About a year later, we moved our main office to Portugal on a quest to level up, reach new sources of talent, and be more accessible to potential partners.

Nowadays, ProCoders is not just thriving but taking up new challenges. We entered the AI niche with OmniMind – a low-code platform that enables any business or individual to create a custom AI assistant and embed it into their website or app.
We’re combining traditional, proven technologies with innovation to drive growth for our partners (and ourselves). Develop, migrate, and infuse with AI – businesses reimagine what’s possible for their solutions with ProCoders!

Oleg Kopachovets

“Fast forward to 2023, we initiated a representative office, and later in the same year, we established a full-fledged office in Lisbon. The path wasn’t devoid of challenges and missteps, yet now we hold invaluable experience of operating in Portugal, nurturing a full business structure and budding success story.”

Oleg Kopachovets
ProCoders Founder and CEO

Our Focus

01. Technology Expertise

Our commitment to technical excellence begins with the caliber of our staff. We exclusively hire middle and senior specialists, ensuring a depth of expertise that sets us apart. They all pass interviews with practicing tech leads, so we know that each designer, developer, or QA specialist who ends up on the ProCoders team can take care of our partners’ projects, even the most challenging ones.

As a result of such an approach, we now have experts fluent in 50+ programming languages and frameworks! That’s why we always have something to offer to implement our partners’ ambitions into tech solutions.


Our Focus

02. Innovation

At ProCoders, we’re hungry for innovation. When a framework updates, we’re not just aware; we embrace it. When there’s even a minor Google update that may impact our partners’ projects, we not only know about it but proactively address it pre-impact.

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Our Focus

03. Partner-Centric Approach

We’re not here to just do our thing and go – we’re here to integrate into your processes and power them up! Our teams are designed for scalability and are ready to adapt to the evolving needs and changing circumstances of your projects.

We’re quick to react so that your product doesn’t miss out!


Our Focus

04. Global Presence

We partner with businesses from the US, the UK, Israel, Canada, Germany, and other countries. Moreover, we have loyal advocates in some of these countries who are willing to meet up for a cup of coffee to share their experience working with ProCoders. 

It’s things like this that make our partners say:

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Our Mission

At ProCoders, we strive to grow along with the businesses we work with, democratizing digitalization and AI and extending their benefits across all industries. We believe in empowering companies to earn more through smart user experiences, fast and scalable backend, frontend that works like a clock, eye-catching design, and top-tier tech management. 

All that without the HR hassles and unnecessary expenses on taxes and office space from your side. ProCoders helps companies discover the new era where outsourcing transforms into a strategic partnership. 

We proudly declare that service is our superpower,
and we’re here to redefine your tech journey.

We Сontinually Сhallenge our Capabilities

Champion Badge 2023 - Fall Clutch

ProCoders has been recognized as one of the top 10% of global companies for its ability to deliver exceptional services in 2023.

iso-ies 27001 certified

We have a system to manage risks related to data security and respect all the best practices and principles enshrined in this International Standard.

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Ranked 3rd in Kentucky on Clutch among Staff Augmentation Companies

Our Values

01. Our Values Partnerships, Not Clients

Our approach transcends conventional client-vendor relationships. We don’t just work for you; we work with you, fostering a true partnership where your success is intricately linked to ours.


Our Values

02. Mutual Growth

ProCoders thrives on the principle of mutual growth. As our partners flourish, so do we. That’s another reason why we strive to make your product better, because we improve with our partners. Our collaborative efforts are geared towards achieving shared success.

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Our Values

03. Quality

Quality is the cornerstone of our operations. From code to communication, we are dedicated to delivering a top-quality experience comprised of every aspect of our service. 


Our Values

04. Transparent Communication

Clear and open communication is fundamental to any relationship, so why not extend it to business partnerships? We believe keeping you informed at every stage of the development process helps deliver a close-to-perfect product, meeting your and your customers’ expectations.

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Our Values

05. Trust & Accountability

Building trust is not just a goal; it’s a commitment. We fly to your location to have a business lunch; we offer free trials whenever necessary; we take accountability for our actions, fostering trust that forms the bedrock of enduring partnerships.


Partner with ProCoders

Join us, and let’s make your digital ambitions the new reality! ProCoders offers a comprehensive suite of services:

Your Success, Coded.
Connect with ProCoders for a Transformational Journey!

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